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    VPFragment Struct Reference

    #include <c4d_shader.h>

    Detailed Description

    Public Attributes

    RayHitID id
    UChar subx
    UChar suby
    Int16 weight
    Vector32 color
    Float z
    Vector p
    Vector n

    Member Data Documentation

    ◆ id

    Fragment ID.

    ◆ subx

    UChar subx

    A valid sub-X position that is covered by the fragment; where a ray can safely be created that will intersect the fragment: 0 <= subx <= 15.

    ◆ suby

    UChar suby

    A valid sub-Y position that is covered by the fragment; where a ray can safely be created that will intersect the fragment: 0 <= suby <= 15.

    ◆ weight

    Int16 weight

    The weight of the fragment. 256 = 16x16 = full pixel; 0 = empty pixel.

    ◆ op

    RayObject* op

    Fragment object.

    ◆ color

    Vector32 color

    Fragment color.

    ◆ z

    Float z

    Z depth at the suby position.

    ◆ p

    Vector p

    Global intersection point at the suby position.

    ◆ n

    Vector n

    Normal at the suby position.

    ◆ next

    VPFragment* next

    The next fragment, or nullptr if this is the last.