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    MutablePortFunctions< BASE > Class Template Reference

    #include <nodesystem.h>

    Inheritance diagram for MutablePortFunctions< BASE >:

    Detailed Description

    template<typename BASE>
    class maxon::nodes::MutablePortFunctions< BASE >

    This class template contains the functions of MutablePortList which shall also be available on Result<MutablePortList>.

    Public Types

    template<typename SUPER >
    using ResultFunctions = MutablePortFunctions< maxon::nodes::details::GNodeResultBase< SUPER > >
    using Super = PortFunctions< BASE >
    - Public Types inherited from PortFunctions< BASE >
    template<typename SUPER >
    using ResultFunctions = PortFunctions< maxon::nodes::details::GNodeResultBase< SUPER > >
    using Super = PortFunctionsSuper< BASE >

    Public Member Functions

    Result< void > Connect (Result< MutablePort > &&target, Wires modes=WIRE_MODE::CONNECT_DEFAULT, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) const
    template<typename T >
    Result< BoolSetPortValue (T &&value) const
    template<typename T >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< BoolSetDefaultValue (T &&value) const
    Result< void > SetType (const DataType &dataType) const
    template<typename T >
    Result< void > SetType () const
    Result< BoolSetConnectionValue (const MutablePort &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const InternedId &attr, ForwardingDataPtr &&value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) const
    template<typename ATTR >
    Result< BoolSetConnectionValue (const MutablePort &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const ATTR &attr, const typename ATTR::ValueType &value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) const
    template<typename ATTR >
    Result< BoolSetConnectionValue (const MutablePort &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const ATTR &attr, typename ATTR::ValueType &&value, Opt< ChangeList & > list={}) const
    - Public Member Functions inherited from PortFunctions< BASE >
    Result< PortListSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > > GetParent () const
    template<typename T >
    Result< Opt< const T & > > GetPortValue () const
    template<typename T >
    Result< Opt< const T & > > GetEffectivePortValue () const
    template<typename T >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< const T & > GetDefaultValue (const T &def=maxon::DefaultValue< const T & >()) const
    template<typename T >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< const T & > GetConstantValue (const T &def=maxon::DefaultValue< const T & >()) const
    Result< BoolGetConnections (PORT_DIR dir, const ValueReceiver< const ConnectionSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > & > &conns, Wires mask=Wires::All(), NodeSystemInterface::GET_CONNECTIONS_MODE mode=NodeSystemInterface::GET_CONNECTIONS_MODE::CONNECTIONS) const
    Result< WiresGetWires (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target) const
    Result< BoolGetConnectionValues (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target, const ValueReceiver< CONNECTION_POSITION, InternedId, const ConstDataPtr & > &receiver) const
    Result< ConstDataPtrGetConnectionValue (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType) const
    template<typename T >
    Result< Opt< const T & > > GetConnectionValue (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const InternedId &attr) const
    template<typename ATTR >
    Result< Opt< const typename ATTR::ValueType & > > GetConnectionValue (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const ATTR &attr) const
    TimeStamp GetConnectionStamp (PORT_DIR direction) const
    Bool IsPortOfRoot () const
    Bool IsTopLevelPort () const
    Int GetTopologicalLayer () const
    template<typename PATH >
    Result< void > InitFromPath (typename PortFunctionsSuper< BASE >::NodeSystemCtorParam system, PATH &&path, NODE_KIND check=NODE_KIND::PORT_MASK)

    Member Typedef Documentation

    ◆ ResultFunctions

    ◆ Super

    using Super = PortFunctions<BASE>

    Member Function Documentation

    ◆ Connect()

    Result<void> Connect ( Result< MutablePort > &&  target,
    Wires  modes = WIRE_MODE::CONNECT_DEFAULT,
    Opt< ChangeList & >  list = {} 
    ) const

    Connects this port to the other port #target using the given wire #modes. Usually you use one of the values WIRE_MODE::MIN, WIRE_MODE::NORMAL, WIRE_MODE::MAX for #modes, then a connection with a value wire of the given priority is created from this port to the #target port. But you can also add dependency and event wires by using an appropriate Wires value for #modes. And for each wire you can specify one of the special wire modes:

    Typically, you connect an output port of a root child node to an input port of another root child node. But you can also connect

    • an output port of a root child node to an output port of the root node (to forward the output of the child node to the root node)
    • an input port of the root node to an input port of a root child node, (to forward the input of the root node to the child node)
    • an input port of the root node to an output port of the same root node (to forward the input directly to the output without changing anything).

    It is not possible to connect ports which don't belong to the root node or its direct children.

    It is not allowed to create a cycle in the graph. However the Connect function itself doesn't check this, it is done later during e.g. MutableRoot::Validate or MutableRoot::EndModification. Therefore it is possible to temporarily introduce a cycle and resolve this immediately afterwards by removing another connection.

    [in]targetThe target port to connect to. Result<MutablePort> is accepted and the error, if any, is forwarded.
    [in]modesThe Wires to use for the connection.
    [in]listAn optional ChangeList to track the changes.
    OK on success.

    ◆ SetPortValue()

    Result<Bool> SetPortValue ( T &&  value) const

    Sets the value of the DESCRIPTION::DATA::BASE::DEFAULTVALUE attribute to value for this port. This will override any values which would otherwise be inherited from a base or downstream port.

    [in]valueNew value for the port.
    True if the value has been changed, false otherwise.

    ◆ SetDefaultValue()

    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result<Bool> SetDefaultValue ( T &&  value) const

    ◆ SetType() [1/2]

    Result<void> SetType ( const DataType dataType) const

    Sets the given #dataType as the value of the FixedPortType attribute.

    [in]dataTypeThe data type for this port.
    OK on success.

    ◆ SetType() [2/2]

    Result<void> SetType ( ) const

    Sets the type T as the value of the FixedPortType attribute.

    Template Parameters
    TThe data type for this port.
    OK on success.

    ◆ SetConnectionValue() [1/3]

    Result<Bool> SetConnectionValue ( const MutablePort target,
    const InternedId attr,
    ForwardingDataPtr &&  value,
    Opt< ChangeList & >  list = {} 
    ) const

    Sets the value of #attr to value for the connection from this port to #target. This will override any previously existing value.

    [in]targetThe other end of the connection.
    [in]positionThe connection position at which the attribute's value shall be set.
    [in]attrThe attribute whose value shall be set.
    [in]valueThe value for the attribute.
    True if the value has been changed.

    ◆ SetConnectionValue() [2/3]

    Result<Bool> SetConnectionValue ( const MutablePort target,
    const ATTR &  attr,
    const typename ATTR::ValueType &  value,
    Opt< ChangeList & >  list = {} 
    ) const

    Sets the value of #attr to value for this node. This will override any previously existing value.

    [in]attrThe attribute whose value shall be set.
    [in]targetThe other end of the connection.
    [in]positionThe connection position at which the attribute's value shall be set.
    [in]valueThe value for the attribute.
    True if the value has been changed.

    ◆ SetConnectionValue() [3/3]

    Result<Bool> SetConnectionValue ( const MutablePort target,
    const ATTR &  attr,
    typename ATTR::ValueType &&  value,
    Opt< ChangeList & >  list = {} 
    ) const

    Sets the value of #attr to value for this node. This will override any previously existing value.

    [in]attrThe attribute whose value shall be set.
    [in]targetThe other end of the connection.
    [in]positionThe connection position at which the attribute's value shall be set.
    [in]valueThe value for the attribute.
    True if the value has been changed.