Hey Peter,
you can reach out directly to us via mail. While there is some end-user aspect in this, I think it is best handled by SDK. But thanks for asking and caring about submitting to the right place! I will forward your mail/request to the right places. But as hinted at above, I do not see the Node team being all thrilled about this.
Maybe also make the case why this is needed as making the case for something usually increases your chances compared to a "I want X"! Maybe also line out how you envision for this to work. E.g., request to introduce an attribute which can be set on port bundles. As for example maxon::DESCRIPTION::UI:NOSORT which is then respected by BuildPopupMenuForDescription.
What we very likely will not do, is that we completely turn this off, as both Scene Nodes and Redshift have a lot of data types with many sub ports where it will be hard to find things without alpha-numerical sorting. I could be wrong about all this as I am neither in the Nodes nor Redshift team, but that is the hunch I have when I look at this system.