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    Mat3< V > Struct Template Reference

    #include <matrix.h>

    Detailed Description

    template<typename V>
    struct maxon::Mat3< V >


    The matrix has a dimension of 4×4 and consists of four rows and four columns. The first row is always "1, 0, 0, 0" and not stored in the class, which means that there are 12 actual numbers used. These numbers are grouped into four vectors, one for the remaining numbers in each column. The four vectors are called off, v1, v2 and v3, together these four vectors can be used to represent the coordinate system. A coordinate system consists of three axes, one for each coordinate (X, Y and Z). The system also has a base position, from which the three axes originate. This base position is stored in off, and the three axis vectors are stored in v1, v2 and v3 respectively. For a rectangular, normalized matrix v3 equals the cross product of v1 and v2 (v1v2). C4D by default uses a left-handed coordinate system (see define COORDINATESYSTEM_LEFT_HANDED).

    Public Types

    using ValueType = typename V::ValueType
    using ValueTypeParam = typename ByValueParam< ValueType >::type
    using BoolType = typename V::BoolType

    Public Member Functions

    constexpr Mat3 ()
    constexpr Mat3 (const V &off_in, const V &v1_in, const V &v2_in, const V &v3_in)
    constexpr Mat3 (const V &off_in, const SqrMat3< V > &mat_in)
    constexpr MAXON_IMPLICIT Mat3 (const SqrMat3< V > &mat_in)
    template<typename V2 >
    constexpr Mat3 (const Mat3< V2 > &m)
    constexpr Mat3 (ENUM_DONT_INITIALIZE v)
    template<typename V2 >
    constexpr Mat3 (const Mat2< V2 > &m)
    constexpr void SetIdentity ()
    template<typename V2 >
    constexpr Mat3< typename MultiplicativePromotion< V, typename V2::ValueType >::typeoperator* (const Mat3< V2 > &m2) const
    template<typename V2 >
    constexpr Mat3< typename MultiplicativePromotion< V, typename V2::ValueType >::typeoperator* (const SqrMat3< V2 > &m2) const
    template<typename T , Int S>
    constexpr Vec3< typename MultiplicativePromotion< ValueType, T >::type, 1 > operator* (const Vec3< T, S > &v) const
    constexpr Mat3 operator* (ValueTypeParam s) const
    constexpr Mat3 operator/ (ValueTypeParam s) const
    constexpr BoolType operator== (const Mat3 &other) const
    constexpr BoolType operator!= (const Mat3 &other) const
    constexpr Mat3 operator~ () const
    constexpr Mat3 GetNormalized () const
    String ToString (const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const
    constexpr MAXON_OPERATOR_HASH (Mat3, sqmat, off)

    Public Attributes

    SqrMat3< V > sqmat


    constexpr friend Mat3 operator* (ValueTypeParam s, const Mat3 &m)
    constexpr friend Mat3 Min (const Mat3 &a, const Mat3 &other)
    constexpr friend Mat3 Max (const Mat3 &a, const Mat3 &other)

    Member Typedef Documentation

    ◆ ValueType

    using ValueType = typename V::ValueType

    ◆ ValueTypeParam

    ◆ BoolType

    using BoolType = typename V::BoolType

    The type returned by comparisons. If the template argument for V is a vector of SIMD components, this will be a SIMD type, too, which contains the per-element results.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ Mat3() [1/7]

    constexpr Mat3 ( )

    Default constructor, creates an identity matrix.

    ◆ Mat3() [2/7]

    constexpr Mat3 ( const V &  off_in,
    const V &  v1_in,
    const V &  v2_in,
    const V &  v3_in 

    Initializes matrix from individual components.

    ◆ Mat3() [3/7]

    constexpr Mat3 ( const V &  off_in,
    const SqrMat3< V > &  mat_in 

    Initializes matrix from individual components.

    ◆ Mat3() [4/7]

    constexpr MAXON_IMPLICIT Mat3 ( const SqrMat3< V > &  mat_in)

    Initializes matrix from square matrix. The translation part is initialized to zero.

    ◆ Mat3() [5/7]

    constexpr Mat3 ( const Mat3< V2 > &  m)

    Initializes matrix from another matrix.

    ◆ Mat3() [6/7]

    constexpr Mat3 ( ENUM_DONT_INITIALIZE  v)

    Skips initialization of matrix (for better speed)

    ◆ Mat3() [7/7]

    constexpr Mat3 ( const Mat2< V2 > &  m)

    Initializes matrix from 2d matrix. v3 is assigned Cross(v1, v2).GetNormalized()

    Member Function Documentation

    ◆ SetIdentity()

    constexpr void SetIdentity ( )

    Sets this matrix to an identity matrix.

    ◆ operator*() [1/4]

    constexpr Mat3<typename MultiplicativePromotion<V, typename V2::ValueType>::type> operator* ( const Mat3< V2 > &  m2) const

    Multiplies two matrices. The rule is m1 AFTER m2 If you transform a point with the result matrix this is identical to first transforming with m2 and then with m1

    ◆ operator*() [2/4]

    constexpr Mat3<typename MultiplicativePromotion<V, typename V2::ValueType>::type> operator* ( const SqrMat3< V2 > &  m2) const

    Multiplies two matrices. The rule is m1 AFTER m2 If you transform a point with the result matrix this is identical to first transforming with m2 and then with m1

    ◆ operator*() [3/4]

    constexpr Vec3<typename MultiplicativePromotion<ValueType, T>::type, 1> operator* ( const Vec3< T, S > &  v) const

    Transforms a point by a matrix.

    ◆ operator*() [4/4]

    constexpr Mat3 operator* ( ValueTypeParam  s) const

    Scales all matrix components by a scalar value.

    ◆ operator/()

    constexpr Mat3 operator/ ( ValueTypeParam  s) const

    Divides all matrix components by a scalar value. If s is 0.0 an identity matrix will be returned.

    ◆ operator==()

    constexpr BoolType operator== ( const Mat3< V > &  other) const

    Equality operator.

    [in]otherComparison matrix.
    True if this and other are equal, otherwise false.

    ◆ operator!=()

    constexpr BoolType operator!= ( const Mat3< V > &  other) const

    Inequality operator.

    [in]otherComparison matrix.
    False if this and other are equal, otherwise true.

    ◆ operator~()

    constexpr Mat3 operator~ ( ) const

    Calculates the inverse matrix If no inverse can be calculated the result is the Identity matrix

    ◆ GetNormalized()

    constexpr Mat3 GetNormalized ( ) const

    Returns this matrix with all axis vectors normalized.

    ◆ ToString()

    String ToString ( const FormatStatement formatStatement = nullptr) const

    Returns a readable string of the content.

    [in]formatStatementNullptr or additional formatting instruction. See also Formatting Floating point values.
    The converted result.


    constexpr MAXON_OPERATOR_HASH ( Mat3< V >  ,
    sqmat  ,

    Friends And Related Function Documentation

    ◆ operator*

    constexpr friend Mat3 operator* ( ValueTypeParam  s,
    const Mat3< V > &  m 

    Scales all matrix components by a scalar value.

    ◆ Min

    constexpr friend Mat3 Min ( const Mat3< V > &  a,
    const Mat3< V > &  other 

    Calculates the minimum of each component.

    ◆ Max

    constexpr friend Mat3 Max ( const Mat3< V > &  a,
    const Mat3< V > &  other 

    Calculates the maximum of each component.

    Member Data Documentation

    ◆ off

    V off

    The translation vector.

    ◆ sqmat

    SqrMat3<V> sqmat

    The 3×3 matrix for rotation, scale and shear.