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    Class List
    Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
    [detail level 12345]
     NmaxonThe maxon namespace contains all declarations of the MAXON API
     CAutoBitmapA simple BaseBitmap wrapper created from a filename or resource ID
     CBaseCustomGuiThe base class for custom GUIs
     CBaseDataThe base class for all plugin data classes
     CBaseLinkArrayA helper class to handle BaseLink instances
     CBaseParticleStructure used to change the particle path by the particle modifiers
     CBasePluginThe base class for Cinema 4D plugins
     CBatchRenderA class to access the Render Queue
     CBDSetSceneCameraMsgStruct for the BASEDRAW_MESSAGE_SET_SCENE_CAMERA message
     CBitmapButtonCallbackCallback for BitmapButtonCustomGui, registered with BitmapButtonCustomGui::SetCallback()
     CBitmapLoaderAnimatedDataData structure for loading a movie in a bitmap loader
     CBPColorSettingsColor Settings for a BodyPaint 3D channel
     CBPColorSettingsHelpersFunctions to get access to the selected BodyPaint 3D channel color settings
     CBPPaintSettingsPaint Settings for BodyPaint 3D channels
     CBPSingleColorSettingsColor settings
     CBrushBaseHelper class for the BrushToolData hook
     CBrushDabDataThe brush data for an individual dab. This is passed into the method defined by the user in SculptBrushParams::SetMovePointFunc
     CBrushPointDataThe data for each point in a brush dab
     CBrushPolyDataThe data for each point in a brush dab
     CC4DAtomGoalDummy class for C4DAtom objects that can be pointed to by BaseLink objects
     CC4DGadgetRepresents a gadget in a dialog
     CC4DNoiseThe noise class used for the Cinema 4D shaders
     CC4DUuidDeprecated. Use maxon::Uuid
     CCellInfoTree/List view cell information
     CCKeyRepresents a key in the CCurve of a track which represent the animation of a parameter
     CCloudObjectCloud object
     CControlDisplayStructDisplayControl data
     CCPolygonRepresents a polygon that can be either a triangle or a quadrangle
     CCustomDataTypeBase class for custom data types
     CCustomSculptBrushBasePrivate. Internal
     CCustomSplineKnotRepresents a knot in a spline
     CDateTimeRepresents a date and time
     CDescLevelRepresents a level within a DescID
     CDescriptionBaseMessageMessage struct for some message types
     CDescriptionCheckDragAndDropMessage struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKDRAGANDDROP
     CDescriptionCheckUpdateMessage struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKUPDATE message
     CDescriptionCommandMessage struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_COMMAND
     CDescriptionGetBitmapMessage struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_GETBITMAP
     CDescriptionImExportInitMessage struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_IMPEXPORT_INIT message
     CDescriptionInitUndoMessage struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_INITUNDO message
     CDescriptionInlineObjectMsgMessage struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_GETINLINEOBJECT message
     CDescriptionPopupMessage struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_POPUP
     CDescriptionPostSetValueMessage struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_POSTSETPARAMETER message
     CDescriptionValidateMessage struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATE message
     CDocumentImportedMessage struct for the MSG_MULTI_DOCUMENTIMPORTED message
     CDocumentInfoClipDataMessage struct for the MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_PASTE and MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_COPY messages. Private
     CDocumentInfoDataMessage struct for the MSG_DOCUMENTINFO message
     CDocumentInfoMakeProjMessage struct for the MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_MAKEPROJECT message
     CDpointMotion particle transformation data
     CDragAndDropMessage struct for the MSG_DRAGANDDROP message
     CDragInfoTree/List view drag information
     CDrawInfoTree/List view draw information
     CEditorWindowHelper class for the editor's window
     CEffectorDataStructData structure for an effector's internal data, filled from its container.
     CFieldInfoThread local information for this field sample invocation
     CFieldListField custom GUI (CUSTOMDATATYPE_FIELDLIST) for the Field list data
     CFilenameManages file and path names
     CGeCipher256A class that encrypts data using an insecure scrambling
     CGeListNodeRepresents a C4DAtom that resides in a 4D list
     CGeListViewSimpleListView base class. Mostly internal
     CGeMarkerA unique marker that identifies an object
     CGeModalDialogThis class is especially designed for modal dialogs. This means that as long as the dialog is open, Cinema 4D has to wait until the user closes the dialog
     CGeRayColResultStores the result of calculations with GeRayCollider
     CGeResourceThis class allows to access resource files on the hard drive, for example to load dialog resources or to access string tables
     CGetCustomIconDataMessage struct for the MSG_GETCUSTOMICON message
     CGetMGSelectionMessageMessage struct for the MSG_GET_MODATASELECTION message
     CGetMGWeightMessageMessage struct for the MSG_GET_MODATAWEIGHTS message
     CGetMoDataMessageStructure for passing MoData around
     CGetRealCameraDataMessage struct for the MSG_GETREALCAMERADATA message
     CGetRealTagDataMessage struct for the MSG_GETREALTAGDATA message
     CGlobalIlluminationInformationMessage struct for the MSG_GLOBALILLUMINATIONINFORMATION message
     CGV_DATA_HANDLERData type handler. Use GvRegisterDataType() to register
     CGV_OPCLASS_HANDLEROperator class handler. Use GvRegisterOpClassType() to register
     CGV_OPGROUP_HANDLEROperator group handler. Use GvRegisterOpGroupType() to register
     CGV_VALGROUP_HANDLERValue group handler. Use GvRegisterValGroupType() to register
     CGV_VALUE_HANDLERValue handler. Use GvRegisterValueType() to register
     CGvCalcTableUsed for iterator nodes. Cannot be instantiated
     CGvCalcTimeStores calculation time related information. Cannot be instantiated
     CGvDestinationConnections destination data
     CGvDynamicDataRepresents a GV data and information about its data type
     CGvNodeGUIGV node GUI helper class. Cannot be instantiated
     CGvPortDescInfoPort description information
     CGvPortDescriptionPort description data
     CGvPortInfoPort information data
     CGvPortListEntryRepresents a port entry in GvPortList
     CGvPortsDescInfoConvenience collection of 2 GvPortDescInfo structures for the input and output ports
     CGvPortsInfoConvenience structure for port calculation speedup
     CGvRunContains helper functions for controlling node evaluation. Cannot be instantiated
     CGvWorldThe GV world class. Cannot be instantiated. To retrieve the global instance call GvGetWorld()
     CHairGuideDynamicsContains hair dynamics information. Cannot be allocated
     CHairMaterialDataContains information about hair materials. Cannot be allocated
     CHNDataHolds HyperNURBS weight tag data
     CHUDTextEntryClass structure to hold HUD Text for BaseDraw::DrawMultipleHudText
     CHyperLinkDataHyper link custom data (CUSTOMDATATYPE_HYPER_LINK_STATIC) for use with HyperLinkCustomGui
     CIconDataRepresents a single icon in a large bitmap array
     CInExcludeDataInExclude custom data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_INEXCLUDE_LIST)
     CInvokeScriptDataMessage structure for the MSG_TRANSFORM_OBJECT message. Private
     CIpointStruct that holds the information for each particle
     CKerningHolds the kerning parameters for one character in a string
     CKerningCustomGuiThe custom GUI to display and edit Kerning data
     CKerningTriStateTriState helper for class Kerning
     CLassoSelectionUsed to select any GUI element with a lasso
     CLayerSetLayer set custom data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_LAYERSET)
     CLayerSetCustomGuiLayerSet custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_LAYERSET)
     CLayerShaderLayerRepresents a layer in a LayerShader
     CLensGlowCustomGuiLens Glow custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_LENSGLOW) for use with the LensGlowStruct data type
     CLensGlowStructLens Glow data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_LENSGLOW) for use with LensGlowCustomGui
     CLIMIT< Char >
     CLIMIT< Float32 >
     CLIMIT< Float64 >
     CLIMIT< Int16 >
     CLIMIT< Int32 >
     CLIMIT< Int64 >
     CLIMIT< UChar >
     CLIMIT< UInt16 >
     CLIMIT< UInt32 >
     CLIMIT< UInt64 >
     CLMinMaxA class to construct a bounding box around points
     CLocalFileTimeRepresents a date time
     CLowerCaseStringHelper< STRING_WRAPPER, std::index_sequence< INDICES... > >
     CMatAssignDataMaterial assignment custom data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_MATASSIGN)
     CMaterialDragAndDropMessage struct for the MSG_MATERIALDRAGANDDROP message
     CMaterialPreviewDataMaterial preview data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_MATPREVIEW) for MaterialPreviewCustomGui
     CMatPreviewCopyUserDataMessage struct for MATPREVIEW_COPY_USERDATA
     CMatPreviewGenerateImageMessage struct for MATPREVIEW_GENERATE_IMAGE
     CMatPreviewModifyCacheSceneMessage struct for MATPREVIEW_MODIFY_CACHE_SCENE
     CMatPreviewObjectInfoMessage struct for MATPREVIEW_GET_OBJECT_INFO
     CMatPreviewPrepareSceneMessage struct for MATPREVIEW_PREPARE_SCENE
     CMDArrayTemplate array class used for arrays filled by MoData
     CMessageDocumentConvertColorsMessage struct for the MSG_DOCUMENT_CONVERT_COLORS message
     CMessageFilterMessage struct for the MSG_FILTER message
     CMessageScaleDocumentMessage struct for the MSG_SCALEDOCUMENT message
     CMGWeightDataHolds weight information for MoGraph weight tags
     CMoDataClass for handling MoGraph motion data
     CModelingModeling engine
     CModelingCommandDataA helper object for SendModelingCommand()
     CModifierFlagsMsgDataMessage structure for the MSG_GETMODIFIERFLAGS message. Private
     CMouseInfoTree/List view mouse information
     CMovieViewCustomGuiMovie viewer custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_MOVIEVIEW). Currently Mac only
     CMTCharacterDefinitionTagRepresents the Character Definition tag
     CMultilineEditTextStoreUndoMessage struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_STOREUNDO and MSG_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_RESTOREUNDO messages
     CNormalTagRepresents a Point Normal tag
     CObjectColorPropertiesData structure for object color properties
     CObjectSelectionDataMessage struct for the MSG_GETSELECTION message. Private
     CObjectTransformMsgDataMessage structure for the MSG_TRANSFORM_OBJECT message. Private
     COcioConverterClass which transforms colors from one OCIO color space to another
     CPaintBitmapThe base class of all paint classes. Can be a texture, material, layer or mask
     CPaintLayerA class for paint layers. Can be any kind of layer (layer, layer set, etc.)
     CPaintLayerBmpA class for layers with pixels
     CPaintLayerFolderA class for paint layer folders
     CPaintLayerMaskA class for paint layer masks
     CPaintManagerFunctions to access Texture Views
     CPaintMaterialA class for paint materials. It represents a paintable material
     CPaintTextureA class for paint textures, can contain layers and may represent the channel of a material
     CPaintViewRepresents a Texture View
     CParticleThe information for each particle: its location, movement and life
     CParticleDetailsDetails about the position and life of a particle, this is retrieved using ParticleObject::GetParticleDetails()
     CPLADataPLA custom data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_PLA) for PLA tracks
     CPointTagRepresents the Point tag
     CPolygonTagRepresents the Polygon tag
     CPolyVectorThe UVWs for a polygon. In the raytracer they are uncompressed
     CPresampleFieldSingleDataMessage struct for MSG_PRESAMPLE_FIELD_SINGLE
     CPreSaveValidationStructData for MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_CHECKSAVEDENIED message
     CPriorityDataPriority custom data type (CUSTOMGUI_PRIORITY_DATA)
     CRayEnvironmentThe data for the scene environment (if an EnvironmentObject was in the scene)
     CRayIlluminationIllumination information for materials
     CRayLightComponentUse by custom illumination models; the illumination model fills out rdiffuse and rspecular for a given light source
     CRayMotionCameraMotion Blur camera
     CRayPolyWeightStores polygon weight information. Filled by VolumeData::GetWeights()
     CRayRadianceObjectContains the computed radiance values for an object
     CRedirectMsgDataMessage structure for the MSG_REDIRECT message. Private
     CRenderNotificationDataMessage struct for the MSG_MULTI_RENDERNOTIFICATION message
     CRenderPathDataData structure to collect render information in handling Tokens in render output path
     CResolvePortDescIdHelper structure used together with GV_MESSAGE_OBJECT_RESOLVEPORTDESCID
     CScriptInfoDataBroadcasted alongside the message MSG_MULTI_SCRIPTINFO to query scene elements for scripts they contain and might execute
     CSculptBrushModifierDataData class to create sculpt brush modifier plugins. Use RegisterBrushModifier() to register one
     CSculptFolderA SculptFolder can contain many SculptLayer objects or other SculptFolder objects as children
     CSculptHitDataData structure filled out by the SculptObject::Hit() methods
     CSculptLayerA sculpt layer can contain one or more SculptLayerData children
     CSculptLayerBaseBase class for sculpt layers
     CSDataExSound sample data
     CSDKReferenceObjectBase class for the browser nodes
     CSDKReferenceObjectBasePtrBase class for the SDKReferenceObjectPtr class. Holds the interface pointer
     CSegmentRepresents a Spline segment data
     CSegmentTagRepresents the Segment tag
     CSimpleListViewA class for simple list views. See ListView.cpp SDK example
     CSMinMaxA class to construct a bounding box around points
     CSnapCoreThe Snap Interface, must be allocated either with AutoAlloc, or Alloc() and freed after use with Free()
     CSnapPointStructure for holding and returning information about the result of a snap and the point that has been snapped to
     CSnapResultThe final result that the user gets when calling SnapCore::Snap or SnapCore::Intersect
     CSnapStructStructure containing relevant context information for the snap system
     CSplineDataCallbackCoreMessageCallback struct for the SPLINE_CALLBACK_CORE_MESSAGE call
     CSplineDataCallbackCursorInfoCallback struct for the SPLINE_CALLBACK_CURSORINFO call
     CSplineDataCallbackDrawCallback struct for the SPLINE_CALLBACK_DRAW call
     CSplineObjectRepresents a spline object
     CStereoCameraInfoStereoscopic camera information
     CStratified2DRandomA class to generate stratified 2D random numbers
     CStringUndoMessage struct for the MSG_STRINGUNDO message. Private
     CSubDialogThis class is for creating sub-dialogs that can be attached to a SUBDIALOG control in an ordinary GeDialog with GeDialog::AttachSubDialog()
     CSurfaceDataFilled by VolumeData::GetSurfaceData()
     CSurfaceIntersectionA structure for surface intersections
     CTagModifyMsgDataMessage structure for the MSG_TAG_MODIFY message. Private
     CTangentRepresents a tangent with its left and right interpolation parts
     CTangentTagRepresents the Spline Tangent tag
     CTextureManagerCustomGuiCustom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_TEXTUREMANAGER) for managing paint textures
     CTexturenameCustomGuiTexture name custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_TEXTURENAME)
     CTokenEntryData structure that represents a Token
     CToolTransformMsgDataMessage structure for the MSG_TOOL_TRANSFORM message. Private
     CTP_ParticleNodeRepresents a particle in a TP_PGroup list
     CTP_PGroupRepresents a particle group
     CTP_PGroupPreRemoveData structure for TP_MSG_PGROUP_PREREMOVE message
     CTP_PShapeIPShape datatype
     CTP_PShapePtrWrapper around a TP_PShapeI pointer
     CTreeViewDropDownMenuInfoDropDown menu information, filled out by the user
     CTreeViewFloatSliderInfoPercentage floating slider information, filled out by the user
     CTreeViewFunctionsInherit this class to supply a data and view model for TreeViewCustomGui. See ActiveObject.cpp SDK example
     CUpdateDialogHelperHelper class for GeDialog::BeginLayoutChange()
     CVertexMapTagRepresents the Vertex Map tag
     CVPBufferA rendering bitmap buffer. Represents internally the same class as MultipassBitmap, so a VPBuffer can be cast to a MultipassBitmap and vice versa
     CXrefInitDataMessage struct for the MSG_XREFINIT message
     CZipFileAllows to read/write ZIP files