thanks for the kind words both from Maxon and the community. I am looking forward to my upcoming adventures with the SDK Team and Cinema community.
thanks for the kind words both from Maxon and the community. I am looking forward to my upcoming adventures with the SDK Team and Cinema community.
Hello @holgerbiebrach,
please excuse the wait. So, this is possible in Python and quite easy to do. This new behavior is just the old dialog folding which has been reworked a little bit. I have provided a simple example at the end of the posting. There is one problem regarding title bars which is sort of an obstacle for plugin developers which want to distribute their plugins, it is explained in the example below.
I hope this helps and cheers,
The result:
The code:
"""Example for a command plugin with a foldable dialog as provided with the
Asset Browser or Coordinate Manger in Cinema 4D R25.
The core of this is just the old GeDialog folding mechanic which has been
changed slightly with R25 as it will now also hide the title bar of a folded
dialog, i.e., the dialog will be hidden completely.
The structure shown here mimics relatively closely what the Coordinate Manger
does. There is however one caveat: Even our internal implementations do not
hide the title bar of a dialog when unfolded. Instead, this is done via
layouts, i.e., by clicking onto the ≡ icon of the dialog and unchecking the
"Show Window Title" option and then saving such layout. If you would want
to provide a plugin which exactly mimics one of the folding managers, you
would have to either ask your users to take these steps or provide a layout.
Which is not ideal, but I currently do not see a sane way to hide the title
bar of a dialog. What you could do, is open the dialog as an async popup which
would hide the title bar. But that would also remove the ability to dock the
dialog. You could then invoke `GeDialog.AddGadegt(c4d.DIALOG_PIN, SOME_ID)`to
manually add a pin back to your dialog, so that you can dock it. But that is
not how it is done internally by us, as we simply rely on layouts for that.
import c4d
class ExampleDialog (c4d.gui.GeDialog):
"""Example dialog that does nothing.
The dialog itself has nothing to do with the implementation of the
def CreateLayout(self) -> bool:
"""Creates dummy gadgets.
flags = c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT
for i in range(self.GADEGT_COUNT):
gid = self.ID_GADGETS_START + i * self.GADGET_STRIDE
name = f"Item {i}"
self.GroupBegin(gid + self.ID_GADGET_GROUP, flags, cols=2)
self.GroupBorderSpace(5, 5, 5, 5)
self.GroupSpace(2, 2)
self.AddStaticText(gid + self.ID_GADGET_LABEL, flags, name=name)
self.AddEditText(gid + self.ID_GADGET_TEXT, flags)
return True
class FoldingManagerCommand (c4d.plugins.CommandData):
"""Provides the implementation for a command with a foldable dialog.
ID_PLUGIN = 1058525
def Dialog(self) -> ExampleDialog:
"""Returns a class bound ExampleDialog instance.
if FoldingManagerCommand.REF_DIALOG is None:
FoldingManagerCommand.REF_DIALOG = ExampleDialog()
return FoldingManagerCommand.REF_DIALOG
def Execute(self, doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument) -> bool:
"""Folds or unfolds the dialog.
The core of the folding logic as employed by the Asset Browser
or the Coordinate manager in R25.
# Get the class bound dialog reference.
dlg = self.Dialog
# Fold the dialog, i.e., hide it if it is open and unfolded. In C++
# you would also want to test for the dialog being visible with
# GeDialog::IsVisible, but we cannot do that in Python.
if dlg.IsOpen() and not dlg.GetFolding():
# Open or unfold the dialog. The trick here is that calling
# GeDialog::Open will also unfold the dialog.
dlg.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, FoldingManagerCommand.ID_PLUGIN)
return True
def RestoreLayout(self, secret: any) -> bool:
"""Restores the dialog on layout changes.
return self.Dialog.Restore(FoldingManagerCommand.ID_PLUGIN, secret)
def GetState(self, doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument) -> int:
"""Sets the command icon state of the plugin.
This is not required, but makes it a bit nicer, as it will indicate
in the command icon when the dialog is folded and when not.
dlg = self.Dialog
result = c4d.CMD_ENABLED
if dlg.IsOpen() and not dlg.GetFolding():
result |= c4d.CMD_VALUE
return result
def RegisterFoldingManagerCommand() -> bool:
"""Registers the example.
return c4d.plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not RegisterFoldingManagerCommand():
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to register {FoldingManagerCommand} plugin.")
Dear Community,
this question reached us via email-support in the context of C++, but I thought the answer might be interesting for other users too.
The underlying question in this case was how to project points from object or world space into the texture space of an object with UV data. I am showing here deliberately an approach that can be followed both in C++ and Python, so that all users can benefit from this. In C++ one has also the option of using VolumeData and its methods VolumeData::GetUvw
or VolumeData::ProjectPoint
but must then either implement a volume shader (as otherwise the volume data attached to the ChannelData
passed to ShaderData::Output
will be nullptr
), or use VolumeData:: AttachVolumeDataFake
to access ::ProjectPoint
. There is however no inherent necessity to take this shader bound route as shown by the example.
The script has created a texture with red pixels for the intersection points of the rays cast from each vertex of the spline towards the origin of the polygon object. The script also created the null object rays to visualize the rays which have been cast.
raycast_texture.c4d : The scene file.
You must save the script to disk before running it, as the script infers from the script location the place to save the generated texture to.
"""Demonstrates how to project points from world or object space to UV space.
This script assumes that the user has selected a polygon object and a spline object in the order
mentioned. The script projects the points of the spline object onto the polygon object and creates
a texture from the UV coordinates of the projected points. The texture is then applied to the
polygon object.
The script uses the `GeRayCollider` class to find the intersection of rays cast from the points of
the spline object to the polygon object. The UV coordinates of the intersection points are then
calculated using the `HairLibrary` class. In the C++ API, one should use maxon::
GeometryUtilsInterface::CalculatePolygonPointST() instead.
Finally, using GeRayCollider is only an example for projecting points onto the mesh. In practice,
any other method can be used as long as it provides points that lie in the plane(s) of a polygon.
The meat of the example is in the `main()` function. The other functions are just fluff.
import os
import c4d
import mxutils
import uuid
from mxutils import CheckType
doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument # The currently active document.
op: c4d.BaseObject | None # The primary selected object in `doc`. Can be `None`.
def CreateTexture(points: list[c4d.Vector], path: str, resolution: int = 1000) -> None:
"""Creates a texture from the given `points` and saves it to the given `path`.
path (str): The path to save the texture to.
points (list[c4d.Vector]): The points to create the texture from.
# Check the input values for validity.
if os.path.exists(path):
raise FileExistsError(f"File already exists at path: {path}")
if not path.endswith(".png"):
raise ValueError("The path must end with '.png'.")
# Create a drawing canvas to draw the points on.
canvas: c4d.bitmaps.GeClipMap = CheckType(c4d.bitmaps.GeClipMap())
if not canvas.Init(resolution, resolution, 24):
raise MemoryError("Failed to initialize GeClipMap.")
# Fill the canvas with white.
canvas.SetColor(255, 255, 255)
canvas.FillRect(0, 0, resolution, resolution)
# Draw the points on the canvas.
canvas.SetColor(255, 0, 0)
for p in points:
x: int = int(p.x * resolution)
y: int = int(p.y * resolution)
x0: int = max(0, x - 1)
y0: int = max(0, y - 1)
x1: int = min(resolution, x + 1)
y1: int = min(resolution, y + 1)
canvas.FillRect(x0, y0, x1, y1)
# Save the canvas to the given path.
bitmap: c4d.bitmaps.BaseBitmap = CheckType(canvas.GetBitmap())
bitmap.Save(path, c4d.FILTER_PNG)
def ApplyTexture(obj: c4d.BaseObject, path: str) -> None:
"""Applies the texture at the given `path` to the given `obj`.
CheckType(obj, c4d.BaseObject)
# Check the input values for validity.
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File does not exist at path: {path}")
# Create a material and apply the texture to it.
material: c4d.BaseMaterial = CheckType(c4d.BaseMaterial(c4d.Mmaterial), c4d.BaseMaterial)
shader: c4d.BaseShader = CheckType(c4d.BaseShader(c4d.Xbitmap), c4d.BaseShader)
shader[c4d.BITMAPSHADER_FILENAME] = path
material[c4d.MATERIAL_COLOR_SHADER] = shader
# Apply the material to the object.
tag: c4d.TextureTag = CheckType(obj.MakeTag(c4d.Ttexture))
tag[c4d.TEXTURETAG_MATERIAL] = material
def CreateDebugRays(spline: c4d.SplineObject, p: c4d.Vector) -> None:
"""Adds spline objects to the document to visualize the rays from the given `p` to the points of
the given `spline`.
doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument = CheckType(spline.GetDocument(), c4d.documents.BaseDocument)
rays: c4d.BaseObject = c4d.BaseObject(c4d.Onull)
for q in spline.GetAllPoints():
ray: c4d.SplineObject = c4d.SplineObject(2, c4d.SPLINETYPE_LINEAR)
ray.SetPoint(0, p)
ray.SetPoint(1, q * spline.GetMg())
def main() -> None:
"""Carries out the main logic of the script.
# Check the object selection for being meaningful input.
selected: list[c4d.BaseObject] = doc.GetActiveObjects(c4d.GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS_SELECTIONORDER)
if (len(selected) != 2 or not selected[0].CheckType(c4d.Opolygon) or
not selected[1].CheckType(c4d.Ospline)):
raise ValueError("Please select a polygon object and a spline object.")
polygonObject, splineObject = selected
# Get the uvw tag, the points, and the polygons of the polygon object.
uvwTag: c4d.UvwTag = mxutils.CheckType(polygonObject.GetTag(c4d.Tuvw))
points: list[c4d.Vector] = [polygonObject.GetMg() * p for p in polygonObject.GetAllPoints()]
polys: list[c4d.CPolygon] = polygonObject.GetAllPolygons()
# We are casting here in a dumb manner towards the center of the polygon object. In practice,
# one should cast rays towards the plane of the polygon object. Or even better, use another
# method to project the points onto the polygon object, as GeRayCollider is not the most
# efficient thing in the world.
rayTarget: c4d.Vector = polygonObject.GetMg().off
CreateDebugRays(splineObject, rayTarget)
# Initialize the GeRayCollider to find the intersection of rays cast from the points of the
# spline object to the polygon object.
collider: c4d.utils.GeRayCollider = c4d.utils.GeRayCollider()
if not collider.Init(polygonObject):
raise MemoryError("Failed to initialize GeRayCollider.")
# Init our output list and iterate over the points of the spline object.
uvPoints: list[c4d.Vector] = []
for p in splineObject.GetAllPoints():
# Transform the point from object to world space (q) and then to the polygon object's space
# (ro). Our ray direction always points towards the center of the polygon object.
q: c4d.Vector = splineObject.GetMg() * p
ro: c4d.Vector = ~polygonObject.GetMg() * q
rd: c4d.Vector = rayTarget - ro
# Cast the ray and check if it intersects with the polygon object.
if not collider.Intersect(ro, rd, 1E6) or collider.GetIntersectionCount() < 1:
# Get the hit position and the polygon ID of the intersection.
hit: dict = collider.GetNearestIntersection()
pos: c4d.Vector = mxutils.CheckType(hit.get("hitpos", None), c4d.Vector)
pid: int = mxutils.CheckType(hit.get("face_id", None), int)
# One mistake would be now to use the barycentric coordinates that are in the intersection
# data, as Cinema uses an optimized algorithm to interpolate in a quad and not the standard
# cartesian-barycentric conversion. In Python these polygon weights are only exposed in a
# bit weird place, the hair library. In C++ these barycentric coordinates make sense because
# there exist methods to convert them to weights. In Python the barycentric coordinates are
# pretty much useless as we do not have such a conversion function here.
# Compute the weights s, t for the intersection point in the polygon.
s, t = c4d.modules.hair.HairLibrary().GetPolyPointST(
pos, points[polys[pid].a], points[polys[pid].b],
points[polys[pid].c], points[polys[pid].d], True)
# Get the uv polygon and bilinearly interpolate the coordinates using the weights. It would
# be better to use the more low-level variable tag data access functions in VariableTag
# than UvwTag.GetSlow() in a real-world scenario.
uvw: list[c4d.Vector] = list(uvwTag.GetSlow(pid).values())
t0: c4d.Vector = c4d.utils.MixVec(uvw[0], uvw[1], s)
t1: c4d.Vector = c4d.utils.MixVec(uvw[3], uvw[2], s)
uv: c4d.Vector = c4d.utils.MixVec(t0, t1, t)
# Append the UV coordinates to the output list.
# Write the UV coordinates to a texture and apply it to the polygon object.
path: str = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"image-{uuid.uuid4()}.png")
CreateTexture(uvPoints, path, resolution=1024)
ApplyTexture(polygonObject, path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
that your script is not working has not anything to do with pseudo decimals
, but the fact that you are treating numbers as strings (which is generally a bad idea) in a not very careful manner. When you truncate the string representation of a number which is represented in scientific notation (with an exponent), then you also truncate that exponent and therefor change the value of the number.
To truncate a float
you can either take the floor
of my_float * 10 ** digits
and then divide by 10 ** digits
again or use the keyword round
data = [0.03659665587738824,
for n in data:
rounded = round(n, 4)
floored = int(n * 10000) / 10000
print(n, rounded, floored)
0.03659665587738824 0.0366 0.0365
0.00018878623163019122 0.0002 0.0001
0.0011076812650509394 0.0011 0.0011
1.3882258325566637e-06 0.0 0.0
[Finished in 0.1s]
Dear community,
We will have to touch multiple parts of developers.maxon.net
on the 18.01.2024 and 19.01.2024 22.01.2024. This will result in outages of our documentation and the forum these days. I will try to keep the outage times to a minimum and it will certainly not span the whole two days. But especially one task I will do on Friday might take hours to complete and I can only do that on a forum which is in maintenance mode.
Please make sure to download a recent offline documentation in case you plan to do extended development work the next two days. As a result, forum support might also be delayed on these days.
as @Cairyn said the problem is unreachable code. I also just saw now that you did assign the same ID to all your buttons in your CreateLayout()
. Ressource and dialog element IDs should be unique. I would generally recommend to define your dialogs using a resource, but here is an example on how to do it in code.
BUTTON_NAMES = ["Button1", "Button2", "Button3", "Button4", "Button5"]
BUTTON_DATA = {BUTTON_BASE_ID + i: name for i, name in enumerate(BUTTON_NAMES)}
class MyDialog(gui.GeDialog):
def CreateLayout(self):
self.GroupBegin(id=1013, flags=c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT, cols=5, rows=4)
for element_id, element_name in BUTTON_DATA.items():
self.AddButton(element_id, c4d.BFV_MASK, initw=100,
return True
def Command(self, id, msg):
if id == BUTTON_BASE_ID:
print "First button has been clicked"
elif id == BUTTON_BASE_ID + 1:
print "Second button has been clicked"
# ...
if id in BUTTON_DATA.keys(): # or just if id in BUTTON_DATA
return True
Dear development community,
On September the 10th, 2024, Maxon Computer released Cinema 4D 2025.0.0. For an overview of the new features of Cinema 4D 2025.0, please refer to the release announcement. Alongside this release, a new Cinema 4D SDK and SDK documentation have been released, reflecting the API changes for 2024.5.0. The major changes are:
namespace has been introduced which contains all the entities which were formerly in the anonymous global namespace known as the Classic API. Plugin authors must adopt their code to this new API, although the changes are not nearly as extensive as for 2024. See the 2025 migration guide for details. Code examples and documentation have been updated to now refer to a Cinema API.c4d
package remains the home for all formerly Classic and now Cinema API entities.Head to our download section for the newest SDK downloads, or the C++ and Python API change notes for an in detail overview of the changes.
We discovered late in the cycle bugs in the Asset API code examples and OCIO code in the Python SDK. Which is why the publication of the Python SDK and GitHub code examples has been postponed until these bugs are fixed. They should be ready latest by Friday the 13th of September. But the Python online documentation is accessible and error free (to our knowledge).
We had to make some last minute changes to the C++ SDK regarding OCIO code examples. Only the extended C++ SDK contains these changes. The application provided
will catch up with the next release of Cinema 4D.
Happy rendering and coding,
the Maxon SDK Team
Cloudflare unfortunately still does interfere with our server cache. And you might have to refresh your cache manually.
When you are not automatically redirected to the new versions, and also do not see 2024.5 in the version selector, please press
or pressCTRL
and click on the reload icon of your browser anywhere ondevelopers.maxon.net/docs/
to refresh your cache. You only have to do this once and it will apply to all documentations at once. Otherwise your cache will automatically update latest by 19/07/2024 00:00.
sorry for all the confusion. You have to pass actual instances of objects. The following code does what you want (and this time I actually tried it myself ;)).
import c4d
def main():
bc = doc.GetAllTextures(ar=doc.GetMaterials())
for cid, value in bc:
print cid, value
if __name__=='__main__':
you use GetActiveDocument()
in a NodeData
environment. You cannot do this, since nodes are also executed when their document is not the active document (while rendering for example - documents get cloned for rendering).
you have to invoke AddUserArea
and then attach an instance of your implemented type to it. Something like this:
my_user_area = MyUserAreaType()
self.AttachUserArea(my_user_area, 1000)
I have attached an example which does some things you are trying to do (rows of things, highlighting stuff, etc.). The gadget is meant to display a list of boolean values and the code is over five years old. I had a rather funny idea of what good Python should look like then and my attempts of documentation were also rather questionable. I just wrapped the gadget into a quick example dialog you could run as a script. I did not maintain the code, so there might be newer and better ways to do things now.
Also a warning: GUI stuff is usually a lot of work and very little reward IMHO.
import c4d
import math
import random
from c4d import gui
# Pattern Gadget
class ExampleDialog(gui.GeDialog):
def CreateLayout(self):
self.Pattern = c4d.BaseContainer()
for i in range(10):
self.Pattern[i] = random.choice([True, False])
self.PatternSize = len(self.Pattern)
self.gadget = Patterngadget(host=self)
self.AddUserArea(1000, c4d.BFH_FIT, 400, 32)
self.AttachUserArea(self.gadget, 1000)
return True
class Patterngadget(gui.GeUserArea):
A gui gadget to modify and display boolean patterns.
def __init__(self, host):
:param host: The hosting BaseToolData instance
self.Host = host
self.BorderWidth = None
self.CellPerColumn = None
self.Columns = None
self.Height = None
self.Width = None
self.MouseX = None
self.MouseY = None
Overridden methods
def Init(self):
Init the gadget.
:return : Bool
return True
def GetMinSize(self):
Resize the gadget
:return : int, int
return int(self.MinWidht), int(self.MinHeight)
def Sized(self, w, h):
Get the gadgets height and width
self.Height, self.Width = int(h), int(w)
def Message(self, msg, result):
Fetch and store mouse over events
:return : bool
if msg.GetId() == c4d.BFM_GETCURSORINFO:
base = self.Local2Screen()
if base:
self.MouseX = msg.GetLong(c4d.BFM_DRAG_SCREENX) - base['x']
self.MouseY = msg.GetLong(c4d.BFM_DRAG_SCREENY) - base['y']
return gui.GeUserArea.Message(self, msg, result)
def InputEvent(self, msg):
Fetch and store mouse clicks
:return : bool
if not isinstance(msg, c4d.BaseContainer):
return True
if msg.GetLong(c4d.BFM_INPUT_DEVICE) == c4d.BFM_INPUT_MOUSE:
base = self.Local2Global()
if base:
x = msg.GetLong(c4d.BFM_INPUT_X) - base['x']
y = msg.GetLong(c4d.BFM_INPUT_Y) - base['y']
pid = self._get_id(x, y)
if pid <= self.Host.PatternSize:
self.Host.Pattern[pid] = not self.Host.Pattern[pid]
return True
def Timer(self, msg):
Timer loop to catch OnMouseExit
base = self.Local2Global()
bc = c4d.BaseContainer()
res = gui.GetInputState(c4d.BFM_INPUT_MOUSE,
mx = bc.GetLong(c4d.BFM_INPUT_X) - base['x']
my = bc.GetLong(c4d.BFM_INPUT_Y) - base['y']
if res:
if not (mx >= 0 and mx <= self.Width and
my >= 0 and my <= self.Height):
def DrawMsg(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, msg):
Draws the gadget
# double buffering
self.OffScreenOn(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# background & border
self.DrawRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2)
if self.BorderWidth:
self.DrawBorder(c4d.BORDER_THIN_IN, x1, y1,
self.BorderWidth + 2, y2 - 1)
# draw pattern
for pid, state in self.Host.Pattern:
x, y = self._get_rect(pid)
self._draw_cell(x, y, state, self._is_focus(x, y))
Public methods
def Update(self, cid=None):
Update the gadget.
:param cid: A pattern id to toggle.
if cid and cid < self.Host.PatternSize:
self.Host.Pattern[cid] = not self.Host.Pattern[cid]
Private methods
def _get_colors(self, force=False):
Set the drawing colors.
:return : Bool
self.ColScale = 1.0 / 255.0
if self.IsEnabled() or force:
self.ColBackground = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_BG)
self.ColCellActive = c4d.GetViewColor(
self.ColCellFocus = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_BGFOCUS)
self.ColCellInactive = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_BGEDIT)
self.ColEdgeDark = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_EDGEDK)
self.ColEdgeLight = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_EDGELT)
self.ColBackground = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_BG)
self.ColCellActive = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_BG)
self.ColCellFocus = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_BG)
self.ColCellInactive = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_BG)
self.ColEdgeDark = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_EDGEDK)
self.ColEdgeLight = self._get_color_vector(c4d.COLOR_EDGELT)
return True
def _get_cell_pen(self, state, _is_focus):
Get the color for cell depending on its state.
:param state : The state
:param _is_focus : If the cell is hoovered.
:return : c4d.Vector()
if state:
pen = self.ColCellActive
pen = self.ColCellInactive
if self.IsEnabled() and _is_focus:
return (pen + c4d.Vector(2)) * 1/3
return pen
def _draw_cell(self, x, y, state, _is_focus):
Draws a gadget cell.
:param x: local x
:param y: local y
:param state: On/Off
:param _is_focus: MouseOver state
# left and top bright border
self.DrawLine(x, y, x + self.CellWidht, y)
self.DrawLine(x, y, x, y + self.CellHeight)
# bottom and right dark border
self.DrawLine(x, y + self.CellHeight - 1, x +
self.CellWidht - 1, y + self.CellHeight - 1)
self.DrawLine(x + self.CellWidht - 1, y, x +
self.CellWidht - 1, y + self.CellHeight - 1)
# cell content
self.DrawSetPen(self._get_cell_pen(state, _is_focus))
self.DrawRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, x + self.CellWidht -
2, y + self.CellHeight - 2)
def _get_rect(self, pid, offset=1):
Get the drawing rect for an array id.
:param pid : the pattern id
:param offset : the pixel border offset
:return : int, int
pid = int(pid)
col = pid / self.CellPerColumn
head = pid % self.CellPerColumn
return self.CellWidht * head + offset, self.CellHeight * col + offset
def _get_id(self, x, y):
Get the array id for a coord within the gadget.
:param x : local x
:param y : local y
:return : int
col = (y - 1) / self.CellHeight
head = (x - 1) / self.CellWidht
return col * self.CellPerColumn + head
def _is_focus(self, x, y):
Test if the cell coords are under the cursor.
:param x : local x
:param y : local y
:return : bool
if (self.MouseX >= x and self.MouseX <= x + self.CellWidht and
self.MouseY >= y and self.MouseY <= y + self.CellHeight):
self.MouseX = c4d.NOTOK
self.MouseY = c4d.NOTOK
return True
return False
def _fit_gadget(self):
Fit the gadget size to the the array
oldHeight = self.MinHeight
self.CellPerColumn = int((self.Width - 2) / self.CellWidht)
self.Columns = math.ceil(
self.Host.PatternSize / self.CellPerColumn) + 1
self.MinHeight = int(IDC_SELECTLOOP_GADGET_MINH * self.Columns) + 3
self.BorderWidth = self.CellWidht * self.CellPerColumn
if oldHeight != self.MinHeight:
def _get_color_vector(self, cid):
Get a color vector from a color ID.
:param cid : The color ID
:return : c4d.Vector()
dic = self.GetColorRGB(cid)
if dic:
return c4d.Vector(float(dic['r']) * self.ColScale,
float(dic['g']) * self.ColScale,
float(dic['b']) * self.ColScale)
return c4d.Vector()
if __name__ == "__main__":
dlg = ExampleDialog()
dlg.Open(c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, defaultw=400, defaulth=400)
Hey @MMayrh,
Thank you for reaching out to us. This is not how this parameter works. The parameter DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_IMAGE is of data type BitmapButtonStruct
, not of BaseBitmap
The documentation is a bit misleading here. This is not the document preview bitmap, but sort of the preview bitmap delegate. I.e., an entity that is used to retrieve a preview bitmap (for a document in this case). A BitmapButtonStruct
wraps a node, an ID, and a dirty flag.
This parameter does not make too much sense in the Python API, here is what the C++ API does when the parameter is access for a document:
I.e., it returns itself (the doc), the ID of the parameter (DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_IMAGE
) and the dirty state of its internal current preview bitmap as the BitmapButtonStruct
bbs. What you could technically try, is implement a node, e.g., an object, and then set that object as the preview provider for a document. Your node would for that have to implement MSG_DESCRIPTION_GETBITMAP
, because that is what effectively will be called. But that is all very theoretical, DOCUMENT_PREVIEW_IMAGE
is largely unused in our code base, and I do not see any implemnation for the SetParameter
part. So, the document will likely just ignore you trying to overwrite its preview provider. There could be some base implemenation kicking in, but I doubt it.
But what you definitely cannot do, is just set there a bitmap to overwrite the preview image of the document (assuming that was what you wanted to do). That would also not make too much sense since a document is constantly recalculating its preview image. So, on the next update that image would be gone (if it would work like that).
Yes, we will treat it as a bug. Apparently we implemented it, but then someone disabled the implementation (probably because it caused performance issues or something like that), and then we forgot do follow up on that disabled implementation. Generally we cannot give ETA's for fixes but we try to do them in a timely fashion, i.e., within a couple of minor releases such as 2024.1, 2024.2, 2024.3, etc. I am not the dev here so, I can make even less gurantees. We will update this thread when something blocks us from fixing this in the near future.
And yes, it does work in C++. The reason why this is not working in Python is because of the C++ API changes with 2024.0. This link shows how you sample things in C++, the changes revolved around making sampling a field a const operation, i.e., an operation which does not change data on the object. Which was before not the case and now requires that mutable data to be manually passed arround as the extraData
as shown in the example. The changes were carried out to speed up the core of Cinema 4D.
Welcome to the Maxon developers forum and its community, it is great to have you with us!
Before creating your next postings, we would recommend making yourself accustomed with our forum and support procedures. You did not do anything wrong, we point all new users to these rules.
It is strongly recommended to read the first two topics carefully, especially the section Support Procedures: Asking Questions.
I can confirm that there is an issue, and there is little that you can do. This goes back to the 2024 API update and how Field sampling changed then in the C++ API. In Python, we postponed things:
Fields sampling have been reworked, however due to time constraint the next methods have not been ported and are not working, we are going to fix it in an upcoming release.
But that apparently somehow got stuck in a backlog and we never picked up on it again. I have moved this topic to the bugs section, there is nothing you can do at the moment.
Hey @Gregor-M,
Thank you for reaching out to us. As a general note: Generally you should not continue such old threads, as this is usually counter productive. But in this case this is fine, since your question is just a repetition of the OT's question.
I currently do not have that much time, but the issue is related to OCIO. At least that was the case in the past. A BaseBitmap
carries color profiles for the principal OCIO color spaces such as 'Display' or 'View Transform'. RenderDocument
did not correctly setup these profiles, or more precisely something with copying over these profiles to the final result went wrong. But that should have been fixed, but the recent OCIO changes might have introduced a regression. There is not much what you can do and I will earliest have time next week.
I had a quick look, and when you enable "Scene" as the configuration, the bitmap will look just like the native one. That is because it will then use the display space and view transform of the scene and not the ones attached to the bitmap (so this indeed seems to be the old issue).
I would say this just a cosmetic effect (an admittedly annoying one), but your actual saved bitmap should look the same when you open it in Photoshop or a similar app. Will have a look in a week!
Hey @pchg,
Thank you for reaching out to us. There is no dedicated "Swap" function for node hierarchies. All the relevant tools can be found on cinema::GeListNode. The general drill would be here to either get the node before or after the nodes you want to swap, remove the nodes, and then use GeListNode::InsertBefore
or InsertAfter
to insert the nodes. Please note that other than in the Python API, there is no fail safe which prevents you from inserting nodes multiple times into a scene graph (which is not allowed and will lead to crashes).
I wrote this 'blind' in a text editor, i.e., this is uncompiled code to demonstrate the principle:
BaseObject* const a = static_cast<BaseObject*>(selection->GetIndex(count - obj_10));
BaseObject* const b = static_cast<BaseObject*>(selection->GetIndex(count - obj_2));
if (!a || !b)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION, "a or b is nullptr"_s);
// Get the predecessor of the objects a and b which can be a null pointer when either a or b is the
// first object in the hierarchy. We could then use either the next object as the insertion point or
// use GeListNode::InsertUnder or BaseDocument::InsertObject to insert the object at the top of its
// hierarchy local hierarchy. I went here for the latter as for the next object you also have to deal
// with the case that there is neither a predecessor nor a next object.
BaseObject* const predA = a->GetPred();
BaseObject* const predB = b->GetPred();
BaseObject* const parentA = a->GetUp();
BaseObject* const parentB = b->GetUp();
// Remove both objects from the hierarchy.
// Insert the objects back into the hierarchy, either after the predecessor, under the parent,
// or at the top of the document hierarchy.
if (predA)
else if (parentA)
b->InsertUnder(parentA); // Will insert at the top of the hierarchy.
doc->InsertObject(b, nullptr, nullptr); // Will insert at the top of the hierarchy.
if (predB)
else if (parentB)
doc->InsertObject(a, nullptr, nullptr);
Okay, we are going to end this thread here, as this discussion leads nowhere. Please contact end user support about this.
Hey @Márton,
It depends a bit on what you are doing concretely. There could be a case where you want to stream hyper-complex scene data between the scene representations of two apps: E.g., particles or maybe some super heavy CAD or sculpting data. And you want your app to be the new standard for "man, this is snappy" where you might have to roll up your sleeves and optimize what you copy over from the Cinema 4D graph to yours and vice versa.
But generally I would avoid assuming that caches always have the same layout or having to identify things in a cache (at the cost of a bit of performance) and treat caches as monolithic things instead. And yes, then GeMarker
are by far the best option. GeMarker
is a hash of the mac address of the machine, the timestamp of creation, and a special secret sauce. Markers can be copied on copy events with C4DAtom::CopyTo when PRIVATE_IDENTMARKER
is passed as a flag to maintain the identity of nodes (which will be done by Cinema 4D when it 'reallocates' nodes, shoves them around in the backend).
Effectively this means that GeMarker
is persistent over node reallocation, scene loading/unloading, and scene duplication events (a node will have the same marker in the document the user is using for editing as in the cloned version of that document used in a rendering running in the background while the user is editing). Or spoken very plainly: They will (almost) never change.
Hello @pchg,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Please note that we normally expect question to be accompanied by code. It is also still unanswered in which context you want to do this: As an effector, as a Script Manager script, etc.
"""Reads out the particle data of a MoGraph Cloner object.
Must be run as a Script Manager script in Cinema 4D with a MoGraph Cloner object selected.
import c4d
doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument # The currently active document.
op: c4d.BaseObject | None # The primary selected object in `doc`. Can be `None`.
def main() -> None:
"""Called by Cinema 4D when the script is being executed.
if not op or not op.CheckType(c4d.Omgcloner):
raise ValueError("Please select a MoGraph Cloner object.")
# Get the particle data from the cloner object.
data: c4d.modules.mograph.MoData = c4d.modules.mograph.GeGetMoData(op)
if data is None:
# Get the transform and color data for the particles.
matrices: list[c4d.Matrix] = data.GetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX)
colors: list[c4d.Vector] = data.GetArray(c4d.MODATA_COLOR)
# Iterate over all particle data and do something with it. If we were in an effector, we could
# also write back data. Technically, we could also write back data here, but it would be volatile.
for i in range(data.GetCount()):
matrix: c4d.Matrix = matrices[i]
color: c4d.Vector = colors[i]
print(f"Particle {i} at {matrix.off} with color {color}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
And here is the 2024.0.0 effector full control mode default code which more or less is very similar but also writes data.
"""Realizes an effector that attracts MoGraph particles spherically around its origin.
Add the example to a Matrix object to understand its effect. In Full Control mode we can realize
a true attraction force as we have full control over the particle values. Compare this example to
Parameter Control mode to understand the difference.
import c4d
op: c4d.BaseObject # The Python Effector object containing this code.
gen: c4d.BaseObject # The MoGraph Generator executing `op`.
doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument # The document `op` and `gen`are contained in.
def main() -> bool:
"""Called by Cinema 4D to evaluate the effector.
# Get the particle data for the effector #op. Get out when either the data cannot be retrieved.
data: c4d.modules.mograph.MoData = c4d.modules.mograph.GeGetMoData(op)
if data is None:
return 1.0
# The transform of both the generator and the effector, the transforms of all particles, and
# finally the position of the effector as if it would live in the coordinate system of the
# generator.
mgGen: c4d.Matrix = gen.GetMg()
mgEff: c4d.Matrix = op.GetMg()
matrices: list[c4d.Matrix] = data.GetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX)
q: c4d.Vector = ~mgGen * mgEff.off
# For each particle compute a weight `w` for how much the particle should be attracted to the
# attraction point `q`, and then blend the particle position between the attraction point and
# its own position `p`.
for i in range(data.GetCount()) :
p: c4d.Vector = matrices[i].off
w: float = c4d.utils.RangeMap((mgGen * ~mgEff * p).GetLength(), 0., 100., 0., 1., True) ** 3.
matrices[i].off = c4d.utils.MixVec(q, p, w)
# Write the new data back.
data.SetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX, matrices, op[c4d.FIELDS].HasContent())
return True
Hey @BruceC,
Thank you for reaching out to us. No, there are no (public) project tool settings which would allow you to do that. Modifying the files which are used by the project tool to assemble the final solution is the only way.
Just as the last time we talked about this, I would like to point out two things:
Getting Started with the Cinema 4D C++ SDK on macOS: Building the SDK:
The project tool is the only supported way to generate solutions for the C++ SDK. Custom build configurations or manual changes to the solution files are not supported and can lead to issues when building the SDK.
Changing the generated project files (editing compiler or linker settings etc.) may result in compile errors or incompatible plugins.
Hey @pchg,
Thank you for reaching out to us. MoGraph is effectively a particle system, you cannot change the indices of clones/particles as this is their primary data/key. So, changing the index does not really make sense, as that is how all data is structured. You can write the transform or geometry of MoGraph particles to make it "look like" if they are a particle with another index. There is also something called an alt-index which plays a role in some index-based effectors. Finally, you can of course also just rewrite all data in a different order, effectively changing the indices of particles, or at least the data which is associated with each index. But that is not a very performant thing to do.
instance.You also did not specify how you want to achieve this unachievable task of changing the indices of mograph particles in the first place (as an effector, as a tool, etc.). Which further complicates things.
When you still need further assistance, please have a look at Support Procedures: How to ask Questions for what makes a good technical question and then update your question. Is unanswerable due to its broadness in its current form.