►Nbirender | |
CJointData | |
CLineData | |
CSegment | |
CLineRenderData | |
CCallbackData | |
CRenderCallbackLineData | |
►Ndetails | |
CEnumWrapper | |
►Nexample1 | |
CAutomobileInterface | [interfaces_functions_method] |
►Nexample2 | |
CAutomobileInterface | [interfaces_functions_function] |
►Nexample3 | |
CAutomobileInterface | [interfaces_functions_plain] |
►Nexample4 | |
CAutomobileInterface | [interfaces_functions_reference_add] |
►Nmaxon | The maxon namespace contains all declarations of the MAXON API |
►Ncorenodes | This namespace contains the API of the nodes framework |
►Ndetails | |
CCoreNodeFactoryFunctionHelper | |
CCoreNodeFactoryFunctionHelper< true > | |
CSetParameters | |
CSetParameters< CORENODE, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename CORENODE::Parameters >::type > | |
COperatorNodeBase | |
COperatorNodeBase< ParameterPack< IN >, 0 > | |
COperatorMicroNode | |
COperatorNodeHelper | |
COperatorNodeHelper< OP, RESULT, TYPES, std::index_sequence< I... > > | |
CMethodWrapper | |
CDirectPortAccess | |
CMappedPortAccess | |
CArrayElementAccess | |
CPortOps | |
CPortOpsBase | |
CPortOpsBase< T &, ACCESS > | |
CIndexedPortAccess | |
CIndexedPort | |
CSourceCodePortId | SourceCodePortId is used internally to identify the ports created with the MAXON_PORT macros |
CPortDefBase | |
CPortDefBaseCtor | |
CPortDefBaseCtor< C, MICRO, HASH, FLAGS, MEMBERS, void, -1 > | |
CAddDimension | |
CAddDimension< void, N > | |
CPortArrayAccess | |
CSelect | |
CPortMembers | |
CPortInfo | PortInfo stores information about a port, it is returned by CoreNodeBaseInterface::GetPortInfo() |
CCoreNodeBaseInterface | |
CCoreNodeInterface | |
►CMicroNodeGroupInterface | |
CPrivateAutoCreatePortInfo | |
CCoreNodeGroupInterface | CoreNodeGroupInterface is a group of core nodes |
CConversionNode | |
CConversionSequence | |
CConstructionErrorInterface | |
CPortTypeConstructionErrorInterface | Return this error for port type related error on corenodes |
CCoreNodeErrorHelper | The CoreNodeErrorHelper publishes helper functions to simplify CoreNode error handling |
CPortId | |
CInPortId | |
COutPortId | |
CIdBuilder | |
CIdOrBuilder | |
COperatorNodeLlvmBase | |
COperatorNodeLlvm | |
COperatorNode | |
COperatorNode< OP, RESULT(IN...)> | |
►CMicroNode | |
CAllowsChild | |
CAllowsParent | |
CBase | |
CChild | |
►CLazy | |
CPort | |
►CPortsAccess | |
CBatchIterator | |
CEmptyInputMembersIteration | |
CInputMembers | |
CIterator | |
CMembers | |
CNonEmptyInputMembersIteration | |
COutputMembers | |
CSource | |
CCoreNodeInstanceBaseInterface | |
CMicroNodePtr | |
►CVariadicPort | |
CAccess | |
►CPorts | |
CIterator | |
CMicroNodeInterface | |
CCoreNodeInstanceInterface | |
►COptimizationInfo | |
COutput | |
CShortCircuitRule | |
CCoreNodesLib | CoreNodesLib provides a set of static methods around core nodes |
►CVariableBase | |
CAllowsParent | |
CVirtualInputPort | |
CVariableMicroNode | |
CBasicMicroNode | |
CBatchMicroNode | |
CUnannotatedType | |
CMicroNodeRuntime | |
CRuntimeErrorInterface | @MAXON_ANNOTATION{errorObject=false} |
CFrameData | FrameData gives access to the runtime storage where members of a Frame are stored during execution |
CVarAccess | |
CContainerVarAccess | |
CBatchVarAccess | |
►Ndetail | |
CStackArrayHelper | |
CStackMatrixHelper | |
►Ndetails | |
CEqualityCompare | |
CLessThanCompare | |
CCopyImplSelector | |
CCopyImplSelector< false > | |
CCopyImplSelector< true > | |
CStaticSplitHelper | |
CStaticSplitHelper< 0, I > | |
CParameterPackContainsAll | |
CParameterPackContainsAll< PACK, ParameterPack< X... > > | |
CHasBaseHelper | |
CHasBaseHelper< D, B, 1 > | |
CHasBaseHelper< D, B, 2 > | |
CHasBaseHelper< Generic, InternedId, 0 > | |
►CDefaultHasBase | |
CCheck | |
CMakeLValueConst | |
CMakeLValueConst< T & > | |
CCheckHasBaseHelper | |
CCheckHasBaseHelper< T, T > | |
CBlockType | |
CBlockType< void > | |
CBlockType< const void > | |
CContainerIterator | |
CMemberTypeBase | |
CMemberTypeBase< T, true, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< InternedIdFidBase, T >::value, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename T::ValueType >::type >::type > | |
CMemberType | |
CSubstituteReferenceByPointer | |
CSubstituteReferenceByPointer< T & > | |
CSubstituteReferenceByPointer< T && > | |
CObjectBaseRefImpl | |
CObjectBaseRefImpl< EntityBase::FLAGS::REFERENCE_NORMAL > | |
CObjectBaseRefImpl< EntityBase::FLAGS::REFERENCE_CONST > | |
CObjectBaseRefImpl< EntityBase::FLAGS::REFERENCE_COPY_ON_WRITE > | |
CMethodDelegateType | |
CMethodDelegateType< RESULT(*)(OBJECT *, ARGS...)> | |
CMethodDelegateThisType | |
CInternedIdSwitch | |
CIdSwitch | |
CLiteralIdSwitch | |
CDataIdSwitch | |
CIdSwitchCheck | |
CValidKeyValuePairTraitHelper | Value type validation class to that can be used to prevent certain types from being used as value type in containers. For instance, DataDictionary uses it to prevent use of LiteralId as value type (LiteralId is constexpr, cannot be de-serialized) |
CValidKeyValuePairTraitHelper< ILLEGALTYPE > | |
CIterableBeginHelper | |
CIterableBeginHelper< T[N]> | |
CIterableBeginHelper< T(&)[N]> | |
►CReverseIterable | |
CIterator | |
CGlobalBase | GlobalBase is used as member of Global |
CDirectInstanceHandler | |
CDirectInstance | |
CHasCommonType | |
CHasCommonType< T1, T2, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::common_type< T1, T2 >::type >::type > | |
CAddResultHelper | |
CAddResultHelper< T, true > | |
CAddResultHelper< ResultOk< T >, true > | |
CAddResultHelper< Result< T >, true > | |
CAddResultHelper< ResultMemT< Bool >, true > | |
CAddResultHelper< ResultMemT< T * >, true > | |
CAddResultHelper< ResultRef< T >, true > | |
CInitializationFunctions | |
CClassGetNonConst | |
CClassGetNonConst< ObjectRef > | |
CRemoveForwardRef | |
CRemoveForwardRef< ForwardRef< T > > | |
CCastHelper | |
CCastHelper< R, SRC, true > | |
CComponentIdentifierMetaData | |
CComponentIdentifierMetaData< const Char *, DEF > | |
CComponentIdentifierMetaData< LiteralId, DEF > | |
CComponentIdentifierMetaData< Id, DEF > | |
CUnresolvedReturnType | |
CUnresolvedReturnType< UniqueHash > | |
CUnresolvedReturnType< T, typename std::enable_if< GetDirectlyReferencedType< T >::value &&!(T::Handler::KIND &VALUEKIND::POINTER)>::type > | |
CUnresolvedReturnType< Result< T > > | |
CCallMe | |
CCallMe< void > | |
CCallMe< Result< T > > | |
CCallMe< Result< void > > | |
CUnpackConstData | |
CUnpackConstData< RESULT(ARGS...)> | |
CPackConstData | |
CGetResultType | |
CGetResultType< Data > | |
CGetResultType< void > | |
CGetResultType< Result< T > > | |
CGetResultType< Result< Data > > | |
CGetResultType< Result< void > > | |
COptScalarStorage | |
COptRefStorage | |
COptDefaultStorage | |
CResultOptFunctions | |
CLessThanAsLessThanOrEqual | |
CForceEvaluation | |
CPartialSumSequenceHelper | |
CPartialSumSequenceHelper< ZERO_BASED, SEQUENCE, SUM > | |
CPartialSumSequenceHelper< ZERO_BASED, SEQUENCE, SUM, X, REST... > | |
CBaseLock | |
CExecuteOnMainThreadResult | Helper template for ExecuteOnMainThread()'s return value |
CExecuteOnMainThreadResult< Result< RESULTVALUETYPE > > | |
CExecuteOnMainThreadResult< void > | |
CTupleStorageLayout | |
CTupleStorageLayout< INDEX, PRE_OFFSET, PRE_MAX_ALIGN > | |
CTupleStorageBase | |
CTupleStorageBase< false, true, T... > | |
CTupleStorageBase< true, false, T... > | |
CTupleStorageBase< true, true, T... > | |
CTupleRefWrapper | |
CTupleRefWrapper< T & > | |
CTupleStorage | |
CTupleStorage< T1 > | |
CTupleStorage< T1, T2 > | |
CTupleStorage< T1, T2, T3 > | |
CTupleStorage< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | |
CTupleStorage< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | |
CTupleStorage< T1, UnitType > | |
CTupleStorage< T1, const UnitType & > | |
CPairSelector | |
CPairSelector< T1, T2, UnitType > | |
CHomogenousTupleTypeHelper | |
CHomogenousTupleTypeHelper< 0, T, TYPES ... > | |
CTupleRecHelper | |
CTupleRecHelper< I, 1 > | |
CTupleRecHelper< I, 0 > | |
CNonEmptyDerived | |
CNonEmptyDerived< B1, EmptyClass > | |
CNonEmptyDerived< EmptyClass, B2 > | |
CNonEmptyDerived< EmptyClass, EmptyClass > | |
CNonEmptyBasesHelper | |
CNonEmptyBasesHelper< T1, REST... > | |
CNonEmptyBasesHelper<> | |
CFinallyWrapper | |
CFinallyFactory | |
CFinallyOnce | |
CFinallyOnceFactory | |
CForwardFree | |
CForwardFree< true > | |
CNewDelete | |
CExplode | |
CExplode< 0, digits... > | |
CResultOkError | |
CTmpErrType | |
CTmpErrType< ResultOk< T > > | |
CPrivateVertexWrapper | |
►Ngeomgraph | |
CGraphNodeBase | |
CGraphEdgeBase | |
CGraphBase | |
►Nmaterial | |
CMaterialExportInterface | |
CMaterialExportDescription | |
CMaterialImportInterface | |
CMaterialImportDescription | |
CMaterialMapperParameterInsertWrapper | |
CMaterialMappingInterface | |
CMaterialMappingDescription | |
CTextureBuffer | Defines an image to represent a material parameter |
CImageReference | Defines a reference to an image file to represent a material parameter |
CSubstanceReference | |
CInstructionData | |
CInstructionSet | A simple wrapper over a set of instructions defined as InstructionData |
CMaterialExchangeData | |
CMaterialExchangeDataExtended | |
CPackedConstantParameter | |
CTypedConstantParameter | |
CParameterStorageInterface | |
►Nneighbor | |
CInfo | |
CNeighborStorage | |
CInfoStorage | |
CEdgeNeigborPolygonsTemplate | |
►Nnodes | This namespace contains the API of the nodes framework |
►Ndetails | |
CGNodeResultBase | |
CGraphDescription | Provides functions and constants to read and write node graphs from and into the graph description format |
CCoreNodeWrapperInterface | |
CCoreNodeWrapperLib | CoreNodeWrapperLib provides a set of static methods for the creation and management of node systems |
CComponentAccessType | A structure for holding all component access required information for each supported DataType |
CNodeOrTemplate | |
CNodeDescriptionAssetInterface | A description asset allows easy reuse of partial or complete descriptions. Asset can be used to create new nodes or to add some component to existing nodes and groups |
CNodeDescriptionAssetTypeInterface | Type interface for NodeDescriptionAsset. Allows to create new assets from a description and load descriptions from existing assets |
CNodeErrorInterface | Error of the node category |
CNodeTemplateArgumentErrorInterface | |
CNodeExecutionErrorInterface | Error used to level up node graph execution errors to the GraphModelInterface level. Can be found on GraphNode where an execution error originated by reading the ExecutionError attribute. It can wrap another error in case some unexpected/unhandled execution error occurred |
CMissingNodeAssetErrorInterface | Return this error during node instantiation if a required asset is missing. Ideally, the error should be given informations on the missing asset for debugging |
CSerializationNodeData | |
CImportAdapterInterface | |
CNodeSystemManagerInterface | |
CNodesGraphModelInterface | |
CNodeWithAssetId | Tuple like struct to hold a node and its asset identifier. A node can have multiple nested base NodeSystem, each having a specific identifier |
CNodesGraphHelpersInterface | |
►CNodesLib | NodesLib provides a set of static methods for the creation and management of node systems |
CVariant | |
CGNodeDataPtr | |
CGNodeHandle | |
CNodeSystemInterface | |
CNodeSystem | |
CGNodeBase | |
CMutableGNodeBase | Base class for mutable g-nodes |
CGNodeFunctions | This class template contains the functions of a general g-node which shall also be available on Result<NODE> |
CGNode | |
CMutableGNodeFunctions | This class template contains the functions of a general mutable g-node which shall also be available on Result<NODE> |
CMutableGNode | |
CGNodeIteratorBase | |
CGNodeIterator | |
CNodeFunctions | This class template contains the functions of Node which shall also be available on Result<Node> (and likewise for MutableNode) |
CNode | |
CMutableNodeFunctions | This class template contains the functions of MutableNode which shall also be available on Result<MutableNode> |
CMutableNode | |
CMutableRoot | |
CPortListFunctions | This class template contains the functions of PortList which shall also be available on Result<PortList> (and likewise for MutablePortList) |
CPortList | |
CMutablePortListFunctions | This class template contains the functions of MutablePortList which shall also be available on Result<MutablePortList> |
CMutablePortList | |
CPortFunctions | This class template contains the functions of Port which shall also be available on Result<Port> (and also for MutablePort) |
CPort | |
CMutablePortFunctions | This class template contains the functions of MutablePortList which shall also be available on Result<MutablePortList> |
CMutablePort | |
CNodeSystemClassInterface | |
CNodeSystemDataInterface | |
CNodeSystemDerivationHandlerInterface | |
CTemplateArguments | |
CNodeTemplateInterface | A node template allows to create node system instantiations based on a set of template parameters |
CNodeSystemBasedNodeTemplateInterface | |
CChain | |
CDerivedAttributeInterface | |
CNodeSpaceInterface | |
CNodeSpaceHelpersInterface | NodeSpaceHelpersInterface provides a collection of static helpers |
CGraphSetUndoMode | |
CPackedMaterialParameter | |
CTypedMaterialParameter | |
CMaterialExchangeInterface | |
CNodeMaterialImportInterface | |
CNodeMaterialExportInterface | |
►CNodeMaterialImportHelperInterface | |
CGroupNodeData | |
CPreviewImageProviderOutputImage | |
CPreviewImageProviderOutput | |
CPreviewImageProviderInterface | |
CPreviewImageSubscriptionInterface | |
►NNormalsHelper | |
CNormalsHelperInterface | Normal generation utilities for shading of meshes |
►NParametricTypes | |
CParametricTupleType | |
CParametricContainerType | |
►Npy | |
►Nspecialtype | |
CTuple | |
CBaseArray | |
CSlice | |
CModuleDefinition | |
CPythonDll | |
CCPyMemAllocatorEx | |
CPythonErrorInterface | |
CPythonTracebackErrorInterface | |
CPythonSystemExitErrorInterface | A PythonSystemExitError is thrown if the previous function executed sys.exit. Only thrown in VirtualMachineInterface::Execute(String) |
CProxyDefinition | |
CCPythonLibraryInterface | |
CCPythonGil | |
CTpFlags | |
CCPyCompilerFlags | |
CNativePyThreadState | |
CNativePyObject | |
CNativePyTypeObject | |
CNativePyIntObject | |
CNativePyCapsule | |
CNativePyMethodDef | |
CNativePyModuleDefBase | |
CNativePyModuleDef | |
CCPyInterface | |
CCPyTypeInterface | |
CCPyFrameInterface | |
CCPyTracebackInterface | |
CCPyCodeInterface | |
CMPyClassInterface | |
CMPyMemberInterface | |
CMPyFunctionInterface | |
CMPyHashMapInterface | |
CMPyDataTypeInterface | |
CMPyDataInterface | |
CMPyCallerContextInterface | |
CCPyCompare | |
CCPyRef | |
CCPyTypeRef | |
CCPyFrameRef | |
CCPyTracebackRef | |
CCPyCodeRef | |
CMPyClassRef | |
CMPyMemberRef | |
CMPyFunctionRef | |
CMPyHashMapRef | |
CMPyDataTypeRef | |
CMPyDataRef | |
CMPyCallerContextRef | |
CCPyConstRef | |
CCPyTypeConstRef | |
CCPyTempRef | |
►Npy3 | |
CTpFlags | |
CNativePyObjectHead_Debug | |
CNativePyObjectHead_Release | |
CNativePyModuleDefBase | |
CNativePyModuleDef | |
CNativePyVarObject | |
CNativePyCodeObject | |
CNativePyErr_StackItem | |
CNativePyOpaque | |
CNativePyCodeAddressRange | |
CNativePyTraceInfo | |
CNativePyCFrame | |
CNativePyThreadState | |
CNativePyInterpreterFrame | |
CNativePyFrameObject | |
CNativePyMemoryViewBuffer | |
CNativePyMemoryView | |
CNativePyMember | |
CNativePyReflectionFunction | |
CNativePyHashMap | |
CNativePyDelegate | |
CNativePyClassCapsule | |
CNativePyTracebackObject | |
CNativePyList | |
CNativeCPyCallerContext_Debug | |
CNativeCPyCallerContext_Release | |
CNativePyDataType | |
CNativePyData | |
CNativePyCapsule | |
CNativePyTypeObject | |
CNativePyIntObject | |
CNativePyLongObject | |
►Nreflection | |
CParameterType | |
CProxy | |
►CArgument | |
CGetHelper | |
CGetHelper< T, typename std::enable_if< Argument::ByValueTest< T > >::type > | |
CGetHelper< T, typename std::enable_if< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(reference, T)>::type > | |
CInvocationBase | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19)> | |
CInvocationBase< T MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20)> | |
CInvocationBase< void MAXON_MAKE_LIST(MAXON_INVOCATION_BASE_HELPER2,,,, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20)> | |
CInvocation | |
CDelegateInvocation | |
CDelegateHandlerData | |
CDelegateHandlerStub | |
CDelegateHandlerStub< void, ARGS... > | |
CDelegateHandlerStub< R > | |
CDelegateHandlerStub< void > | |
CFunctionInfo | |
CContainerInfo | |
CReflectionWrapper | |
CReflectionWrapper< T(*)(ARGS...)> | |
CMember | |
CContainer | |
CPackage | |
CClass | |
CInvokeHelper | |
CFunction | |
CInvokeHelper< T(ARGS...)> | |
CInvokeHelper< void(ARGS...)> | |
CInvokeHelper< T()> | |
CInvokeHelper< void()> | |
CProxyInvocation | |
►Nrla | |
CMatrix3 | |
CMAXRenderInfo | |
►Nspecialtype | |
CBaseList2D | |
CBaseObject | |
CBaseMaterial | |
CBaseTag | |
CBaseDocument | |
CPolygonObject | |
CBaseDraw | |
CBaseDrawHelp | |
CSplineData | |
CFieldList | |
CDescID | |
CBaseContainer | |
CDescription | |
CBaseBitmap | |
CGeListNode | |
CC4DAtom | |
CBaseList2DMove | |
CBaseObjectMove | |
CBaseMaterialMove | |
CBaseTagMove | |
CPolygonObjectMove | |
CBaseDocumentMove | |
CBaseDrawMove | |
CBaseDrawHelpMove | |
CBaseBitmapMove | |
CGeListNodeMove | |
CC4DAtomMove | |
►NTangentSpaceNormalHelper | |
CNormalVertexCycle | |
CNormalVertexCycles | |
CNeighborWrapper | |
►CTangentSpaceNormalData | |
CVertexCyclesParallelForContext | |
CBone | |
CAutoWeightPointJointSelections | |
CAutoWeightInterface | |
CAssetSortData | |
CBuildBrowserEntryData | |
CAssetBrowserInterface | |
CCommandAssetInterface | CommandAssetInterface extends the AssetInterface to deal with command assets |
CAssetCreationHelper | |
CAssetDatabaseStruct | |
CAssetDataBasesInterface | This interface provides helper functions to register asset repositories |
CAssetDownloadsInterface | Helper Interface for Asset downloads functions |
CDragAndDropDataAssetArray | Message data for DRAGTYPE_ASSET |
CKeywordAssetInterface | KeywordAssetInterface extends the AssetInterface to deal with keyword assets |
CBaseAssetMetaData | Basic meta data container for AssetUtilitiesInterface::AssetSetMetaData |
CCreationAssetMetaData | Creation meta data container for AssetUtilitiesInterface::AssetSetCreationData |
CAssetUtilitiesInterface | Helper Interface for Asset functions |
CWatchFolderAssetRepositoryInterface | |
CAssetDependencyStruct | Helper class to pass several arguments into asset creation functions |
CAssetMetaDataInterface | |
CAssetTypeInterface | |
CAssetIdentifierInterface | |
CAssetLinkInterface | |
CAssetRepositoryInterface | |
CDerivedAssetRepositoryDataInterface | |
CAssetBaseInterface | |
CAssetDescriptionInterface | |
CAssetBaseWithUpdateInterface | |
CAssetReferenceInterface | |
CAssetVersionValidityData | Version validity data returned by AssetInterface::IsAssetVersionValid |
CAssetLicenseValidityData | License validity data returned by AssetInterface::IsAssetLicenseValid |
CAssetInterface | |
CUpdatableAssetInterface | |
CUpdatableAssetRepositoryInterface | Asset repository which allows to update assets |
CCompactableAssetRepositoryInterface | Repository which allows to write an index |
CFileAssetInterface | This interface represents a file asset, so a plain file (or directory) stored in an asset repository |
CStoreAssetStruct | Allows to pass several arguments into asset creation functions |
►CResolveAssetDependenciesStruct | Helper structure to store resolved asset dependencies |
CResolveUrlHash | |
CAddAssetDepencendyStruct | Helper class to pass additional data into asset creation functions |
CPresetLoadArgs | Helper class to pass arguments for loading presets into asset/preset implementations. The values are implementation specific |
CPresetSaveArgs | Helper class to pass arguments for saving presets into asset/preset implementations. The values are implementation specific |
CBasePresetAssetTypeInterface | BasePresetAssetTypeInterface defines a new preset type and is the connector to BasePresetAssetInterface |
CBasePresetAssetInterface | BasePresetAssetInterface allows to implement details for preset assets |
CCreatePresetAssetStruct | Helper class to create a new preset asset |
CCategoryAssetInterface | Implementation of category assets |
CColorCategoryAssetInterface | Implementation of a color category asset |
CDatabaseAssetInterface | Implementation of DatabaseAsset |
CDataDescriptionPresetStorageInterface | Helper class to handle loading and saving of presets |
CLazyLanguageStringDataDescriptionDefinitionInterface | Interface to manage lazy loading of LanguageStringDataDescriptionDefinition for description strings |
CLazyLanguageDictionaryInterface | Interface to manage lazy loading of LanguageDictionary for description strings |
CNodeSpaceAssetInterface | Implementation of NodeSpaceAssets |
CPluginAssetInterface | Implements the PluginAsset type |
CSmartSearchAssetInterface | Implements the smartsearch asset type |
CSubTypeAssetInterface | Implements the SubTypeAsset. This subtype specializes for example FileAssets |
CUrlAssetRepositoryInterface | Extends UpdatableAssetRepositoryInterface with a url on disk |
CPreviewImageData | |
CPreviewImageCustomGui | |
CClassicObjectWrapper | |
CC4DPolyObjectType | |
CC4DPolyLineObjectType | |
CC4DSplineObjectType | |
CLockTraits< ::AutoLock > | |
►CBaseBitSet | BaseBitSet documentation |
CResultFunctions | |
CAssetCreationInterface | Helper interface for asset creation and drag&drop |
CAssetManagerSubDialogInterface | |
CAssetManagerInterface | Helper class to control the Asset Manager |
CCodeExchangerInterface | Handles communication of codes from Cinema 4D to IDE and vice versa |
CRendererDefaultMaterialInterface | Helper class to get/set the default material for renderers |
CCustomNodeGuiBase | |
CAttributeManagerProxyInterface | |
CCustomNodeGuiProxyInterface | |
CDescEntryStruct | |
CDescTranslation | |
CParsingErrorInterface | Indicates that parsing of data failed |
CKeyErrorInterface | Indicates that a given key in a given key-value pair collection does not exist |
CValueErrorInterface | Indicates that a given value is malformed |
CTypeErrorInterface | Indicates that a given value is of wrong type |
CIndexErrorInterface | Indicates that a given index is out of bounds for the given data |
CPythonElementBaseInterface | Represents a elements of any Python part in Cinema 4D |
CPythonElementEmbeddedInterface | Represents an element embedded in a Cinema 4D scene making use of Python |
CPythonElementScriptInterface | Represents a Python script loaded in the Script Manager in Cinema 4D |
CPythonBaseList2DDetectorInterface | |
CPyElementManagerInterface | |
CPythonRegisteredCommandIdsInterface | |
CUiConversionInterface | |
CWebSocketJsonCodeExchangerInterface | |
►CCommandDataInterface | |
CSetFunctor | |
CLegacyCommandDataInterface | Legacy command data interface: a data dictionary which holds one or more pointers to generic data used to store legacy data types |
CCommandClassInterface | Generic command interface |
CCommandInteractionClassInterface | Implements the command interactivity. Optional |
CCommandDescriptionClassInterface | |
CLegacyCommandClassInterface | A legacy command interface that implements the ability to convert legacy data settings to regular settings |
CMigratedCommandClassInterface | |
CCommandConversionClassInterface | Implements for command the conversions action |
CCommandCacheData | |
CCommandCacheInterface | |
CCommandExecutionInterface | |
CDefaultValueFunctionsHelper< const Result< COMMANDRESULT > &, ALLOW_NONCONST > | |
CInvocationState | |
CCommandObserverInterface | Implements Observables for the command system |
CMemoizationCacheInterface | |
CABIParamType | |
CABIParamType< T, typename std::enable_if< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(enum, T)||STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(integral, T)>::type > | |
CABIParamType< Block< T, STRIDED, MOVE > > | |
CABIParamType< T, typename std::enable_if< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(pointer, T)>::type > | |
CABIParamType< T, typename std::enable_if< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(reference, T)>::type > | |
CIsIterable | |
CIsIterable< T[N]> | Type trait to test if a type is iterable, i.e if it supports begin(t) and end(t) |
CMatch | |
CMatch< Int > | Match specialization for index position type |
CPredicateMatcher | A matcher that finds the first element which satisfies a predicate |
CValuePredicate | A matcher that finds the first element equal to a value |
CValueComparePredicate | A matcher that finds the first element equal to a value based on a custom comparison function |
CRepeatingPredicateMatcher | A matcher that finds the first sequence of continuous elements which satisfy a predicate |
CSequenceMatcher | SequenceMatcher |
CIntType | |
CIntType< 1 > | |
CIntType< 2 > | |
CIntType< 4 > | |
CIntType< 8 > | |
CUIntType | |
CUIntType< 1 > | |
CUIntType< 2 > | |
CUIntType< 4 > | |
CUIntType< 8 > | |
CStandardType | |
CStandardType< T, true > | |
►CBlock | |
CResultFunctions | |
CGenericComponent | |
CResult | |
CResultOk | |
CEmptyClass | An empty class without any members |
CEmptyVirtualClass | |
CSFINAEHelper | |
CPrivateOverloadRank0 | |
CPrivateOverloadRank1 | |
CPrivateOverloadRank2 | |
CPrivateOverloadRank3 | |
CPrivateOverloadRank4 | |
CPrivateOverloadRank5 | |
CAlwaysFalse | |
CAnd | |
CAnd< true, REST... > | |
CAnd< false, REST... > | |
CAnd<> | |
CProtected | |
CConstIf | |
CConstIf< T, true > | |
CInheritConst | |
CInheritConst< T, const INHERIT_FROM > | |
CSubstitute | |
CSubstitute< T &, R > | |
CSubstitute< T &&, R > | |
►CParameterPack | |
CAt | |
CIndexOf | |
►CParameterPack< T, REST... > | |
CIndexOf | |
CGetSignature | |
CGetSignature< RET(ARGS...)> | |
CGetSignature< RET(*)(ARGS...)> | |
CGetSignature< RET(CALLABLE::*)(ARGS...)> | |
CGetSignature< RET(CALLABLE::*)(ARGS...) const > | |
CCommonLValue | |
CCommonType | |
CMemberDetectorHelper | |
CEnableIfFlag | |
CIsCompleteBase | |
CIsComplete | |
CGetReferencedType | |
CGetReferencedType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::ReferencedType >::type > | |
CGetConstReferencedType | |
CGetConstReferencedType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::ConstReferencedType >::type > | |
CGetDirectlyReferencedType | |
CGetDirectlyReferencedType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::DirectlyReferencedType >::type > | |
CGetErasedType | |
CGetErasedType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::ErasedType >::type > | |
CGetDirectlyReferencedTypeCheckConstAndPtr | |
CIsAllocType | |
CIsAllocType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::IsAllocType >::type > | |
CIsNonvirtualInterfaceType | |
CIsNonvirtualInterfaceType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::NonvirtualInterfaceMarker >::type > | |
CIsVirtualInterfaceType | |
CIsVirtualInterfaceType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::InterfaceMarker >::type > | |
CIsInterfaceType | |
CIsInterfaceType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::MTable >::type > | |
CGetValueType | |
CGetValueType< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::ValueType >::type > | |
CCheckHasBase | |
CCheckHasBase< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::HasBaseDetector >::type > | |
CGetNonConst | |
CGetNonConst< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::NonConst >::type > | |
CGetHandler | |
CGetHandler< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::Handler >::type > | |
CIsReferenceClass | |
CIsObjectReferenceClass | |
CIsPartiallyOrdered | |
CIsPartiallyOrdered< T, DEF, typename maxon::SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< T >::type::PartiallyOrdered >::type > | |
CIsTriviallyEquatable | |
CIsTriviallyHashable | |
CIsTriviallyHashable< T, decltype(T::TriviallyHashable())> | |
CIsZeroInitialized | |
CIsZeroInitialized< Generic > | |
CHasBaseDetector | |
►CIsDerived | |
CCheck | |
CHasErasedBase | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< const TO &, FROM, SAFE > | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< const TO &, FROM &, SAFE > | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< TO &, FROM &, SAFE > | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< const TO *, FROM *, SAFE > | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< TO *, FROM *, SAFE > | |
CGenericCastTrait | |
CByValueParam | |
CMultiplicativePromotion | |
CMultiplicativePromotion< T1, T2, false > | |
CMultiplicativePromotion< GenericArithmetic, T, true > | |
CMultiplicativePromotion< T, GenericArithmetic, true > | |
CMultiplicativePromotion< GenericArithmetic, GenericArithmetic, true > | |
CDereference | |
CBaseRef | |
CDereference< BaseRef< T, HANDLER >, false > | |
CForEach | |
CUnitType | |
CGenericArithmetic | |
CThreadReferencedError | |
CValueKindHelper | |
CValueKindHelper< T *, REF > | |
CValueKindHelper< T, true > | |
CValueKindHelper< ObjectInterface, false > | |
CGetCollectionKind | |
CTestForCopyFromMember | |
CObjectConstructor | |
CObjectConstructor< T, false > | |
►CHasInit | |
CDefault | |
CDerived | |
CAlignedStorage | |
CDefaultLValue | |
CApplication | |
CPersistentIdGeneratorInterface | |
►CStaticArrayInterface | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CNonConstArray | |
CArrayInterface | |
CArrayFactory | ArrayFactory provides static methods to create arrays of various implementations of the ArrayInterface in a generic way |
CArrayCloneHelper | |
CArrayImpl | |
CArrayCloneHelper< ARRAY & > | |
CArrayAllocatorValueType | |
►CArrayAllocator | |
CFreeEntry | |
CBlockArrayAllocator | |
CBaseArrayAllocator | |
CBufferedBaseArrayAllocator | |
CArrayMapHelper | |
CArrayMapHelper< K, V, true, COMPARE, ARRAY > | |
►CArrayMap | |
CEntryIteratorBase | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CKeyIteratorBase | |
CNonConstIteratorBase | |
CValueIteratorBase | |
CArrayMapSelector | |
CArraySet | |
CARWLock | |
CScopedARWReadLock | |
CScopedARWWriteLock | |
CAtomic32 | |
CAtomic64 | |
CAtomic16 | |
CAtomic8 | |
CAtomicBool | |
CAtomicFloatType | |
CAtomicPtr | |
CStrongReferenceCounter | Atomic reference counter |
CAttributeTupleBase | |
CAttributeTupleBase< false, CNT > | |
CAttributeTuple | |
CBackgroundEntryInterface | BackgroundEntryInterface provides informations about a background entry. It's the base class for BackgroundProgressInterface |
CBackgroundProgressInterface | Interface to announce background entries with progress management |
CBaseArray | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< BaseArray< TO >, BaseArray< FROM >, SAFE > | |
CBaseArraySelector | |
CBufferedBaseArraySelector | |
CIsZeroInitialized< BaseArray< T, MINCHUNKSIZE, MEMFLAGS, ALLOCATOR > > | |
CBaseBitSetIterator | |
CBaseListLinkPOD | |
CBaseListLink | Link field for the pointers of a list node |
CBaseListNodeBase | |
CBaseListNode | |
CBaseListNode< T, false > | |
CBaseListNode< T, true > | |
CBaseListNode< EmptyClass, false > | |
CBaseListHead | |
►CBaseList | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CBaseListLegacyNode | This supports c4d style list code that iterates through a list with GetNext()/GetPrev() and stops when null is returned |
CWeakRef | |
CPointerHandler | |
CDeepConstnessPointerHandler | |
►CStrongRefHandler | |
CHasAddReference< FlexibleArray< T, COUNT > > | |
CHasRemoveReference< DescTranslation > | |
CHasRemoveReference< FlexibleArray< T, COUNT > > | |
►CStrongCOWRefHandler | |
CMakeWritableHelper | |
CMakeWritableHelper< FlexibleArray< T, COUNT > > | |
CMakeWritableHelper< T, typename T::GenericContainerInterfaceMarker > | |
CStrongACOWRefHandler | |
CUniqueRefHandler | |
CRawMem | |
CBaseRef< RawMem< T >, H > | |
CBlockBase | Base class for Block |
CBlockBase< T, false > | |
►CBaseIterator | |
CResultFunctions | |
CBaseIterator< COLLECTION, true > | |
CCArray | |
►CBlockArray | |
CArrayOfBlocks | |
CForwardAllocator | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CBlockArraySelector | |
CBlockBufferAllocator | |
CPointerBurstTriePool | |
CElementPool | |
CArrayBurstTriePool | |
CBurstTrieNode | |
CBurstTrieBucket | |
CBurstTrieBucket< K, UnitType, SIZE > | |
►CBurstTrieMap | |
CEntryIteratorBase | |
CIteratorBase | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CKeyIteratorBase | |
CNonConstIteratorBase | |
CValueIteratorBase | |
CBurstTrieMapSelector | |
CBurstTrieSet | |
CByteOrder | |
CBytesValue | Encapsulates the byte size |
CBytes | Byte value in bytes |
CKilobytes | Byte value in kilobytes |
CKibibytes | Byte value in kibibytes |
CMebibytes | Byte value in mebibytes |
CMegabytes | Byte value in megabytes |
CGibibytes | Byte value in kilobytes |
CGigabytes | Byte value in gigabytes |
CTerabytes | Byte value in terabytes |
CTebibytes | Byte value in Gib |
CPrivateGetMapKeyHelper | |
CPrivateGetMapKey | |
CGetCollectionKind< COLLECTION, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename std::decay< COLLECTION >::type::IsCollection >::type > | |
CBaseCollection | |
CCollection | |
CBlockIterator | |
CArrayBase0 | Intermediate class |
CArrayBase | |
CSetBase0 | |
CSetImpl | |
CSetBase | |
CMapBase0 | |
CMapImpl | |
CMapBase | |
CConditionVariableInterface | |
CConfiguration | Configuration database functions |
CConstData | |
CContainerVariance | |
CContainerVariance< TO, FROM, 0 > | |
CGenericContainerInterface | |
CGenericIndexableContainerInterface | This is the base interface of all indexable containers such as arrays or array containers |
►CRecursiveContainer | |
CInstantiation | |
►CContiguousRangeMap | |
CEntryIteratorBase | |
CKeyIteratorBase | |
CValueIteratorBase | |
CCpuYieldState | |
CCpuYield | |
CCrashHandler | Private custom crash handler |
CCrashCallStackEntry | Call stack entry (program counter, stack frame location and if possible symbol and module information) |
CGenericRegisterValue | Register value with variable size and component count |
CCrashRegisterValue | Register value description (name and value) |
CCrashThreadState | Thread state including registers, stack backtrace and name |
CCrashModuleEntry | Module description with file name, address and size |
CCrashReportState | Crash state consisting of exception type and a list of modules and threads |
CCrashLogKey | |
CCrashHandlerGlobals | |
CCrashReportPropertyItem | |
CCrashReportProperty | |
CCrashReportServices | |
CCrc32C | |
CCStdLibAllocator | |
CCustomAllocatorInterface | Custom allocator/memory pool interface |
►CCustomSTLAllocator | Custom STL C++11 allocator that wraps maxon::DefaultAllocator |
Crebind | |
CDataDescriptionInterface | |
CSubMenuEntry | Structure to store a menu definition |
CDataDescriptionUIInterface | This interface provides helper functions for ui stuff in combination with descriptions |
CDataDescriptionDatabaseInterface | Interface to access the storage of DataDescription objects |
CDataDescriptionDefinitionInterface | |
CDataDescriptionDefinitionDatabaseInterface | DataDescriptionDefinitionDatabaseInterface provides functions for loading, storing DescriptionDefinitions |
CDataDescriptionDefinitionDatabaseImplInterface | Allows to create different implementations of data description database stores |
CDataDescriptionObjectInterface | |
CArray | |
CDataDictionaryInterface | |
CDataDictionaryIteratorInterface | |
CDataDictionaryIterator | Iterator to iterate through all elements of a DataDictionary |
►CDataDictionaryKeySet | |
►CCheck | |
CBasesHandler | |
CDataDictionaryObjectInterface | |
CDataDictionaryReferenceObjectInterface | |
CDataFormatReaderInterface | |
CDataFormatWriterInterface | |
CDataFormatBaseReaderInterface | |
CDataFormatBaseWriterInterface | |
CWriterRef | |
CWriterRef< Utf32Char > | |
CReaderRef | |
►CReaderRef< Utf32Char > | |
CLinesIterator | |
CDataSerializeInterface | |
CDataSerializeWriterInterface | This class serializes data into a specific file format |
CDataSerializeReaderInterface | This class serializes data from a specific file format |
CUnregisteredDataTypeErrorInterface | |
CIsSimdElementType | |
CIsSimdElementType< T, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename T::VectorStrideType >::type > | |
►CSimdInfo | SimdInfo stores information about the AOSOA layout of a SimdBlock, see there |
CCompact | |
CSimdBlock | |
CAInt | |
CAUInt | |
CAFloat | |
CCheckedGetDataType | |
CDataTypeCache | |
CDataTypeCacheInstance | |
CDataTypeCacheInstance< T, POLICY, true > | |
CDataTypeCacheInstance< void, POLICY, true > | |
CDataTypeCacheInstance< std::nullptr_t, POLICY, true > | |
CDataTypeCacheInstance< InvalidType, POLICY, true > | |
CNamedTupleMembers | |
►CNamedTuple | |
CHelper | |
CHelperStorage | |
CTupleValue | |
CFunctionDataType | |
CCheckedGetDataType< T, POLICY, false > | |
CDataTypeComponent | |
CDataTypeBuilderInterface | |
CDataTypeBuilderEntry | |
CDataMemBlock | |
COpt | |
CDataTypePtr | |
►CDataTypeImpl | |
CInstantiated | |
CPrimary | |
►CDataType | |
CPrimary | |
CData | |
CIsZeroInitialized< Data > | |
►CConstDataPtr | |
CWrapper | |
CWrapper< T, typename std::enable_if< GetCollectionKind< T >::value==COLLECTION_KIND::ARRAY >::type > | |
CDataPtr | |
CMoveDataPtr | |
CForwardingDataPtr | |
CTrivialDataPtr | Trivial class layout-compatible with ConstDataPtr, DataPtr and MoveDataPtr |
CAbstractDataTypeFunctions | |
CDataTypeReferenceFunctions | |
CDefaultDataTypeFunctionsBase | |
CDefaultDataTypeFunctions | |
CDefaultDataTypeFunctions< T, DATATYPEMODE::SMALLISPOD > | |
CDefaultDataTypeFunctions< T, DATATYPEMODE::SMALL > | |
CDefaultDataTypeFunctions< T, DATATYPEMODE::BIG > | |
CDefaultDataTypeFunctionsCapabilityFlags | |
CDataTypeFunctions | |
CInterfaceDataTypeFunctions | |
CNumToString | |
►CInternedId | |
CFastCompare | |
CIsTriviallyEquatable< InternedId > | |
CIsZeroInitialized< InternedId > | |
CInternedIdPtr | |
CIsTriviallyEquatable< InternedIdPtr > | |
CIsZeroInitialized< InternedIdPtr > | |
►CMember | Member represents a member of struct-like types or function signatures. A member is just a pair of a type and a name |
CFastNameCompare | |
CTypeArguments | |
CDataTypeLib | DataTypeLib declares some static functions needed for the DataType system |
CTupleDataType | |
CDelegateDataType | |
CEnumDataType | |
CContainerDataType | |
CLocalDateTime | |
CUniversalDateTime | |
CDebugHardwareBreakPointInterface | |
CDebugger | |
CDecoratorInterface | This interface is implemented by decorator classes which forward calls to the base object |
CEagerDecoratorInterface | An eager decorator is a decorator which knows its decorated object already on construction (eagerly) |
CWeakDecoratorInterface | A weak decorator is a decorator which stores its decorated object as a weak reference |
CDefaultAllocator | |
CIsZeroInitialized< DefaultAllocator > | |
CDefaultDefaultValue | |
CDefaultValueFunctions | |
CDefaultValueDetector | |
CDefaultValueZeroInitializedHelper | |
CDefaultValueZeroInitializedHelper< T &, ALLOW_NONCONST > | |
CDefaultValueZeroInitializedHelper< const T &, ALLOW_NONCONST > | |
CDefaultValueTypeHelper | |
CDefaultValueTypeHelper< T &, ALLOW_NONCONST > | |
CDefaultValueTypeHelper< const T &, ALLOW_NONCONST > | |
CDefaultValueFunctionsHelper | |
CDefaultValueFunctionsHelper< T &, ALLOW_NONCONST > | |
CDefaultValueFunctionsHelper< const T &, ALLOW_NONCONST > | |
CDefaultValueFunctions< Result< T > > | |
CDelegateBase | Delegate base class which can be used for DataType |
CDelegate | |
►CDelegate< RESULT(ARGS...)> | |
CObjectPointerWrapper | |
CPTMFWrapper | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< ParameterPack< TO, TO_REST... >, ParameterPack< FROM, FROM_REST... >, SAFE > | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< Delegate< RESULT_TO(ARGS_TO...)>, Delegate< RESULT_FROM(ARGS_FROM...)>, SAFE > | |
CDescriptionMessageCallbackInterface | |
CDescriptionProcessorInterface | |
CDllInterface | Interface for managing dynamic libraries (load, query symbols, ...) |
CFixedSizeArrayWrapperType | |
CPrivateFixedSizeArrayBuilder | |
CPrivateFixedSizeArrayBuilder< D, std::index_sequence< INDEX... > > | |
COutOfMemoryErrorInterface | An OutOfMemoryError indicates that a memory allocation failed |
CFunctionNotImplementedErrorInterface | |
CIllegalArgumentErrorInterface | An IllegalArgumentError is returned if an illegal argument was passed to a function parameter |
CNullptrErrorInterface | A NullptrError is returned if an (illegal) nullptr was passed to a function |
CIllegalStateErrorInterface | |
CUnexpectedErrorInterface | |
COperationCancelledErrorInterface | A OperationCancelledError is returned if a function terminated because a job or thread has been cancelled (from outside) |
CAggregatedErrorInterface | |
►CAggregatedError | |
CErrorIterator | Iterator to iterate through all errors of the AggregatedError |
CErrorIndirectRef | |
CErrorPtr | |
CNoErrorPtr | |
CUnsupportedArgumentErrorInterface | |
CUnresolvedErrorInterface | |
CUnknownErrorInterface | An UnknownError is returned in places where no specific error was defined |
CUnsupportedOperationErrorInterface | |
CShutdownErrorInterface | A ShutdownError is returned when errors are being used while the object system is being shut down |
CDisabledErrorInterface | |
CErrnoErrorInterface | |
CFactoryInterface | |
CFactoryFunctions< Factory< T(ARGS...)>, SUPER > | This class defines the Create function for Factory |
CFactoryFunctions< Factory< T(const DataDictionary &)>, SUPER > | |
►CFactory< T(ARGS...)> | |
CNonConst | |
CFactoryFactory | |
CFId | |
CInternedIdFidBase | |
CAttributeInternedId | |
CFId< T, InternedId, HELPER > | |
CPrivateFIdBase | |
CPrivateFIdBase< T, const char(&)[N], HELPER > | |
CValidKeyValuePairTrait | Type trait to be used in identification of acceptable key-value type pairs |
CFileUtilities | |
CFileFormatInterface | |
CFileFormatDetectionCacheInterface | |
CFileFormatHandlerInterface | |
CFileFormatDetectionInterface | FileFormatDetectionInterface offers functions to detect file formats |
CFixedBufferMemory | |
CFixedBufferMemory< SIZE, PARENT_ALLOCATOR, false > | |
CFixedBufferAllocatorBase | |
CFixedBufferAllocator | |
CFixedSizeBitSet | |
CFlexibleArray | |
CMisc | |
CSuppressFloatingPointChecks | |
CGetIteratorType | |
CGetIteratorType< T[N]> | |
CReverseIterator | |
►CForEachIterator | |
CWrapper | |
CAutoIterator | |
CAutoIterator< T[N]> | |
CNestedForEachIterator | |
CCommonIteratorTypes | |
CCommonIteratorTypes< void, I1, I2 > | |
CConcatForEachIterator | |
CConditionalForEachIterator | |
CMapForEachIterator | |
CFilterForEachIterator | |
CZipForEachIterator | |
CIndexForEachIterator | |
CSingletonForEachIterator | |
CEraseIterator | |
CEraseIterator< COLLECTION, SWAP_ERASE, false > | |
►CIterable | |
CIteratorType | |
CForwardRef | |
CIsObjectReferenceClass< ForwardRef< T > > | |
CIsObjectReferenceClass< ForwardRef< T > & > | |
CIsObjectReferenceClass< ForwardRef< T > && > | |
CIsObjectReferenceClass< const ForwardRef< T > & > | |
CForwardRefWithExtraBase | |
CGenericBaseArray | |
CGenericDataTemplate | |
CGetExtraDataCallbackInterface | |
CHalfFloat | |
CLIMIT< HalfFloat > | |
CIsZeroInitialized< HalfFloat > | |
CHashBitSet | |
►CDefaultHashMapEntryHandlerBase | |
CKeyConstructor | |
CKeyConstructor< ENTRY, KEY &, true > | |
CKeyValueConstructor | |
CKeyValueConstructor< ENTRY, KEY &, VALUE &, true, true > | |
CKeyValueConstructor< ENTRY, KEY &, VALUE, true, false > | |
CKeyValueConstructor< ENTRY, KEY, VALUE &, false, true > | |
CHashMapKeyValuePair | Marker class to be used as template argument for HashMap for the usual case when the values don't contain the keys (so the HashMap has to store key-value-pairs) |
CHashMapValueKeyPair | |
CHashMapKeyHashValuePair | |
CHashMapEntryBase | Base class for HashMap::Entry |
►CHashMap | |
CConstIteratorTemplate | Iterator class for const HashMap |
CDefaultBucket | |
CEntry | |
CEntryIteratorBase | |
CHash | |
CHashMapAllocator | Special case of general and entry allocator being different (usually for performance critical fixed/limited size maps) |
CHashMapAllocator< ONE_ALLOCATOR, ONE_ALLOCATOR > | Typical case of general and entry allocator being the same (keeps the memory layout compatible) |
CIteratorTemplate | Iterator class for HashMap |
CIteratorTemplateBase | Iterator template class, used as base for Iterator and ConstIterator |
CKeyIteratorBase | |
CLambdaEntryConstructor | Internal |
CLambdaEntryConstructor< KEY &, LAMBDA, true > | |
CMultiEntryIterator | |
CSimpleBucket | |
CValueIteratorBase | |
CHashMapSelector | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< HashMap< K_TO, V_TO >, HashMap< K_FROM, V_FROM >, SAFE > | |
►CHashSet | |
CLambdaEntryConstructor | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< HashSet< TO >, HashSet< FROM >, SAFE > | |
CHashMapStatistics | |
CHierarchyIterator | |
CDefaultHierarchy | |
CHierarchyObjectRef | |
CDefaultHierarchy< void > | |
CHierarchyObjectIterator | |
CHierarchyObjectInterface | |
CHybridMapGetIteratorHelper | |
►CHybridMap | |
CEntryIteratorBase | |
CIteratorBase | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CKeyIteratorBase | |
CNonConstIteratorBase | |
CValueIteratorBase | |
CHybridMapSelector | |
CHybridSet | |
CIndexIteratorDefaultAccess | |
CIndexIterator | |
CUInteger | |
CUInteger< SIZEOF(UIntegerBase) *8 > | |
CPrivateDummyFree | |
CClassInfoBase | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< TO, FROM, SAFE, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename TO::DirectlyReferencedType, typename FROM::DirectlyReferencedType >::type > | |
CIntersectionType | |
CUnionType | |
CIntFloat32 | |
CIntFloat64 | |
CReadArchiveInterface | |
CWriteArchiveInterface | |
CIoBrowseInterface | |
CResolveInterface | Static interface to access Url resolve functionality |
CIoConnectionInterface | |
CIoHandlerInterface | |
CIoMemoryInterface | |
CIoDualInOutputStreamInterface | |
CIoPipeInOutputStreamInterface | Creates a pipe stream for in and output |
CUrlOrStream | |
CIoErrorInterface | Error of the category I/O |
CFileFormatErrorInterface | |
CUnknownFileSizeErrorInterface | |
CBaseStreamInterface | |
CInputStreamInterface | |
COutputStreamInterface | Creates an OutputStreamInterface class to write bytes into streams |
CInOutputStreamInterface | |
CJobInterface | A job is a threaded entity that can be enqueued or added to a group. A JobRef is similar to a ThreadRef but all jobs on the same queue (JobQueueRef) share a set of worker threads whereas each ThreadRef has its own private thread |
CJobStatusInterface | Restricted job interface with the only purpose of being able to check for cancellation |
CJobStatusRef | Reference to a job for checking cancellation status only (JobStatusInterface) |
CJobResultInterface | Template for jobs which return more than just a void result |
CJobResultInterface< Result< RESULTVALUETYPE > > | Template for jobs which return a Result with a different type than void |
CJobResultInterface< Result< void > > | Template for jobs which return a Result<void> |
CJobResultInterface< void > | Template for jobs which return nothing |
CJobResultRef | Reference to a job that returns more than void/Result<void> |
CJobInterfaceTemplate | Template for jobs which inherit from JobInterface (and are not created using a lambda) |
CResultMemJob | RESULT_TYPE |
CJobRef | Reference to a job (JobInterface) |
CJobResultRef< Result< RESULTVALUETYPE > > | |
CPromiseRef | |
CPromise | A rudimentary promise |
CJobGroupInterface | Heterogenous job group: The jobs can be of different type and you can add them to the group until you enqueue it (or while the group is running when you use AddSubJob). A job group is free to remove the reference to its jobs or subgroups once they are executed. Creating a job group and jobs is very fast and therefore there's no need to prebuild and perhaps even cache them |
CJobGroupRef | Reference to a group (JobGroupInterface) |
CStaticJobArray | |
CStaticJobGroupInterface | This is a template for homogenous static job group: All job of the same type and the number of jobs is known at creation. Once you have allocated a StaticJobGroup you cannot add more than the number of jobs specified and you cannot add jobs of a different type than specified in the template. Nonetheless you can add as many subgroups as you want |
CStaticJobGroupRef | Reference to a group with static maximum job count (StaticJobGroupInterface) |
CJobQueueInterface | |
CServiceIOJobQueueInterface | |
CSerialJobQueueInterface | |
CJobQueueRef | Generic job queue reference |
CServiceIOJobQueueRef | |
CSerialJobQueueRef | |
CLazyInit | |
►CLazyInitThreaded | |
CCancellationForwarder | |
CLegacyHash | |
CLexerInterface | |
CLinearCongruentialRandom | |
CPseudoRandom | |
CLoggerLine | Each object of LoggerLine represents an entry in the logger with several meta information. See documentation of members for more information |
CLoggerTypeInterface | Each object of LoggerLine represents an entry in the logger with several meta information. See documentation of members for more information |
CFileLoggerTypeInterface | Interface of a file logger type |
CUserLoggerTypeInterface | Interface of a logger type which prints to the application console. Caches all strings until it gets resetted |
CLoggerInterface | |
CMachineInterface | |
CMachinesInterface | |
CNonConstMap | |
►CMapInterface | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CMapCloneHelper | |
CMapCloneHelper< MAP & > | |
CCol3 | A color consisting of three components R, G and B |
CIsZeroInitialized< Col3< T, 1 > > | |
CCol4 | A color consisting of three components R, G, B and an alpha |
CVec3 | A vector consisting of three components X, Y and Z |
CIsZeroInitialized< Vec3< T, 1 > > | |
CVec2 | A vector consisting of two components X and Y |
CIsZeroInitialized< Vec2< T, 1, SPACE > > | |
CVec4 | A vector consisting of four components X, Y, Z and W |
CIsZeroInitialized< Vec4< T, 1 > > | |
CSqrMat3 | General 3×3 matrix template consisting of three column vectors v1, v2, v3 |
CMat3 | |
CSqrMat2 | General 2×2 matrix template consisting of two column vectors v1, v2 |
CMat2 | |
CSqrMat4 | |
CInternedIdInitializer | |
CModuleVersionInfoInterface | |
CMultiIndexBuilder | |
►CMultiIndex | |
CIterator | |
CNullAllocator | |
CComponentDescriptor | |
CIsComplete< Class< T >, COUNTER > | |
CClass | |
CClassInterface | |
►CObjectInterface | |
CPrivateSuperMTable | |
CReferenceFunctions | |
►CErrorInterface | |
CReferenceFunctions | |
CAdapterRoot | |
CComponentHelper | |
CPrivateSelfHelperBase | |
CPrivateSelfHelper | |
CComponentHelper< BASE > | |
CComponentHelper< BASE, I, REST... > | |
CInterfacesBlock | |
CComponentWithBase | |
CUndefined | Helper class for templates |
CFunctionBaseInterface | This object stores the callback function for observable notifications |
CCombinerInterface | |
CObservableBaseInterface | |
CObservableNotifyRef | |
CObservableNotifyRef< Delegate< RESULT()> > | |
CObservableNotifyRef< Delegate< RESULT(ARGS...)> > | |
CObservableRef | |
CObservableStaticInterface | Helper for static interface |
CObservableImplRef | |
CNoOpLock | |
►CSubscriptionSet | |
CRemove | |
CGenericSimpleObservable | |
CSimpleObservable | |
CSimpleObservable< RESULT(ARGS...)> | |
CSimpleObservable< void(ARGS...)> | |
CObserverObjectInterface | |
CStaticObservableStorage | |
COpaqueBase | |
COpt< T & > | |
COpt< const T & > | |
COpt< T && > | |
►CParallelFor | |
CBaseContext | Basic context for ParallelFor loops. Each worker thread has its own local context |
CBreakCondition | |
CBreakContext | Context for ParallelFor loops that support cancellation |
CDefaultGranularity | |
CDummy | Dummy class for init or finalize |
CDynamicContext | |
CDynamicJob | |
CForAlignedContext | |
CForAlignedContext< FORCONTEXT, INDEXTYPE, Dummy, Dummy > | |
CForState | |
CGranularity | |
CInvokeSelector | |
CMinimumGranularity | |
CNoBreakContext | Context for lambdas which don't expect a context pointer as argument and return Result<void> |
CNoContext | Context for lambdas which don't expect a context pointer as argument and return nothing |
CNoContextSelector | Helper template for lambdas with Result<void> and without context |
CNoContextWithResult | Context for lambdas which don't expect a context pointer as argument and return nothing |
CNoContextWithResultSelector | Helper template for lambdas with Result<void> and without context |
CParallelForJob | |
CSingleThreadedFinalize | |
CSingleThreadedFinalize< WORKER, false > | |
CStaticContext | |
CStaticJob | |
CThreadingDisabled | |
►CParallelImage | |
CImageData | |
CLineJob | |
CPixelJob | |
CTileJob | |
CMoveHelper | |
►CMergeSegment | |
CSpan | |
CParallelSort | |
CSimpleParallelSort | |
CParametricTypeInterface | |
CParametricTypeDecorator | Helper to add multiple ParametricType on top of a DataType |
CParserInterface | |
CMaximalElements | |
►CPointerArray | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CProgressInterface | |
CQueue | |
CRange | |
CIsZeroInitialized< Range< T > > | |
►CRangeMap | |
CEntryIteratorBase | |
CKeyIteratorBase | |
CValueIteratorBase | |
CRangeSet | |
CRefCountHashMapDefaultHandler | |
►CRefCountHashMap | |
CEntry | |
CEntryRef | |
CSetUsedFrameworks | |
CSetExpectedModuleDependencies | |
►CRegistry | |
CIdIteratorBase | |
CIteratorBase | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CRegistryDefinition | |
CRunLoop | |
CSecureRandom | |
CAppendToIndexSequence | |
CAppendToIndexSequence< std::index_sequence< SEQ... >, VALUE > | |
CSequenceElement | |
CSequenceElement< T, 0, VALUE, REST... > | |
CIndexSequenceElement | |
CIndexSequenceElement< std::index_sequence< VALUES... >, INDEX > | |
CGetSequenceElement | |
CGetSequenceElement< T, V0 > | |
CGetSequenceElement< T, V0, V1 > | |
CGetIndexSequenceElement | |
CGetIndexSequenceElement< std::index_sequence< VALUES... > > | |
CIndexInIndexSequence | |
CIndexInIndexSequence< I, std::index_sequence< X, LIST... > > | |
CSerializer | |
CNonConstSet | |
►CSetInterface | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CSetCloneHelper | |
CSetCloneHelper< SET & > | |
CSettingsInterface | Settings interface to store and load settings like preferences |
CHelperClass | |
CBaseSort | |
CSimpleSort | |
CPerThreadData | |
CHistogramJob | |
CParadisSortJob | |
CParadisHealJob | |
CSortedArray | |
CDefaultSortedArray | |
CSpinlock | |
CRWSpinlock | |
CScopedLock | |
CScopedLockPair | |
CScopedReadLock | |
CScopedWriteLock | |
CMatrix4f32 | |
CMatrix4f64 | |
CMatrix4f64SSE | |
CVector2f64 | |
CVector4f32 | |
CVector4f64 | |
CVector4i32 | |
CVector8f32 | |
CVector8i32 | |
►CStackBufferAllocator | |
CHeader | |
CStackTrace | |
CStreamConversionInterface | |
CConversionTestSet | |
CArrayAppendCache | |
CStringPosition | |
CStringEnd | |
CStringCount | |
►CStringTemplate | |
CCharPtr | Proxy class to access individual characters of the string |
CSysCharArray | |
CStringInterface | |
CCStringInterface | |
►CString | |
CStringIterator | |
CCString | |
CToStringHelper2 | |
CToStringHelper2< T, false > | |
CToStringHelper2< T, true > | |
CStringProxy | |
CFormatStatement | Class to store formatting statements |
CStringConversion | |
CStringEncodingInterface | |
CStringDecodingInterface | |
CLanguageInterface | Class that handles string resources |
CResource | Class that handles resources |
CSymbolificationInterface | |
CLockTraits | |
CLockTraits< Spinlock > | |
►CSynchronizedValue | |
CLockedReadPtr | |
CLockedWritePtr | |
CSynchronizedValue< T, Serializer > | |
CSystem | |
CSystemProcessKilledErrorInterface | System Process has been killed by a signal. E.g. process crashed or killed by user |
CSystemProcessOperationErrorInterface | System process operation failed |
CSystemProcessObjectInterface | SystemProcessObjectInterface |
CSystemProcessInterface | This interface allows to access and create system processes |
CSystemErrorInterface | |
CNSSystemErrorInterface | |
CTaggedBaseRef | |
CThreadInterface | |
CThreadResultRef | Reference to a thread that returns more than void/Result<void> |
CThreadInterfaceTemplate | |
CThreadRefTemplate | |
CThreadResultRef< Result< RESULTVALUETYPE > > | |
CThreadLocalPointer | |
CThreadLocalDestructiblePointer | |
CThreadSafePtr | |
CThreadSafeRef | |
CJobErrorInterface | Error of the category jobs, groups and threads |
CTimerInterface | The timer interface consists of several methods for periodic events |
CAutoTimer | Helper class to automatically cancel and destroy a timer on shutdown |
►CTimeValue | Encapsulates a timer value |
CCurrentTime | |
CHours | Timer value in hours |
CMinutes | Timer value in minutes |
CSeconds | Timer value in seconds |
CMilliseconds | Timer value in milliseconds |
CMicroseconds | Timer value in microseconds |
CNanoseconds | Timer value in nanoseconds |
CIsZeroInitialized< TimeValue > | |
CTreeMapParent | |
CTreeMapParent< PARENT, true > | |
CTreeMap | |
CTuple | |
CFindUniqueTupleIndex | |
CFindUniqueTupleIndex< SEARCHTYPE, Tuple< TYPES... > > | |
CTuple<> | Specialization for a Tuple without any elements |
CIgnoredPlaceholder | |
►CTupleElementEquals | |
CByIndex | Functor that takes a tuple t and a value v as arguments and returns t.Get<INDEX> == v |
CByType | Functor that takes a tuple t and a value v as arguments and returns t.Get<ELEMENTTYPE> == v |
►CTupleElementLessThan | |
CByIndex | Functor that takes a tuple t and a value v as arguments and returns t.Get<INDEX> < v |
CByType | Functor that takes a tuple t and a value v as arguments and returns t.Get<INDEX> < v |
►CTupleElementCompare | |
CByIndex | |
CByType | |
CUnicodeUtils | This class handles unicode decompositions and correct string comparison using decomposition informations |
CDimensionInterface | |
CUnitInterface | |
CUrlInterface | |
CUrl | |
CUrlFileCacheEntryInterface | |
CUrlFileCacheInterface | |
CResultMemT | |
CLiteralId | |
CId | |
CLIMIT< Bool > | |
CLIMIT< Int64 > | |
CLIMIT< UInt64 > | |
CLIMIT< Int32 > | |
CLIMIT< UInt32 > | |
CLIMIT< Int16 > | |
CLIMIT< UInt16 > | |
CLIMIT< Char > | |
CLIMIT< UChar > | |
CLIMIT< Float32 > | |
CLIMIT< Float64 > | |
CSum | |
CSum< X, Y... > | |
CSum<> | |
COr | |
COr< T, X, Y... > | |
COr< T > | |
CTemplateInstantiation | |
CSubstituteType | |
CSubstituteType< T &, MAP, void > | |
CSubstituteType< T *, MAP, void > | |
CSubstituteType< const T, MAP, void > | |
CSubstituteType< T, MAP, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename T::Instantiation >::type > | |
CCompareTemplate | |
CDefaultCompare | |
CEqualityCompare | |
CCStringCompare | This class can be used as template argument for a HashMap if the HashMap shall use null-terminated C-string keys |
CRefCompare | |
CRefCompare< true, false > | |
CRefCompare< true, true > | |
CRenameList | |
CIncludeHelper | |
CFormatTemplateHelper | |
CFormatTemplateHelper< ARGCNT, const Char(&)[N]> | |
CDefaultDoc | |
CDefaultHasher | |
CFNV1aHasher | |
CUniqueHash | |
CUniqueHasher | |
CIoFileOutputHelper | |
CIoFileInputHelper | |
CJavaCall | |
CJavaMember | |
CJavaClass | |
CJavaClassArray | |
CJavaClassHash | |
CJavaHelper | |
CLockedResourceHelper | |
CLockedResourceMap | |
CLRUHashMap | |
CSourceLocation | |
CCopyWrapper | |
CNumToString< 0 > | |
CObserverScopeGuard | |
CResultOk< T & > | |
CResultOk< void > | |
CResultRef | |
CForwardResultPtr | |
CResultBase | Base class for Result |
CResultBase< T & > | |
CResultBase< void > | |
CPrivateIsErrorClassHelper | |
CPrivateIsErrorClassHelper< T, true > | |
CIsErrorClass | |
CIsErrorClass< ForwardRef< T > > | |
CResultSuper | |
CResultSuper< RESULT_TYPE, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename RESULT_TYPE::template ResultFunctions< ResultBase< RESULT_TYPE > > >::type > | |
CResultSuper< RESULT_TYPE &, typename SFINAEHelper< void, typename RESULT_TYPE::template ResultFunctions< ResultBase< RESULT_TYPE & > > >::type > | |
CRemoveResult | |
CRemoveResult< Result< T > > | |
CRemoveResult< ResultOk< T > > | |
CGenericCastMemberTrait< Result< TO >, Result< FROM >, SAFE > | |
CGenericCastTrait< Result< TO >, FROM, SAFE > | |
CGenericCastTrait< Result< TO >, Result< FROM >, SAFE > | |
►CResultIteratorFunctions | TODO: (Ole) please document |
CWrapper | |
CReuseData | |
CReuseResourceTemplate | |
►CRingBuffer | |
CIteratorTemplate | |
CStreamConversionHelper | |
CCollectorThread | |
CThreadedUIUpdateBase | |
CThreadedUIUpdate | |
CThreadedUIUpdateRef | |
CUuidInterface | |
CUuid | |
CValueChangedCallbackInterface | |
CHasValueReceiver | |
CFirstValueReceiver | |
CUniqueValueReceiver | |
CViewIteratorMember | |
CMemberMap | |
►CWeakRawPtr | |
CWeakRawPtrProxy | |
CWeakRefBase | |
CWeakRefTargetBase | |
CMemoryMetadataProxy | |
CWeakRefServices | |
CCryptographyStreamConversionInterface | |
CCryptoKeyInterface | |
CCryptoKey | Reference counted class of CryptoKeyInterface |
CSSHInterface | This interface maps all libssh2 functions into a interface |
CSSLInterface | This interface maps all OpenSSL functions into a interface |
CGlobalImportInterface | GlobalImport provides some functionality to handle and get global import settings |
CGlobalUtilsInterface | GlobalUtils provides some helper functionality to react to global import settings |
CWires | |
CGraphModelInterface | |
CGraphTransaction | |
CGraphNodeBase | |
CGraphNodeFunctions | Base class of GraphNode and Result<GraphNode> which implements most GraphNode functions |
CGraphNodeResultBase | |
CGraphNode | |
CIsZeroInitialized< GraphNode > | |
CGraphLib | GraphLib contains some static functions for graphs |
CGraphModelHelper | |
CGraphAttributeInterface | |
CGraphMessageInterface | |
CNodePathInterface | |
CFastNodePathHash | |
CAudioObjectInterface | |
CDrawDimension | Size of a window/drawing operation |
CIsZeroInitialized< DrawDimension< T > > | |
CDrawRect | Definition of a rectangle used for window/draw operations |
CIsZeroInitialized< DrawRect< T > > | |
CDrawPoint3d | X and Y coordinate of a point used for window/drawing operations |
CDrawDimension3d | Size of a window/drawing operation |
CDrawVolume | Definition of a rectangle used for window/draw operations |
CImageHierarchy | |
CImageBaseInterface | |
CImageTextureInterface | A Image texture represents a texture object with layers |
CImageInterface | |
CImageLayerInterface | A Image layer represents a single layer within a image texture |
CImageFunctionsInterface | Helper functions for image classes |
CBITS | This class represents the number of bits in a pixel format |
CColorProfileInterface | |
CColorProfileConvertInterface | Helper class to convert pixel data from one color profile to another |
CColorSpaceInterface | |
CExifInterface | This class allows to deal with EXIF chunks in image files |
CExifStaticInterface | @MAXON_ANNOTATION{nullimpl=true,dependencies=false} |
CColorProfileLegacyProcessorInterface | |
CImageChannelTypeInterface | ImageChannelTypes define how a pixel channel should be interpreted |
CImageChannelInterface | |
CBlendPixelHandlerStruct | |
CImagePixelBlendInterface | |
CIsZeroInitialized< PixelFormatGroup > | |
CPixelConstBuffer | Several functions use this helper structure to pass the image data to functions |
CPixelMutableBuffer | Several functions use this helper structure to pass the image data to functions |
CImageBufferTemplate | Several functions use this helper structure to pass the image data to functions |
CConvertFuncChannelHelper | |
CPixelFormatInterface | |
CPixelFormatsInterface | PixelFormatsInterface is a static interface which provides general functions for pixel format management |
CPixelFormatDynamicInterface | |
CPixelFormatGroupInterface | |
CPixelFormatIterator | |
CPixelFormatIndexedColorInterface | PixelFormatIndexedColorInterface extends the PixelFormatInterface with the ability to handle color palettes/tables |
CPixelDepthInfo | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix8u > | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix8s > | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix16u > | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix16s > | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix32u > | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix32s > | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix16f > | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix32f > | |
CPixelDepthInfo< Pix64f > | |
CChannelOffsetHelper | |
CPixelFormatTemplateBase | |
CImagePos | Several functions use this helper structure to pass the position within an image and number of pixels to functions |
CGetPixelHandlerStruct | |
CSetPixelHandlerStruct | |
CImagePixelStorageInterface | Object that can store pixel data in a special layout (e.g. compact, plain, or tiles) |
CDeepImagePixelConstBuffer | |
CDeepImagePixelMutableBuffer | |
CImagePixelDeepImageStorageInterface | Object that can store pixel data in a special layout (e.g. compact, plain, or tiles) |
CUpdateRegionObserver | |
CVectorImageInterface | |
CImageRegionObserverInterface | |
CImageRegionObservableInterface | |
CImageRegionObservableHandlerInterface | |
►CImageRegionTilesObserverInterface | This interface extends the notifiers about regional image changes with accessors to the tile-based tracking data structure |
CDirtyState | Defines the state of regional image changes as a collection of non-overlapping AABBs |
►CImageRegionObserverStorage | |
CStoredObserver | The pair of observer and its registration to the observable |
CImageUrlCacheInterface | |
CLayerSetCompare | |
CLayerSetInterface | Class to choose layers or alphas from an image |
CMediaStreamAudioDataExportInterface | Stream which represents sound data |
CMediaBaseInterface | MediaSession Base Interface. This interface is the common base for all media converter classes |
CMediaConverterInterface | |
CMediaConverterErrorInterface | An MediaConverterError is returned if a media converter want to return an error |
CMediaSessionWrongTypeErrorInterface | |
CMediaStreamEOFErrorInterface | End of Media Stream is reached |
CMediaSessionFileFormatHandlerInterface | |
CMediaInputInterface | Specific implementation to provide input data from a given source |
CMediaOutputInterface | Specific implementation to provide output data to a given destination |
CMediaOutputTextureInterface | The MediaOutputInterface class provides an specific implementation to provide output data to a given destination |
CMediaOutputUrlInterface | The MediaOutputInterface class provides an specific implementation to provide output data to a given destination |
CMediaSessionInterface | |
CMediaStreamInterface | |
CMediaStreamExifDataInterface | Stream which delivers EXIF data |
CMediaStreamImageBaseInterface | Base class for stream which delivers image data |
CMediaStreamImageDataImportInterface | Stream which represents full image data |
CMediaStreamImageDataExportInterface | Stream which represents full image data |
CMediaStreamImageDataForwardImportInterface | |
CMediaStreamAudioDataImportInterface | Stream which represents full image data |
CMediaStreamFormatInterface | Single Stream within a MediaConverterInterface |
CMediaStreamPropertiesInterface | Single Stream within a MediaConverterInterface |
CLIMIT< Vector2d32 > | |
CLIMIT< Vector2d64 > | |
CLIMIT< Vector4d32 > | |
CLIMIT< Vector4d64 > | |
CLIMIT< Vector32 > | |
CLIMIT< Vector64 > | |
CLIMIT< Matrix32 > | |
CLIMIT< Matrix64 > | |
CLIMIT< Color32 > | |
CLIMIT< Color64 > | |
CLIMIT< ColorA32 > | |
CLIMIT< ColorA64 > | |
CBigIntegerInterface | |
CBigInteger | Reference counted class of BigIntegerInterface |
CBlendTweenInterface | |
CBlendAnimationInterface | |
CBlendFunctionInterface | |
CComplex | |
CFFTInterface | |
CFraction | |
CDefaultReification | |
CDispatch1 | |
CDispatch1< ALGORITHM, std::tuple< TYPES... >, REIFICATION > | |
CDispatch2 | Dispatch2 is similar to Dispatch1, but it dispatches based on the second argument instead of the first |
CDispatch2< ALGORITHM, std::tuple< TYPES... >, REIFICATION > | |
CGradientKnot | Represents a knot in a gradient |
CGradientInterface | |
CGradientRenderDataInterface | This is the interface for the render data of the Gradient data type. The data is reference-counted and a copy will automatically be created if a non-const function is called |
CIndexedGradientKnot | |
CSortedGradientKnots | |
CIndexedGradientSampler | |
CGradientSampler | |
CPerformanceBaseArray | |
CKDTreeNode | |
CKDTreeNearest | |
CKDStackArray | |
CKDTree | Class to find closest points in space for a given point cloud |
CMatrixNxM | General n x m matrix |
CMatrixNxMInterface | |
CConstMatrixNxMInterface | |
CPRSMatrixData | Helper type for decomposed Matrix. Also includes shear calculation |
CNoiseInterface | |
CRenderNoiseInterface | |
CNURBSTests | |
CNURBSCurveWithContinuity | |
CNURBSCurveInterface | |
CKnotInfo | |
CNURBSCurve | |
CPolynomSolver | |
CQuaternion | |
CMathFuncHelper | |
CMathFuncHelper< Vec2< T >, FUNC > | |
CMathFuncHelper< Vec3< T >, FUNC > | |
CMathFuncHelper< Vec4< T >, FUNC > | |
CMathFuncHelper< Col3< T >, FUNC > | |
CMathFuncHelper< Col4< T >, FUNC > | |
CSplineMapperKnot | Represents a generator point in a spline |
CSplineMapperInterface | This is the interface for the SplineMapper data type. The data is reference-counted and a copy will automatically be created if a non-const function is called |
CPrimitiveInformation | PrimitiveInformation stores information about a primitive relative to a mesh and a position on that primitive |
CMeshDistanceData | MeshDistanceData is a struct that stores distance information to a mesh for a point in space |
CSplineDistanceData | SplineDistanceData is a struct that stores distance information to a spline or line for a point in space |
CDistanceQueryInterface | DistanceQueryInterface provides functions for calculating the distance to a mesh, a spline or a line |
CCustomDataTagDisplayInterface | |
CMeshAttributeClassInterface | |
CCustomDataTagClassInterface | |
CMeshAttribute | |
CPolyData | |
CPolygroupInformation | |
CVoxelizationInterface | VoxelizationInterface provides a class for building up a voxelization of different kinds of index based mesh data structures |
CChangeListInterface | |
CFileMonitorItemInterface | |
CFileMonitor | |
CFormulaParseErrorInterface | Formula expression contained invalid elements, e.g. too many brackets or numbers that could not be parsed |
CFormulaExecutionErrorInterface | Formula expression could be parsed, but execution failed, e.g. because of an invalid number of arguments |
CFormulaNumberErrorInterface | Numbers in expression could not be parsed, e.g. because they were out of range |
CFormulaParserCacheInterface | The formula parser translates a string expression into this intermediate cache structure |
CFormulaParserInterface | |
CGmlNode | |
CGmlTarget | |
CGmlNodeAttribs | |
CGmlGraphInterface | |
CGmlWriterInterface | |
CIoDocument | |
CIoXmlNodeInterface | XML node/property object |
CIoXmlParser | XML parser class. Use this class to read an XML file into memory or write an XML file to disc |
CProfilerConstant | Internal |
CProfiler | Internal |
CProfileManagerInterface | Internal |
CProfilingPoint | Internal |
CProfilingPointHelper | |
CProgressMonitorInterface | |
CRamDiskInterface | |
CReferenceWrapper | |
CRuleParserInterface | |
CParseHelper | |
CSourceControlChangeEntry | Return value of GetChanges() and GetMissingIntegrations() |
►CSourceControlInterface | |
CChangeFiles | Return value of DescribeChangelist() |
CFileDiff | Return value of DiffFiles() |
CSqlDatabaseInterface | |
CRegularExpressionInterface | |
CSubDataInterface | |
CSubDataOperationInterface | |
CUnitTestErrorInterface | UnitTest error |
CUnitTestInterface | |
CUnitTestComponent | |
CUpdateJobEvent | |
CCellEdge | |
CCellData | CellData struct is a datacontainer that represents a single Voronoi Cell |
CConvexDecompositionInterface | |
CConvEdge | |
CConvexHullData | ConvexHullData struct is a datacontainer that represents a convex hull |
CConvexHullInterface | ConvexHullInterface provides functions for creating a convex hull of a set of points |
CDelaunay3DInterface | |
CExactPredicates2DInterface | 2D exact geometrical predicates. Based on Shewchuk's adaptive exact predicates |
CTopologyContainer | |
CPolygonToTessellationMap | A data structire to map complex polygons to tessellation polygons |
CGenericPolygon | Complex polygon helper class |
CEdgePairTemplate | |
CSelectionWrapper | |
CGeomConstants | Class containing frequently used constants in the geom library |
CDegeneratedInputErrorInterface | An Degenerated input error indicates that a function was unable to compute a result because of degenerate cases (i.e. polygons with size 0) |
CGeometryUtilsInterface | 2D and 3D geometrical utility functions |
CGenericInterpolate | |
CInterpolateTypeInterface | |
CPoly | |
CSimpleMeshObject | |
CTetrahedron | |
CVoronoi3DInterface | Voronoi3D provides functions for creating a 3D Voronoi representation of points |
CConditionVariableDependency | This class represents a dependency on a condition variable with unique ownership semantics |
CHttpCodeErrorInterface | |
CAioStatusInterface | This class is used to wait on the status of one or more asynchronous I/O operations |
CAioReaderInterface | A reader that can receive asynchronous read notifications from an AioService |
CAioWriterInterface | A writer that can receive asynchronous write notifications from an AioService |
CAioServiceInterface | |
CNetworkErrorInterface | A NetworkError indicates that a network function failed |
CNetworkTimeoutErrorInterface | |
CNetworkIpAddressStruct | |
CNetworkAdapterInterface | The NetworkAdapterInterface represents a physical Ethernet connection |
►CNetworkConnectionInterface | This class offers basic network connection functions to read/send data and manage connections |
CProperties | |
CNetworkIpInterface | Static interface to access network functionality |
CNetworkSockAddrIn | |
CNetworkIpAddrInterface | |
CNetworkIpAddrPortInterface | |
CNetworkIpAddr | Reference counted class of NetworkIpAddrInterface |
CNetworkIpAddrPort | |
CSSHNetworkConnectionInterface | This class handles SSH encrypted network connections |
CSSLNetworkConnectionInterface | This class handles SSL encrypted network connections |
CNetworkTcpSocketInterface | A basic TCP network socket |
CNetworkTcpConnectionInterface | An asynchronous TCP connection |
CNetworkTcpServerInterface | An asynchronous TCP server |
CNetworkTcpConnectionOptions | Initialization options for a TCP connection |
CNetworkTcpInterface | Static interface to access network functionality |
CNetworkUdpSocketInterface | A basic UDP network socket |
CNetworkUdpBoundSocketInterface | A UDP network socket that is bound to a local address and thus able to receive data |
CNetworkUdpChannelInterface | An asynchronous UDP channel |
CNetworkUdpSenderInterface | An asynchronous UDP sender |
CNetworkUdpServerInterface | An asynchronous UDP server |
CNetworkUdpChannelOptions | Initialization options for an UDP receiver |
CNetworkUdpSenderOptions | Initialization options for an UDP sender |
CNetworkUdpServerOptions | Initialization options for an UDP server |
CNetworkUdpInterface | Static interface to create UDP entities |
CUrlRedirectInterface | |
CNetworkOAuthSessionInterface | @MAXON_ANNOTATION{obfuscate=true} |
CNetworkProxyInterface | This interface allows handle proxy settings of the os for internet connection |
►CServiceDiscovery | |
CJoinContext | |
CLeaveContext | |
CResourceIdentifier | A named resource with a specific version and a qualified domain name |
CServiceProviderDetails | A servicer provider identified by its device UUID and address |
►CServiceAnnouncementRequestInterface | |
CTimingProperties | Timing details for this service announcement |
CServiceSubscriptionRequestInterface | |
CServiceAnnouncementInterface | An active service announcement |
CServiceSubscriptionInterface | An active service subscription |
►CServiceBusInterface | |
CParameters | Settings for the service discovery bus |
CSmtpErrorInterface | |
CSmtpReceiver | |
CSmtpMailInterface | Send mail via smtp |
CNetworkWebServerInterface | |
CNetworkIpHandlerInterface | |
CNetworkHttpHandlerInterface | |
CNetworkWebSocketConnectionInterface | Class that handles the WebSocket Protocol and an easy interface to use WebSockets |
CNetworkWebSocketSignalInterface | |
CNetworkWebSocketClientConnectionInterface | |
CNetworkWebSocketServerInterface | |
CNetworkZeroConfBrowserInterface | |
CNetworkZeroConfServiceInterface | |
CNetworkZeroConfInterface | |
CNodeContextAssetInterface | |
CFixedSizeArray | |
CDefaultValueFunctions< nodes::TemplateArguments > | |
CNimbusBaseInterface | |
CErrorStorage | |
CPyModuleInterface | |
CResultOffsetHelper | |
CLocalStringStorage | |
CRuntime | A helper struct containing information about a virtual machine and it's libraries |
CLoadRuntime | A helper struct to initialized a virtual machine. Can be initialized by a predefined enum, or a given custom runtime object |
CLibraryInterface | |
CDocStringMeta | |
CVmDebuggerConnectionInterface | |
CVirtualMachineScopeInterface | |
CVirtualMachineInterface | |
CFilterInterface | FilterInterface allows interfacing with the render filter |
CFilterCommandQueueInterface | A Filter Command queue allows queuing of multiple filter's of the same context |
CFilterContextInterface | |
CFilterImageInterface | FilterImageInterface contains the image |
CObserveMeInterface | |
CFunctionSettings | A FunctionSettings object defines the IDs and behaviour of the stored function |
CCommandSettings | |
CClassicCommandSettings | |
CMenuEntry | |
CStatisticsElement | Element of a statistic. Used with GetStatistics() |
CSDKDatabaseInterface | The SDKDatabaseInterface is a database to store functions and commands and to define a menu structure |
CExecuteTestsInterface | Interface to manually or automatically execute test |
CPluginToolsInterface | |
CPythonToolsInterface | |
CSnippetSettings | Settings for SourceToolsInterface::SearchSnippetIssues() |
CSourceToolsInterface | An interface that provides tools to analyze Dox pages and code snippets |
CTestToolsInterface | An interface with various functions |
CDoxTitle | Represents a title/section/subsection in the form ID and text |
CDoxSnippet | Represents code snippet reference |
CDoxPage | Represents a Dox "page", not a dox file |
CCodeSnippet | Represents a code snippet |
CIssue | An issue found in the dox files or code snippets |
CTextToolsInterface | An interface that provides multiple functions to load text, dox pages and code snippets |
CCoreFoundationCreatedPointerHandler | |
CCFStrongRef | Reference for a CoreFoundation object which was created (and hence implicitely retained). The object will released when the CFStrongRef will be destructed |
CNSCreatedPointerHandler | |
CNSStrongRef | Reference for a ObjC object which was created (and hence implicitely retained). The object will released when the NSStrongRef will be destructed |
CNSStrongId | |
CSystemWindows | @MAXON_ANNOTATION{nullimpl=true} |
CVolumeInterface | VolumeInterface represents a core volume object in cinema |
CGridAccessorRef | |
CGridAccessorInterface | GridAccessorInterface allows to access volume data |
CGridAccessorCreationInterface | Helper class to create the templated interface GridAccessorInterface |
CGridAccessorRef< Generic > | |
CVolumeCommandData | |
CGridIteratorRef | |
CGridIteratorInterface | GridIteratorInterface allows to iterate over the active voxels of a volume |
CGridIteratorCreationInterface | Helper class to create the templated interface GridIteratorInterface |
CVolumeRay | |
CVolumeRayHit | |
CVolumeRayIntersectorRef | |
CVolumeRayIntersectorInterface | Internal. VolumeRayIntersectorInterface allows to access perform volume-ray intersection |
CVolumeRayIntersectorCreationInterface | Internal. Helper class to create the templated interface VolumeRayIntersector |
CVolumeRayIntersectorRef< Generic > | |
CSDFFilterSettings | |
CFilterSettings | |
CFieldSampleData | |
CVolumeConversionPolygon | |
CVolumeToolsInterface | VolumeToolsInterface provides methods to process volumes |
CPointsToVolumeListInterface | |
►Nstd | |
Cis_constructible< maxon::Generic, const maxon::Generic & > | |
►Ntool_autotest | |
CAutoTestInterface | |
CAutoTestCommandInterface | Base interface for commands that can be executed with AutoTestInterface::ExecuteCommand() |
CAutoTestQueueInterface | A queue of test commands. A queue is executed with AutoTestInterface::StartTests() |
C_addr_pair | |
C_alias | |
C_arg | |
C_arguments | |
C_BaseCustomGui | Internal |
C_ceval_runtime_state | |
C_ceval_state | |
C_comprehension | |
C_err_stackitem | |
C_excepthandler | |
C_expr | |
C_frame | |
C_frozen | |
C_gc_runtime_state | |
C_gil_runtime_state | |
C_gilstate_runtime_state | |
C_heaptypeobject | |
C_inittab | |
C_is | |
C_keyword | |
C_longobject | |
C_mod | |
C_node | |
C_object | |
C_pending_calls | |
C_Py_atomic_address | |
C_Py_atomic_int | |
C_Py_AuditHookEntry | |
C_Py_clock_info_t | |
C_Py_HashSecret_t | |
C_Py_hashtable_allocator_t | |
C_Py_hashtable_entry_t | |
C_Py_hashtable_t | |
C_Py_Identifier | |
C_Py_slist_item_s | |
C_Py_slist_t | |
C_Py_tss_t | |
C_Py_unicode_fs_codec | |
C_Py_unicode_state | |
C_PyAccu | |
C_PyArg_Parser | |
C_PyArgv | |
C_PyASTOptimizeState | |
C_PyBytesWriter | |
C_pycontextobject | |
C_pycontexttokenobject | |
C_pycontextvarobject | |
C_PyDateTime_BaseDateTime | |
C_PyDateTime_BaseTime | |
C_PyDateTime_BaseTZInfo | |
C_PyDictViewObject | |
C_PyManagedBufferObject | |
C_PyOpcache | |
C_PyOpcache_LoadGlobal | |
C_PyOS_LongOption | |
C_PyPathConfig | |
C_PyPreCmdline | |
C_PyTraceMalloc_Config | |
C_PyUnicode_Name_CAPI | |
C_PyUnicodeWriter | |
C_PyWeakReference | |
C_stmt | |
C_symtable_entry | |
C_traceback | |
C_ts | |
C_type_ignore | |
C_typeobject | |
C_warnings_runtime_state | |
C_withitem | |
C_xid | |
C_xidregitem | |
CAccessedObjectsCallback | |
CActiveModeInfo | |
CAdvancedIntegerTriplet | [datatypes_datatype_declaration] |
CAdvancedNumberInterface | |
CAES | |
CAESFile | |
CAliasTrans | |
Carc | |
Casdl_int_seq | |
Casdl_seq | |
CAsset | |
CAssetData | |
CAssetEntry | |
CAtomArray | |
CAtomInterface | |
CAutoAlloc | |
CAutoBitmap | A simple BaseBitmap wrapper created from a filename or resource ID |
CAutoFree | |
CAutoLock | |
CAutoLocker | |
CAutoRWLock | |
CAutoRWLocker | |
CAutoWaitPointer | |
CBakeProgressInfo | |
CBakeTextureResizeNotify | |
CBaseBitmap | |
CBaseBitmapLink | |
CBaseChannel | |
CBaseContainer | |
CBaseCustomGui | The base class for custom GUIs |
CBaseData | The base class for all plugin data classes |
CBaseDocument | |
CBaseDraw | |
CBaseDrawHelp | |
CBaseFile | |
CBaseLink | |
CBaseLinkArray | A helper class to handle BaseLink instances |
CBaseList2D | |
CBaseMaterial | |
CBaseObject | |
CBaseObjectPrivateMessage | |
CBaseOverride | |
CBaseOverrideGroup | |
CBaseParticle | Structure used to change the particle path by the particle modifiers |
CBasePlugin | The base class for Cinema 4D plugins |
CBASEPLUGIN | Internal |
CBaseSceneHook | |
CBaseSceneLoader | |
CBaseSceneSaver | |
CBaseSelect | |
CBaseSelectData | Private |
CBaseShader | |
CBaseSound | |
CBaseTag | |
CBaseTake | |
CBaseThread | |
CBaseTime | |
CBaseVideoPost | |
CBaseVideoPostStruct | |
CBaseView | |
CBaseVolumeData | |
CBatchRender | A class to access the Render Queue |
CBDSetSceneCameraMsg | Struct for the BASEDRAW_MESSAGE_SET_SCENE_CAMERA message |
CBezierPoint | |
CBiRenderLib | |
CBiRenderObject | |
CBiRenderVideoPost | |
CBitmapBoolGui | |
CBitmapButtonCallback | Callback for BitmapButtonCustomGui, registered with BitmapButtonCustomGui::SetCallback() |
CBitmapButtonCustomGui | |
CBitmapButtonStruct | |
CBitmapLoaderAnimatedData | Data structure for loading a movie in a bitmap loader |
CBitmapLoaderData | |
CBitmapLoaderPlugin | |
CBitmapSaverData | |
CBitmapSaverPlugin | |
CBPColorSettings | Color Settings for a BodyPaint 3D channel |
CBPColorSettingsHelpers | Functions to get access to the selected BodyPaint 3D channel color settings |
CBPPaintSettings | Paint Settings for BodyPaint 3D channels |
CBPSingleColorSettings | Color settings |
CBranchInfo | |
CBrowseConstContainer | |
CBrowseContainer | |
CBrowseFiles | |
CBrowserContentNode | |
CBrowserPluginInterface | |
CBrowserURL | |
CBrowseVolumes | |
CBrushBase | Helper class for the BrushToolData hook |
CBrushDabData | The brush data for an individual dab. This is passed into the method defined by the user in SculptBrushParams::SetMovePointFunc |
CBrushObjectInfo | |
CBrushPixelData | |
CBrushPointData | The data for each point in a brush dab |
CBrushPolyData | The data for each point in a brush dab |
CBrushToolData | |
CBrushVertexData | |
Cbufferinfo | |
CC4D_Falloff | |
CC4DAtom | |
CC4DAtomGoal | Dummy class for C4DAtom objects that can be pointed to by BaseLink objects |
CC4DGadget | Represents a gadget in a dialog |
CC4DLibrary | |
CC4DNoise | The noise class used for the Cinema 4D shaders |
CC4DObjectList | |
CC4DPL_CommandLineArgs | |
CC4DPL_DeviceChange | |
CC4DPL_EditImage | |
CC4DPL_NetRenderResult | Private |
CC4DThread | |
CC4DUuid | Deprecated. Use maxon::Uuid |
CCAJointObject | |
CCameraObject | |
CCAMorph | |
CCAMorphNode | |
CCAnimInfo | Internal |
CCAPoseMorphTag | |
CCAReferencePSD | |
CCAWeightMgr | |
CCAWeightTag | |
CCCurve | |
CCellInfo | Tree/List view cell information |
CChannelData | |
CCKey | Represents a key in the CCurve of a track which represent the animation of a parameter |
CCLine | |
CCloudObject | Cloud object |
CColorInterface | [extensionpoint_basic_interface] |
CColorProfile | |
CColorProfileConvert | |
CColorProfileInfo | |
CColorSwatchData | |
CColorSwatchGroup | |
CCommandData | |
CCommandInformationData | |
CCompactTriplet | |
CConicCurveCoeffcients | |
CConstDescIDMem | |
CControlDisplayStruct | DisplayControl data |
CCPolygon | Represents a polygon that can be either a triangle or a quadrangle |
CCTrack | |
CCTrackData | |
CCustomDataTag | |
CCustomDataType | Base class for custom data types |
CCustomDataTypeClass | |
CCustomDataTypeT | |
CCustomGuiData | |
CCustomIconSettings | |
CCustomProperty | |
CCustomSculptBrushBase | Private. Internal |
CCustomSplineKnot | Represents a knot in a spline |
CCustomUniqueIdGenerator | |
CCustomUniqueIdInterface | [interfaces_references_const_declaration] |
CDataSampleMeanInterface | [interfaces_component_base_interface] |
CDateTime | Represents a date and time |
CDateTimeControl | |
CDateTimeData | |
CDateTimeParser | |
CDebugTimer | Internal |
CDescID | |
CDescLevel | Represents a level within a DescID |
CDescPropertyDragData | |
CDescription | |
CDescriptionAllowOverride | |
CDescriptionBaseMessage | Message struct for some message types |
CDescriptionCheckDragAndDrop | Message struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKDRAGANDDROP |
CDescriptionCheckUpdate | Message struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKUPDATE message |
CDescriptionCommand | Message struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_COMMAND |
CDescriptionCustomGui | |
CDescriptionCustomGuiNotification | |
CDescriptionElementInterface | |
CDescriptionFilter | |
CDescriptionGetBitmap | Message struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_GETBITMAP |
CDescriptionGetObjects | Private |
CDescriptionImExportInit | Message struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_IMPEXPORT_INIT message |
CDescriptionImExportVerifyFilename | |
CDescriptionImExportVerifySuffix | |
CDescriptionInExAdded | |
CDescriptionInExDeleted | |
CDescriptionInExSelChanged | |
CDescriptionInitUndo | Message struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_INITUNDO message |
CDescriptionInlineObjectMsg | Message struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_GETINLINEOBJECT message |
CDescriptionPopup | Message struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_POPUP |
CDescriptionPostSetValue | Message struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_POSTSETPARAMETER message |
CDescriptionPropertyCustomGui | |
CDescriptionTakeChanged | |
CDescriptionToolData | |
CDescriptionValidate | Message struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_VALIDATE message |
Cdfa | |
CDiceInterface | [interfaces_references_none_declaration] |
CDisplaceInfo | Private |
CDisplayTag | |
CDocumentImported | Message struct for the MSG_MULTI_DOCUMENTIMPORTED message |
CDocumentInfoClipData | Message struct for the MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_PASTE and MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_COPY messages. Private |
CDocumentInfoData | Message struct for the MSG_DOCUMENTINFO message |
CDocumentInfoMakeProj | Message struct for the MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_MAKEPROJECT message |
CDpoint | Motion particle transformation data |
CDragAndDrop | Message struct for the MSG_DRAGANDDROP message |
CDragInfo | Tree/List view drag information |
CDrawInfo | Tree/List view draw information |
CDummy2Interface | |
CDummyInterface | |
CDWGObjectsLib | |
CDynamicDescription | |
CEdgeBaseSelect | |
CEditorLight | |
CEditorWindow | Helper class for the editor's window |
CEffector_PassData | |
CEffector_PassValueData | |
CEffectorData | |
CEffectorDataStruct | Data structure for an effector's internal data, filled from its container.
CElement | |
CElementArrayInterface | [interfaces_annotations_declaration] |
CEnumInfo | |
CErrorCodeInterface | |
CExampleErrorInterface | [error_custom_interface] |
CFalloffCollectMessage | |
CFalloffData | |
CFalloffDataData | |
CFieldCallerStack | |
CFieldData | |
CFieldGuiGetSubListInfo | |
CFieldInfo | Thread local information for this field sample invocation |
CFieldInput | |
CFieldLayer | |
CFieldLayerData | |
CFieldLayerLink | |
CFieldList | Field custom GUI (CUSTOMDATATYPE_FIELDLIST) for the Field list data |
CFieldListGui | |
CFieldObject | |
CFieldOutput | |
CFieldOutputBlockTemplate | |
CFILE_native | |
CFilename | Manages file and path names |
CFilenameCustomGui | |
CFloatArrayInterface | [interfaces_references_cow_declaration] |
CFloatTriplet | |
CFontchooserCustomGui | |
CFontData | |
CGadgetPtr | |
Cgc_generation | |
Cgc_generation_stats | |
CGeCipher256 | A class that encrypts data using an insecure scrambling |
CGeClipMap | |
CGeColliderCache | |
CGeColliderEngine | |
CGeData | |
CGeDialog | |
CGeListHead | |
CGeListHeadCB | |
CGeListNode | Represents a C4DAtom that resides in a 4D list |
CGeListView | SimpleListView base class. Mostly internal |
CGeMarker | A unique marker that identifies an object |
CGeModalDialog | This class is especially designed for modal dialogs. This means that as long as the dialog is open, Cinema 4D has to wait until the user closes the dialog |
CGePlaySnd | |
CGeRayCollider | |
CGeRayColResult | Stores the result of calculations with GeRayCollider |
CGeResource | This class allows to access resource files on the hard drive, for example to load dialog resources or to access string tables |
CGeSndInfo | |
CGetCustomIconData | Message struct for the MSG_GETCUSTOMICON message |
CGetMGSelectionMessage | Message struct for the MSG_GET_MODATASELECTION message |
CGetMGWeightMessage | Message struct for the MSG_GET_MODATAWEIGHTS message |
CGetMoDataMessage | Structure for passing MoData around |
CGetRealCameraData | Message struct for the MSG_GETREALCAMERADATA message |
CGetRealTagData | Message struct for the MSG_GETREALTAGDATA message |
CGeUserArea | |
CGlobalIlluminationInformation | Message struct for the MSG_GLOBALILLUMINATIONINFORMATION message |
CGlow | |
CGradient | |
CGradientCustomGui | |
Cgrammar | |
CGV_DATA_HANDLER | Data type handler. Use GvRegisterDataType() to register |
CGV_OPCLASS_HANDLER | Operator class handler. Use GvRegisterOpClassType() to register |
CGV_OPGROUP_HANDLER | Operator group handler. Use GvRegisterOpGroupType() to register |
CGV_VALGROUP_HANDLER | Value group handler. Use GvRegisterValGroupType() to register |
CGV_VALUE_HANDLER | Value handler. Use GvRegisterValueType() to register |
CGvAnimHook | |
CGvCalc | |
CGvCalcHook | |
CGvCalcTable | Used for iterator nodes. Cannot be instantiated |
CGvCalcTime | Stores calculation time related information. Cannot be instantiated |
CGvDataInfo | |
CGvDestination | Connections destination data |
CGvDrawHook | |
CGvDropHook | |
CGvDynamicData | Represents a GV data and information about its data type |
CGvHelper | |
CGvHook | |
CGvInit | |
CGvMenuHook | |
CGvMessHook | |
CGvNode | |
CGvNodeGUI | GV node GUI helper class. Cannot be instantiated |
CGvNodeMaster | |
CGvOperatorData | |
CGvOperatorDescription | |
CGvPort | |
►CGvPortDescInfo | Port description information |
CPortInfo | |
CGvPortDescription | Port description data |
CGvPortInfo | Port information data |
CGvPortList | |
CGvPortListEntry | Represents a port entry in GvPortList |
CGvPortsDescInfo | Convenience collection of 2 GvPortDescInfo structures for the input and output ports |
CGvPortsInfo | Convenience structure for port calculation speedup |
CGvQuery | |
CGvRun | Contains helper functions for controlling node evaluation. Cannot be instantiated |
CGvValue | |
CGvValuesInfo | |
CGvWorld | The GV world class. Cannot be instantiated. To retrieve the global instance call GvGetWorld() |
CGvWrapper | |
CHairCollider | |
CHairFragment | |
CHairFragmentLink | |
CHairGuideDynamics | Contains hair dynamics information. Cannot be allocated |
CHairGuides | |
CHairGuideWeight | |
CHairHitData | |
CHairInterpolationMap | |
CHairLibrary | |
CHairMaterialData | Contains information about hair materials. Cannot be allocated |
CHairObject | |
CHairPluginMessageData | |
CHairPluginObjectData | |
CHairPolygonHit | |
CHairRenderObject | |
CHairRootData | |
CHairSelectionTag | |
CHairTangentTag | |
CHairVertexMapTag | |
CHairVideoPost | |
CHalo | |
CHandleInfo | |
CHelperTriplet | [files_describeio_simple_datatype] |
CHierarchy | |
CHierarchyHelp | |
CHNData | Holds HyperNURBS weight tag data |
CHNSubdiv | |
CHNWeightTag | |
CHtmlViewerCustomGui | |
CHUDTextEntry | Class structure to hold HUD Text for BaseDraw::DrawMultipleHudText |
CHyperFile | |
CHyperLinkCustomGui | |
CHyperLinkData | Hyper link custom data (CUSTOMDATATYPE_HYPER_LINK_STATIC) for use with HyperLinkCustomGui |
CiBrowser | |
CIconData | Represents a single icon in a large bitmap array |
CiCustomDataType | |
CiCustomGui | |
CIIntersect | |
CIlluminanceSurfacePointData | |
CInclusionTable | |
CInExcludeCustomGui | |
CInExcludeData | InExclude custom data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_INEXCLUDE_LIST) |
CInitRenderStruct | |
CInstanceObject | |
CIntegerTriplet | [datatypes_datatype_declaration] |
CIntersectHitData | |
CInvokeScriptData | Message structure for the MSG_TRANSFORM_OBJECT message. Private |
CIpoint | Struct that holds the information for each particle |
CItemTreeData | |
CJointRestState | |
CKerning | Holds the kerning parameters for one character in a string |
CKerningCustomGui | The custom GUI to display and edit Kerning data |
CKerningData | |
CKerningGetGuiHelperMsg | |
CKerningTriState | TriState helper for class Kerning |
CKerningVpGuiHelper | |
Clabel | |
Clabellist | |
CLassoSelection | Used to select any GUI element with a lasso |
CLatLongRange | |
CLayerData | |
CLayerObject | |
CLayerSet | Layer set custom data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_LAYERSET) |
CLayerSetCustomGui | LayerSet custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_LAYERSET) |
CLayerSetHelper | Internal |
CLayerShader | |
CLayerShaderLayer | Represents a layer in a LayerShader |
CLensGlowCustomGui | Lens Glow custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_LENSGLOW) for use with the LensGlowStruct data type |
CLensGlowStruct | Lens Glow data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_LENSGLOW) for use with LensGlowCustomGui |
CLIMIT< Char > | |
CLIMIT< Float32 > | |
CLIMIT< Float64 > | |
CLIMIT< Int16 > | |
CLIMIT< Int32 > | |
CLIMIT< Int64 > | |
CLIMIT< UChar > | |
CLIMIT< UInt16 > | |
CLIMIT< UInt32 > | |
CLIMIT< UInt64 > | |
CLineObject | |
CLinkBoxGui | |
CListViewData | |
CLMinMax | A class to construct a bounding box around points |
CLocalFileTime | Represents a date time |
CLodObject | |
CLongLatGui | |
CLowerCaseString | |
CLowerCaseStringHelper | |
CLowerCaseStringHelper< STRING_WRAPPER, std::index_sequence< INDICES... > > | |
CMachine | |
CMachineGroup | |
CManagerInfo | |
CMarkMaterials | |
CMatAssignCustomGui | |
CMatAssignData | Material assignment custom data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_MATASSIGN) |
CMatAssignTable | |
CMaterial | |
CMaterialData | |
CMaterialDragAndDrop | Message struct for the MSG_MATERIALDRAGANDDROP message |
CMaterialPreviewCustomGui | |
CMaterialPreviewData | Material preview data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_MATPREVIEW) for MaterialPreviewCustomGui |
CMatPreviewCopyUserData | Message struct for MATPREVIEW_COPY_USERDATA |
CMatPreviewGenerateImage | Message struct for MATPREVIEW_GENERATE_IMAGE |
CMatPreviewHandleDragnDrop | |
CMatPreviewModifyCacheScene | Message struct for MATPREVIEW_MODIFY_CACHE_SCENE |
CMatPreviewObjectInfo | Message struct for MATPREVIEW_GET_OBJECT_INFO |
CMatPreviewPrepareScene | Message struct for MATPREVIEW_PREPARE_SCENE |
CMaxonRegistry | |
CMDArray | Template array class used for arrays filled by MoData |
CMemoryFileStruct | |
CMessageData | |
CMessageDocumentConvertColors | Message struct for the MSG_DOCUMENT_CONVERT_COLORS message |
CMessageFilter | Message struct for the MSG_FILTER message |
CMessageScaleDocument | Message struct for the MSG_SCALEDOCUMENT message |
CMGWeightData | Holds weight information for MoGraph weight tags |
CMoccaLibrary | |
CMoData | Class for handling MoGraph motion data |
CModeling | Modeling engine |
CModelingCommandData | A helper object for SendModelingCommand() |
CModifierFlagsMsgData | Message structure for the MSG_GETMODIFIERFLAGS message. Private |
CModifyFilenameDataStruct | |
CMotionInfo | |
CMotionTrackerObject | |
CMouseDownInfo | Internal |
CMouseInfo | Tree/List view mouse information |
CMovieLoader | |
CMovieSaver | |
CMovieViewCustomGui | Movie viewer custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_MOVIEVIEW). Currently Mac only |
CMsgGICSExData | Private |
CMsgGINewData | Private |
CMt2dTrack | |
CMt2dTrackData | |
CMTBodyPartParameters | |
CMTCharacterBodyPart | |
CMTCharacterDefinitionTag | Represents the Character Definition tag |
CMTCharacterMotionTransferTag | |
CMtData | |
CMtFootageData | |
CMtTrkGid | |
CMultiInstanceData | |
CMultiInstanceEntry | |
CMultilineEditTextStoreUndo | Message struct for the MSG_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_STOREUNDO and MSG_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_RESTOREUNDO messages |
CMultipass | |
CMultipassBitmap | |
CMultiPassChannel | Private |
CMultipassObject | |
CMutableEffectorDataStruct | |
CNeighbor | |
CNetLibrary | |
CNetRenderBuffer | |
CNetRenderData | |
CNetRenderDocumentContext | |
CNetRenderMsgBucketFinished | |
CNetRenderMsgBucketIndex | |
CNetRenderMsgBucketInfo | |
CNetRenderMsgBucketStarted | |
CNetRenderMsgCacheGetCache | |
CNetRenderMsgCacheGetTask | |
CNetRenderMsgCachePrepass | |
CNetRenderMsgCacheProgress | |
CNetRenderMsgCacheSendTask | |
CNetRenderService | |
CNetService | |
CNetworkIpConnection | |
CNgon | |
CNgonBase | |
►CNgonNeighbor | |
CNgonNeighborSegment | |
CNodeData | |
CNodeMaterial | |
CNormalStruct | |
CNormalTag | Represents a Point Normal tag |
CNotifyEventCopy | Private |
CNotifyEventData | Private |
CNotifyEventMsg | Private |
CNumberInterface | [interfaces_inheritance_interface_a] |
CObjectColorProperties | Data structure for object color properties |
CObjectData | |
CObjectRestriction | |
CObjectSelectionData | Message struct for the MSG_GETSELECTION message. Private |
CObjectTransformMsgData | Message structure for the MSG_TRANSFORM_OBJECT message. Private |
COcioConverter | Class which transforms colors from one OCIO color space to another |
COverrideMaterial | |
CPaintBitmap | The base class of all paint classes. Can be a texture, material, layer or mask |
CPaintBrushData | |
CPaintLayer | A class for paint layers. Can be any kind of layer (layer, layer set, etc.) |
CPaintLayerBmp | A class for layers with pixels |
CPaintLayerFolder | A class for paint layer folders |
CPaintLayerMask | A class for paint layer masks |
CPaintManager | Functions to access Texture Views |
CPaintMaterial | A class for paint materials. It represents a paintable material |
CPaintTexture | A class for paint textures, can contain layers and may represent the channel of a material |
CPaintView | Represents a Texture View |
CParser | |
CParserCache | |
CParticle | The information for each particle: its location, movement and life |
CParticleDetails | Details about the position and life of a particle, this is retrieved using ParticleObject::GetParticleDetails() |
CParticleGroupObject | |
CParticleObject | |
CParticleTag | |
Cperrdetail | |
CPgon | |
CPgonEdge | |
CPickSessionDataStruct | |
CPixelFragment | |
CPixelPost | |
CPLAData | PLA custom data type (CUSTOMDATATYPE_PLA) for PLA tracks |
CPointMove | |
CPointObject | |
CPointTag | Represents the Point tag |
CPolygonObject | |
CPolygonReduction | |
CPolygonReductionData | |
CPolygonTag | Represents the Polygon tag |
CPolyInfo | |
CPolyTriangulate | |
CPolyVector | The UVWs for a polygon. In the raytracer they are uncompressed |
CPolyWeight | |
CPrefsDialogHook | Private |
CPrefsDialogObject | |
CPrefsMapTable | Private |
CPresampleFieldSingleData | Message struct for MSG_PRESAMPLE_FIELD_SINGLE |
CPreSaveValidationStruct | Data for MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_CHECKSAVEDENIED message |
CPriorityCustomGui | |
CPriorityData | Priority custom data type (CUSTOMGUI_PRIORITY_DATA) |
CPriorityList | |
CProbe | |
CProgressDialog | |
CProgressThread | Internal |
CPropertyPropagationOverrideData | |
CPy_complex | |
CPyASCIIObject | |
CPyAsyncGenObject | |
CPyAsyncMethods | |
CPyBaseExceptionObject | |
CPyBufferProcs | |
CPyByteArrayObject | |
CPyBytesObject | |
CPyCellObject | |
CPyCFunctionObject | |
CPyCMethodObject | |
CPyCodeObject | |
CPyCompactUnicodeObject | |
CPyCompilerFlags | |
CPyComplexObject | |
CPyConfig | |
CPyCoroObject | |
CPyCursesWindowObject | |
CPyDateTime_CAPI | |
CPyDateTime_Date | |
CPyDateTime_DateTime | |
CPyDateTime_Delta | |
CPyDateTime_Time | |
CPyDateTime_TZInfo | |
CPyDescrObject | |
CPyDictObject | |
CPyExpat_CAPI | |
CPyFloatObject | |
CPyFunctionObject | |
CPyFutureFeatures | |
CPyGC_Head | |
CPyGenObject | |
CPyGetSetDef | |
CPyGetSetDescrObject | |
CPyHamtIterator | |
CPyHamtIteratorState | |
CPyHamtNode | |
CPyHamtObject | |
CPyHash_FuncDef | |
CPyImportErrorObject | |
CPyInstanceMethodObject | |
CPyListObject | |
CPyMappingMethods | |
CPyMemAllocatorEx | |
CPyMemberDef | |
CPyMemberDescrObject | |
CPyMemoryViewObject | |
CPyMethodDef | |
CPyMethodDescrObject | |
CPyMethodObject | |
CPyModuleDef | |
CPyModuleDef_Base | |
CPyModuleDef_Slot | |
CPyNumberMethods | |
CPyObjectArenaAllocator | |
CPyOSErrorObject | |
CPyPreConfig | |
►Cpyruntimestate | |
C_xidregistry | |
Cpyinterpreters | |
CPySequenceMethods | |
CPySetObject | |
CPySliceObject | |
CPyStatus | |
CPyStopIterationObject | |
CPyStructSequence_Desc | |
CPyStructSequence_Field | |
CPySyntaxErrorObject | |
CPySystemExitObject | |
CPyTryBlock | |
CPyTupleObject | |
CPyType_Slot | |
CPyType_Spec | |
CPyUnicodeErrorObject | |
CPyUnicodeObject | |
CPyVarObject | |
CPyWideStringList | |
CPyWrapperDescrObject | |
CQuaternion | |
CQuickTabCustomGui | |
CRadiancePolyFrontBack | |
CRandom | |
CRangeCustomGui | |
CRangeData | |
CRangePair | |
CRay | |
CRayCamera | |
CRayEnvironment | The data for the scene environment (if an EnvironmentObject was in the scene) |
CRayHemiSample | |
CRayHemisphere | |
CRayHitID | |
CRayIllumination | Illumination information for materials |
CRayLight | |
CRayLightCache | |
CRayLightCaustics | |
CRayLightComponent | Use by custom illumination models; the illumination model fills out rdiffuse and rspecular for a given light source |
CRayLightNoise | |
CRayLightShadow | |
CRayLightVisible | |
CRayMotionCamera | Motion Blur camera |
CRayMotionCameraFrame | |
CRayMotionLight | |
CRayMotionLightFrame | |
CRayMotionMatrix | |
CRayMotionMatrixData | |
CRayMotionNormal | |
CRayMotionObject | |
CRayMotionPolyNormal | |
CRayMotionTexture | |
CRayMotionTextureFrame | |
CRayObject | |
CRayObjectInstanceData | |
CRayParameter | |
CRayPolygon | |
CRayPolyWeight | Stores polygon weight information. Filled by VolumeData::GetWeights() |
CRayRadianceObject | Contains the computed radiance values for an object |
CRayRadiancePoly | |
CRaySampler | Private |
CRayShaderStackElement | Private |
CRedirectMsgData | Message structure for the MSG_REDIRECT message. Private |
CReferenceObject | |
CReflectionLayer | |
CRegistry | |
CRegularExprParser | |
CRenameTextureMessage | |
CRender | |
CRenderData | |
CRenderJob | |
CRenderNotificationData | Message struct for the MSG_MULTI_RENDERNOTIFICATION message |
CRenderPathData | Data structure to collect render information in handling Tokens in render output path |
CRenderTask | |
CRenderTaskTransfer | |
CRepository | |
CResolvePortDescId | Helper structure used together with GV_MESSAGE_OBJECT_RESOLVEPORTDESCID |
CResourceDataTypeClass | |
CRestoreLayoutSecret | |
CRetrievePrivateData | |
CRootObjectData | |
CRTreeNode | |
CSafety | |
CSceneColorConverter | |
CSceneHookData | |
CSceneLoaderData | |
CSceneSaverData | |
►CScriptInfoData | Broadcasted alongside the message MSG_MULTI_SCRIPTINFO to query scene elements for scripts they contain and might execute |
CScriptInfoItem | Describes a singular script parameter held by a node, e.g., the OPYTHON_CODE parameter of Opython |
CSculptBrushModifierData | Data class to create sculpt brush modifier plugins. Use RegisterBrushModifier() to register one |
CSculptBrushParams | |
CSculptBrushToolData | |
CSculptCustomData | |
CSculptFlagChecker | |
CSculptFolder | A SculptFolder can contain many SculptLayer objects or other SculptFolder objects as children |
CSculptHitData | Data structure filled out by the SculptObject::Hit() methods |
CSculptLayer | A sculpt layer can contain one or more SculptLayerData children |
CSculptLayerBase | Base class for sculpt layers |
CSculptLayerData | |
CSculptLayerSystem | |
CSculptModifierInterface | |
CSculptMouseData | |
CSculptObject | |
CSculptPointPolysIterator | |
CSculptTag | |
CSDataEx | Sound sample data |
CSDKBrowser | Private |
CSDKBrowserURL | |
CSDKReferenceObject | Base class for the browser nodes |
CSDKReferenceObjectBasePtr | Base class for the SDKReferenceObjectPtr class. Holds the interface pointer |
CSDKReferenceObjectPtr | |
CSDSObject | |
CSDSSubdivisionMask | |
CSegment | Represents a Spline segment data |
CSegmentSphereIntersectionData | |
CSegmentTag | Represents the Segment tag |
CSelectionChanger | |
CSelectionTag | |
CSerialInfo | |
Csetentry | |
CShaderData | |
CSimpleAtom | [published_objects_declaration] |
CSimpleClassInterface | [interfaces_basic_virtual_interface] |
CSimpleListView | A class for simple list views. See ListView.cpp SDK example |
CSimpleTriplet | [files_describeio_simple_datatype] |
CSMinMax | A class to construct a bounding box around points |
CSnapCore | The Snap Interface, must be allocated either with AutoAlloc, or Alloc() and freed after use with Free() |
CSnapData | |
CSnapExclude | |
CSnapPoint | Structure for holding and returning information about the result of a snap and the point that has been snapped to |
CSnapResult | The final result that the user gets when calling SnapCore::Snap or SnapCore::Intersect |
CSnapStruct | Structure containing relevant context information for the snap system |
CSoftSelectionTag | |
CSomeDataBaseInterface | [data_resourceid_declare] |
CSoundEffectorCustomGui | |
CSoundEffectorData | |
CSpcInfo | |
CSplineControlMessages | |
CSplineCustomGui | |
CSplineData | |
CSplineDataCallbackCoreMessage | Callback struct for the SPLINE_CALLBACK_CORE_MESSAGE call |
CSplineDataCallbackCursorInfo | Callback struct for the SPLINE_CALLBACK_CURSORINFO call |
CSplineDataCallbackDraw | Callback struct for the SPLINE_CALLBACK_DRAW call |
CSplineHelp | |
CSplineLengthData | |
CSplineObject | Represents a spline object |
Cstate | |
CStereoCameraInfo | Stereoscopic camera information |
CStickTextureTag | |
CStratified2DRandom | A class to generate stratified 2D random numbers |
CStreak | |
CString | |
CStringHashInterface | [factory_example_interface] |
CStringUndo | Message struct for the MSG_STRINGUNDO message. Private |
CSubDialog | This class is for creating sub-dialogs that can be attached to a SUBDIALOG control in an ordinary GeDialog with GeDialog::AttachSubDialog() |
CSubstanceShdGetBitmap | |
CSurfaceData | Filled by VolumeData::GetSurfaceData() |
CSurfaceIntersection | A structure for surface intersections |
CSUVWStruct | |
Csymtable | |
CTagData | |
CTagModifyMsgData | Message structure for the MSG_TAG_MODIFY message. Private |
CTakeData | |
CTangent | Represents a tangent with its left and right interpolation parts |
CTangentTag | Represents the Spline Tangent tag |
CTask | |
CTempUVHandle | |
CTexBoxGui | |
CTexData | |
CTextureManagerCustomGui | Custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_TEXTUREMANAGER) for managing paint textures |
CTexturenameCustomGui | Texture name custom GUI (CUSTOMGUI_TEXTURENAME) |
CTextureSize | |
CTextureTag | |
CTokenEntry | Data structure that represents a Token |
CToolAskMsgData | |
CToolData | |
CToolPlugin | |
►CToolResizeData | |
CToolResizeFalloffData | |
CToolSwitchActionMsgData | |
CToolSystemMessageData | @MarkPrivate |
CToolTransformMsgData | Message structure for the MSG_TOOL_TRANSFORM message. Private |
CTP_BaseCollision | |
CTP_BaseShape | |
CTP_CollisionInterface | |
CTP_FreeParticle_CB | |
CTP_FreePShape_CB | |
CTP_MasterSystem | |
CTP_Msg | |
CTP_ParticleNode | Represents a particle in a TP_PGroup list |
CTP_PGroup | Represents a particle group |
CTP_PGroupArray | |
CTP_PGroupPreRemove | Data structure for TP_MSG_PGROUP_PREREMOVE message |
CTP_PShapeI | PShape datatype |
CTP_PShapeInterface | |
CTP_PShapePtr | Wrapper around a TP_PShapeI pointer |
CTP_Spin | |
CTransIndexMapData | |
CTranslationMaps | |
CTransMapData | |
CTransMapNewData | |
CTransPointDeltaData | |
CTransPointInterData | |
CTreeElementInterface | |
CTreeViewCustomGui | |
CTreeViewDropDownMenuInfo | DropDown menu information, filled out by the user |
CTreeViewFloatSliderInfo | Percentage floating slider information, filled out by the user |
CTreeViewFunctions | Inherit this class to supply a data and view model for TreeViewCustomGui. See ActiveObject.cpp SDK example |
CTriState | |
CUnitScaleCustomGui | |
CUnitScaleData | |
CUpdateDialogHelper | Helper class for GeDialog::BeginLayoutChange() |
CUser | |
CUserPool | |
CUVWStruct | |
CUVWTag | |
CVariableChanged | |
CVariableTag | |
CVector2dCustomGui | |
CVertexColorStruct | |
CVertexColorTag | |
CVertexMapTag | Represents the Vertex Map tag |
CVideoPostData | |
CVideoPostSettingModeQuery | |
CVideoPostStruct | |
CViewportPixel | |
CViewportRenderIDMessageData | |
CViewportSelect | |
CVolumeBuilder | |
CVolumeData | |
CVolumeObject | |
CVolumeSet | |
CVoronoiFracture | |
CVPBuffer | A rendering bitmap buffer. Represents internally the same class as MultipassBitmap, so a VPBuffer can be cast to a MultipassBitmap and vice versa |
CVPFragment | |
Cwrapperbase | |
CxBaseCurveClass | |
CxBaseCurveData | |
CxBaseCurvePoint | |
CxBaseGeometryData | |
CxBaseSurfaceClass | |
CxBaseSurfaceData | |
CxCircularCurveData | |
CxCompositeCurveData | |
CxConicCurveData | |
CxExtrudeSurfaceData | |
CxLineCurveData | |
CxMappedCurveClass | |
CxMappedCurveData | |
CxNurbsCurveData | |
CxNurbsCurvePoint | |
CxNurbsKnots | |
CxNurbsSurfaceData | |
CxPlaneSurfaceData | |
CxPolynomCurveData | |
CxPolynomCurvePoint | |
CxPolynomSurfaceData | |
CxPolynomSurfacePoint | |
CXPressoTag | |
CXrefInitData | Message struct for the MSG_XREFINIT message |
CxRotateSurfaceData | |
CxSegmentMappedCurveData | |
CxStandardMappedCurveData | |
CxStandardTrimmedSurfaceData | |
CxTrimmedSurfaceClass | |
CxTrimmedSurfaceData | |
CxUVPairFF | |
CZipFile | Allows to read/write ZIP files |
CZipFileGlobalInfo | |
CZipFileInfo | |
CZipFileTime | |
CZipWriteInfo | |