Hello @johnterenece,
so, to clarify this for myself. You have an ObjectData implementation which probably overwrites GetContour, i.e., builds a SplineObject , or draws spline-like information into the viewport. This plugin then has an InExcludeData parameter which is populated with Mograph effectors which are then meant to influence the vertices of your plugin. Consequently you want to do the deformation of your input geometry yourself and not like I assumed before not just clone stuff onto a PolygonObject that has been deformed by a PolyFx.
First of all, I do not see really the point in reinventing the wheel in the first place, why not use PolyFX if it does what you need anyways? I would also stress that this cobling up of functionalties, deformation and generation in your case, in a single plugin and even single function in your case, is often not a very good idea, bot for technical and debugging reasons.
As I said before, we cannot debug your code for you, but here are some points:
The way you use a MoData tag is not its intended usage, the tag is reserved for MoGraph generators only and you hijacking it here is something you have to do on your own responsiblity.
You also do not take the transforms of the effectors into account which might be a cause for your problem.
There are other problems like using BaseObject::MakeTag and a possibly thread environment and the lack of error handling with maxon::BaseArray::Append which can lead to crashes, as you just store posible erros in resultVector and resultVector2D in your code which are undefined, but I assume to be of type maxon::Result<Vector> and maxon::Result<maxon:BaseArray<Vector>. But they are not the source of your problem, which likely lies in the fact that you do hijack MoData in the way you do and then do not respect the transforms of the effectors.
You still have not told us the plugin type you are implementing, but if it is a ObjectData which generates a spline, I would simply build the spline on the orginal polygon geometry and then retun the spline with a PolyFX attached to it in GetContour. Much easier than reinventing the wheel here. You would have to pass through the content of the InExcludeData of your plugin to the PolyFX.