Open Search
    RayObject Struct Reference

    #include <c4d_raytrace.h>

    Public Attributes

    Char type
    Char flag_phong
    Char flag_castshadow
    Char flag_receiveshadow
    Char flag_seenbycamera
    Char flag_compositing
    Char flag_selfshadow
    Char flag_seenbygi
    Char flag_matteobject
    Char flag_seenbydetails
    Char flag_instanced
    Vector v2
    Vector mp
    Vector rad
    Float visibility
    Float phong_angle
    Int32 pcnt
    const RayPolygonvadr
    Int32 vcnt
    TexList * texadr
    Int32 texcnt
    const void ** uvwadr
    Int32 uvwcnt
    UInt32 ** rsadr
    Int32 rscnt
    Matrix64 mg
    Matrix64 mg_inverse
    Matrix motion_delta
    Float oblurlen
    Char aa_minlevel
    Char aa_maxlevel
    Float aa_threshold
    Int16 channelid [12]
    Vector default_color
    Int32 restriction_index
    Int32 spd_displacement
    Float spd_height
    Char spd_keepedges
    Char spd_distribution
    Char spd_round
    Char spd_roundcontour
    Char spd_hqremapping
    Char spd_mapresult
    void * userdata
    ObjectRestriction rr
    Int16 ** tex_tsum
    Char flag_compositing_gi
    Bool forceDefaultColor

    Protected Member Functions

     RayObject ()

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ RayObject()

    RayObject ( )

    Member Data Documentation

    ◆ type

    Char type

    Object type: RayObjectTypes
    Special types such as O_SPHERE have no polygonal geometry, thus all values like padr and vadr are nullptr.

    ◆ flag_phong

    Char flag_phong

    Phong flag.

    ◆ flag_castshadow

    Char flag_castshadow

    Cast shadow flag.

    ◆ flag_receiveshadow

    Char flag_receiveshadow

    Receive shadow flag.

    ◆ flag_seenbycamera

    Char flag_seenbycamera

    Seen by camera flag.

    ◆ flag_compositing

    Char flag_compositing

    Compositing flag. Catches shadows.

    ◆ flag_selfshadow

    Char flag_selfshadow

    Self shadowing flag.

    ◆ flag_seenbygi

    Char flag_seenbygi

    Seen by GI flag.

    ◆ flag_matteobject

    Char flag_matteobject

    Object is matte object flag.

    ◆ flag_seenbydetails

    Char flag_seenbydetails

    Seen by details flag: OBJECTRESTRICTION.

    ◆ flag_instanced

    Char flag_instanced

    Object instanced flag.

    ◆ v2

    Vector v2

    Normal in Y direction.

    ◆ mp

    Vector mp

    Center of bounding box.

    ◆ rad

    Vector rad

    Radius of bounding box.

    ◆ visibility

    Float visibility

    Object visibility. This is the information about the object dissolve (see the Timeline and the Visibility track) in the range from 0.0 to 1.0.

    ◆ phong_angle

    Float phong_angle

    Phong angle.

    ◆ padr

    Vector* padr

    Address of the point array for the object. Can be nullptr for non O_POLYGON elements.

    ◆ pcnt

    Int32 pcnt

    Number of points for this object.

    ◆ vadr

    const RayPolygon* vadr

    Address of the polygons array. Can be nullptr for non O_POLYGON elements.

    ◆ vcnt

    Int32 vcnt

    Number of polygons for this object.

    ◆ texadr

    TexList* texadr

    Address of the texture array. Can be nullptr, always check.

    It is not possible to access textures directly. Use VolumeData::GetTexData() instead.

    ◆ texcnt

    Int32 texcnt

    Number of textures.

    ◆ uvwadr

    const void** uvwadr

    Address of the UVW coordinate sets. Can be nullptr, always check.

    It is not possible to access UVWs directly. Use VolumeData::GetUVW() instead.
    The UVW sets range from 1 to uvwcnt-1.

    ◆ uvwcnt

    Int32 uvwcnt

    Number of UVW coordinate sets.

    ◆ rsadr

    UInt32** rsadr

    Address of the object's restriction. Can be nullptr, always check.

    It is possible to access the restriction directly. The restriction sets range from 1 to rscnt-1.

    ◆ rscnt

    Int32 rscnt

    Number of object's restriction.

    ◆ link

    BaseObject* link

    Link to real Cinema 4D object. Can be nullptr, always check.

    ◆ mg

    World matrix for the object.

    ◆ mg_inverse

    Matrix64 mg_inverse

    Inverse object matrix.

    ◆ motion_delta

    Matrix motion_delta

    Motion transformation matrix. This is oldmg * !newmg. The delta time is always 1/fps.

    The VIDEOPOSTINFO::REQUEST_MOTIONMATRIX flag must be set for this value to be calculated.

    ◆ oblurlen

    Float oblurlen

    Object blur strength.

    ◆ aa_minlevel

    Char aa_minlevel

    Minimum antialiasing level.

    ◆ aa_maxlevel

    Char aa_maxlevel

    Maximum antialiasing level.

    ◆ aa_threshold

    Float aa_threshold

    Antialiasing threshold.

    ◆ channelid

    Int16 channelid[12]

    Object buffer IDs.

    ◆ texture_link

    BaseObject* texture_link

    Link to the real object that inherited the texture tag. Can be nullptr, always check.

    ◆ default_color

    Vector default_color

    Object default color.

    ◆ restriction_index

    Int32 restriction_index

    Index to light/object restriction table.

    ◆ edges

    UChar* edges

    Address of the edges array, one per polygon. Can be nullptr, always check.
    Bits 0 to 3 indicate hiding of edge A to D, bits 4 to 7 indicate the broken phong property.

    ◆ psum

    Int16* psum

    Private. Phong normals. Access depends on mode.

    ◆ spd_displacement

    Int32 spd_displacement

    Sub-pixel displacement subdivision.

    ◆ spd_height

    Float spd_height

    Maximum displacement height, taking the strength into account.

    ◆ spd_keepedges

    Char spd_keepedges

    Sub-pixel displacement keep edge setting.

    ◆ spd_distribution

    Char spd_distribution

    Sub-pixel displacement best distribution setting.

    ◆ spd_round

    Char spd_round

    Sub-pixel displacement round setting.

    ◆ spd_roundcontour

    Char spd_roundcontour

    Sub-pixel displacement round contour setting.

    ◆ spd_hqremapping

    Char spd_hqremapping

    Sub-pixel displacement high quality remapping setting.

    ◆ spd_mapresult

    Char spd_mapresult

    Sub-pixel displacement map geometry setting.

    ◆ userdata

    void* userdata

    Only to be used by plugin renderers.

    ◆ rr

    Compositing tag restriction.

    ◆ instance

    The render instance data. If not nullptr the object is a render instance.

    ◆ tex_tsum

    Int16** tex_tsum

    Address of the precomputed tangents for each UV channel used in VolumeData::GetDUDV().
    Just like the smooth normals, the way the data is stored depends on the mode (in same way as it does for phong). Can be nullptr, always check.
    Only one tangent vector is stored. The second can be easily computed by cross product with the normal vector.

    ◆ flag_compositing_gi

    Char flag_compositing_gi

    New compositing flag for Sky mode as seen in the Compositing Tag.

    ◆ forceDefaultColor

    Bool forceDefaultColor

    force the use of default color. added for R20.