Hi @Kantronin,
Instead of creating multiple consequent postings please consolidate them in a single one. I've also noticed that you've added "programming" tag but haven't mentioned the language you're talking about (is it c++ or python?).
Regarding your questions. Transforming the axis of a PointObject effectively means transforming the point values. There're some helping commands that I've shown you in my previous message, but what they effectively do is just transforming the points. Please have a look into the operation_transfer_axis_s26.py example, which demonstrates how to perform axis translation.
As for the rotation part, I'd need to point you once again to our Matrix Manual, which actually contains the answer to your question. Namely, the chapter "Constructing and Combining Transforms" explains the usage of functions c4d.utils.MatrixRotX(), c4d.utils.MatrixRotY() and c4d.utils.MatrixRotZ(). I will not copy & paste the same code snippet from our manual, so please check it youself.
Combining these with the example above should do the trick for you, unless you don't have the initial transformation of your ring splines. If that's the case, then your task turns into a way more complex form of the optimization problem.
Please also note, that you can only do the object axis transformations on PointObject (and on PolygonObject since it's inherited from PointObject). This effectively means that if you're using the Osplinecircle instead of an ordinary Ospline, this wouldn't work, as it doesn't store any points inside. In this case you'd need to convert to Ospline. If that's not an option for you, you can check the Geometry Axis and Geometry Orientation scene nodes, as they allow you to transform the axis "on-the-fly", so this would work even with non-point objects.