PolygonObject Class Reference

#include <c4d_baseobject.h>

Inheritance diagram for PolygonObject:

Detailed Description

Represents a Polygon object.

Has to be created with Alloc() and destroyed with Free(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

Private Member Functions

 PolygonObject ()
 ~PolygonObject ()


static PolygonObjectAlloc (Int32 pcnt, Int32 vcnt)
static void Free (PolygonObject *&bl)

Selected/Hidden Polygon/Edge

BaseSelectGetPolygonS ()
const BaseSelectGetPolygonS () const
BaseSelectGetPolygonH ()
const BaseSelectGetPolygonH () const
EdgeBaseSelectGetEdgeS ()
const EdgeBaseSelectGetEdgeS () const
EdgeBaseSelectGetEdgeH ()
const EdgeBaseSelectGetEdgeH () const
EdgeBaseSelectGetPhongBreak ()
const EdgeBaseSelectGetPhongBreak () const
BaseSelectGetShadingBreak (Bool includeBorderEdges, Bool includeUserBreak, Bool includeUserNormals, Float userNormalsAngle=DegToRad(5.0), Float autoNormalsAngle=DegToRad(180.0))


const CPolygonGetPolygonR () const
CPolygonGetPolygonW ()
Int32 GetPolygonCount () const

Resize Object

Bool ResizeObject (Int32 pcnt, Int32 vcnt)
Bool ResizeObject (Int32 pcnt, Int32 vcnt, Int32 ncnt)
Bool ResizeObject (Int32 pcnt, Int32 vcnt, Int32 ncnt, Int32 vc_flags)

Get/Set Edge Selection

BaseSelectGetSelectedEdges (Neighbor *e, EDGESELECTIONTYPE ltype)
BaseSelectGetSelectedEdges (Neighbor *e, BaseSelect *sel)
Bool SetSelectedEdges (Neighbor *e, BaseSelect *pSel, EDGESELECTIONTYPE ltype)

Phong Normals

Vector32CreatePhongNormals ()


Bool GetPolygonTranslationMap (Int32 &ngoncnt, Int32 *&polymap)
Bool GetNGonTranslationMap (Int32 ngoncnt, Int32 *polymap, Int32 **&ngons)
PgonGetAndBuildNgon ()
Int32 GetNgonCount ()
void GetSelectedNgons (BaseSelect *sel)
void GetHiddenNgons (BaseSelect *sel)
NgonBaseGetNgonBase ()
Bool ValidateEdgeSelection (BaseSelect *sel)
Bool ValidateEdgeSelection ()
Bool GetEdgeSelection (BaseSelect *sel, EDGESELECTIONTYPE type)
void GetNgonEdgesCompact (UChar *&edges)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from PointObject
BaseSelectGetPointS ()
const BaseSelectGetPointS () const
BaseSelectGetPointH ()
const BaseSelectGetPointH () const
const VectorGetPointR () const
VectorGetPointW ()
Int32 GetPointCount () const
Float32CalcVertexMap (BaseObject *modifier)
Bool ResizeObject (Int32 pcnt)
void IncreaseBoundingBox (Int32 cnt, Vector *v)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
BaseObjectGetNext ()
BaseObjectGetPred ()
BaseObjectGetUp ()
BaseObjectGetDown ()
BaseObjectGetDownLast ()
Vector GetAbsPos () const
void SetAbsPos (const Vector &v)
Vector GetAbsScale () const
void SetAbsScale (const Vector &v)
Vector GetAbsRot () const
void SetAbsRot (const Vector &v)
Vector GetFrozenPos () const
void SetFrozenPos (const Vector &v)
Vector GetFrozenScale () const
void SetFrozenScale (const Vector &v)
Vector GetFrozenRot () const
void SetFrozenRot (const Vector &v)
Vector GetRelPos () const
void SetRelPos (const Vector &v)
Vector GetRelScale () const
void SetRelScale (const Vector &v)
Vector GetRelRot () const
void SetRelRot (const Vector &v)
const MatrixGetMl () const
void SetMl (const Matrix &m)
Matrix GetFrozenMln () const
Matrix GetRelMln () const
Matrix GetRelMl () const
void SetRelMl (const Matrix &m)
Matrix GetMg () const
void SetMg (const Matrix &m)
Matrix GetMln () const
Matrix GetMgn () const
Matrix GetUpMg () const
void CopyMatrixTo (BaseObject *dst)
Vector GetMp ()
Vector GetRad ()
void GetDimension (Vector &mp, Vector &rad)
Int32 GetEditorMode () const
Int32 GetEditorModeH () const
void SetEditorMode (Int32 mode)
Int32 GetRenderMode () const
Int32 GetRenderModeH () const
void SetRenderMode (Int32 mode)
Bool GetDeformMode () const
void SetDeformMode (Bool mode)
Int32 GetRealDeformMode () const
void SetRealDeformMode (Int32 mode)
Int32 GetUniqueIP ()
void SetUniqueIP (Int32 ip)
BaseTagGetFirstTag ()
BaseTagGetLastTag ()
BaseTagGetTag (Int32 type, Int32 nr=0)
const maxon::BaseArray< BaseTag * > * GetTagsOfType (Int32 type) const
const maxon::BaseArray< BaseTag * > * GetTagsWithFlags (Int32 flags) const
const void * GetTagDataR (Int32 type, Int32 nr=0) const
void * GetTagDataW (Int32 type, Int32 nr=0)
Int32 GetTagDataCount (Int32 type) const
BaseTagMakeTag (Int32 type, BaseTag *pred=nullptr)
VariableTagMakeVariableTag (Int32 type, Int32 count, BaseTag *pred=nullptr)
void InsertTag (BaseTag *tp, BaseTag *pred=nullptr)
void KillTag (Int32 type, Int32 nr=0)
Bool CopyTagsTo (BaseObject *dest, Int32 visible, Int32 variable, Int32 hierarchical, AliasTrans *trans)
BaseObjectGetCache (HierarchyHelp *hh=nullptr)
BaseObjectGetDeformCache ()
LineObjectGetIsoparm ()
void SetIsoparm (LineObject *l)
BaseObjectGetCacheParent () const
BaseObjectGetCacheTopParent () const
Bool SetPhong (Bool on, Bool anglelimit, Float angle)
Bool IsDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags)
void SetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags)
Bool CheckCache (HierarchyHelp *hh)
void Touch ()
void GetColorProperties (ObjectColorProperties *prop)
void SetColorProperties (ObjectColorProperties *prop)
const MatrixGetModelingAxis (BaseDocument *doc)
void SetModelingAxis (const Matrix &m)
BaseObjectGetAndCheckHierarchyClone (HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS flags, Bool *dirty, AliasTrans *trans, Int childCount, maxon::BaseArray< BaseObject * > *children, Bool addChildOrClone=false)
BaseObjectGetAndCheckHierarchyClone (HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS flags, Bool *dirty, AliasTrans *trans, Bool allchildren)
BaseObjectGetHierarchyClone (HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS flags, Bool *dirty, AliasTrans *trans)
BaseObjectGetHierarchyClone (HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS flags, Bool *dirty, AliasTrans *trans, DIRTYFLAGS dirtyflags)
void NewDependenceList ()
Bool CompareDependenceList ()
void AddDependence (HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op)
void AddDependence (HierarchyHelp *hh, BaseObject *op, DIRTYFLAGS dirtyflags)
void TouchDependenceList ()
void SetRotationOrder (ROTATIONORDER order)
ROTATIONORDER GetRotationOrder () const
void SetQuaternionRotationMode (Bool active, Bool bUndo)
Bool IsQuaternionRotationMode ()
Bool SynchronizeVectorTrackKeys (Int32 vectorTrackID, Bool bUndo, BaseTime startRange=BaseTime(-108000, 1), BaseTime endRange=BaseTime(108000, 1))
Bool FindBestEulerAngle (Int32 rotationTrackID, Bool bAdjustTangent, Bool bUndo, BaseTime startRange=BaseTime(-108000, 1), BaseTime endRange=BaseTime(108000, 1))
Bool EvaluateSynchronizedRotation (const BaseTime &time, ANIMATEFLAGS flags, Vector *resultRotation=nullptr)
Bool GetVectorTracks (const DescID &id, CTrack *&xfound, CTrack *&yfound, CTrack *&zfound)
Bool GetVectorCurves (CCurve *curveToSearch, CCurve *&xfound, CCurve *&yfound, CCurve *&zfound)
UInt64 GetGUID ()
Int32 GetHighlightHandle (BaseDraw *bd)
SplineObjectGetRealSpline ()
Float GetVisibility (Float parent)
Bool SearchHierarchy (BaseObject *op)
BaseObjectGetOrigin (Bool safe)
void SetOrigin (BaseObject *origin)
BaseObjectGetTopOrigin (Bool parent, Bool safe)
BaseObjectGetEditObject (BaseObject **psds, DISPLAYEDITSTATE state, Bool safetey=true)
void RemoveFromCache ()
DRAWRESULT ObjDraw (DRAWPASS drawpass, BaseDraw *bd, BaseDrawHelp *bh)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseList2D
void SetBit (Int32 mask)
Bool GetBit (Int32 mask) const
void DelBit (Int32 mask)
void ToggleBit (Int32 mask)
Int32 GetAllBits () const
void SetAllBits (Int32 bits)
void SetBitEx (Int32 mask, Int32 flags)
const CharGetViewportRenderId (VIEWPORT_RENDER_ID typeId) const
BaseList2DGetNext ()
BaseList2DGetPred ()
BaseContainer GetData ()
void SetData (const BaseContainer &bc, Bool add=true)
const BaseContainerGetDataInstance () const
BaseContainerGetDataInstance ()
const BaseContainerGetDataInstanceRef () const
BaseContainerGetDataInstanceRef ()
String GetName () const
void SetName (const maxon::String &name)
String GetBubbleHelp ()
Bool TransferGoal (BaseList2D *dst, Bool undolink)
Bool TransferMarker (BaseList2D *dst) const
Bool Scale (Float scale)
Bool Edit ()
void GetIcon (IconData *dat)
GeListHeadGetNLARoot ()
BaseList2DAnimationLayerRemap (BaseObject **layer=nullptr)
String GetTypeName ()
BaseList2DGetMain () const
void InsertTrackSorted (CTrack *track)
Bool AddEventNotification (BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid, NOTIFY_EVENT_FLAG flags, const BaseContainer *data)
Bool RemoveEventNotification (BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid)
Bool FindEventNotification (BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid)
Bool SetDescIDState (const DescID &id, DESCIDSTATE descidstate)
DESCIDSTATE GetDescIDState (const DescID &id, Bool tolerant) const
GeListHeadGetOverrideRoot ()
BaseOverrideGetFirstOverride ()
GeListHeadGetShaderRepositoryRoot ()
GeListHeadGetHiddenShaderRoot ()
maxon::NimbusForwardRef GetNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId) const
maxon::Result< maxon::NimbusForwardRefPrivateGetOrCreateNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId)
void RemoveNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId)
maxon::Result< maxon::HashMap< maxon::Id, maxon::NimbusForwardRef > > GetAllNimbusRefs () const
Bool IsNodeBased () const
void GetMarkerStampEx (UInt32 *l1, UInt32 *l2)
const GeMarkerGetMarker () const
void SetMarker (const GeMarker &m)
Bool AddUniqueID (Int32 appid, const Char *const mem, Int bytes)
Bool FindUniqueID (Int32 appid, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const
Int32 GetUniqueIDCount () const
Bool GetUniqueIDIndex (Int32 idx, Int32 &id, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const
Bool SetAnimatedParameter (CTrack *track, const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data1, const GeData &t_data2, Float mix, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
Bool GetAnimatedParameter (const DescID &id, GeData &t_data1, GeData &t_data2, Float &mix, DESCFLAGS_GET flags)
BaseShaderGetFirstShader () const
void InsertShader (BaseShader *shader, BaseShader *pred=nullptr)
void ClearKeyframeSelection ()
Bool FindKeyframeSelection (const DescID &id)
Bool SetKeyframeSelection (const DescID &id, Bool selection)
Bool KeyframeSelectionContent ()
LayerObjectGetLayerObject (BaseDocument *doc)
Bool SetLayerObject (LayerObject *layer)
const LayerDataGetLayerData (BaseDocument *doc, Bool rawdata=false)
Bool SetLayerData (BaseDocument *doc, const LayerData &data)
GeListHeadGetCTrackRoot ()
CTrackGetFirstCTrack ()
CTrackFindCTrack (const DescID &id)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeListNode
GeListNodeGetNext ()
GeListNodeGetPred ()
GeListNodeGetDown ()
GeListNodeGetUp ()
GeListNodeGetDownLast ()
void InsertBefore (GeListNode *bl)
void InsertAfter (GeListNode *bl)
void InsertUnder (GeListNode *bl)
void InsertUnderLast (GeListNode *bl)
void Remove ()
GeListHeadGetListHead ()
Int32 GetNodeID (Int32 index=0) const
template<typename CAST >
const CAST * GetNodeData (Int32 index=0) const
template<typename CAST >
CAST * GetNodeData (Int32 index=0)
void SetCustomData (GeListNode *node)
GeListNodeGetCustomData ()
BaseDocumentGetDocument ()
Int32 GetBranchInfo (BranchInfo *info, Int32 max, GETBRANCHINFO flags)
Bool IsDocumentRelated ()
Int32 GetInfo () const
Bool GetNBit (NBIT bit) const
UInt32 GetNBitMask (Int32 index) const
Bool ChangeNBit (NBIT bit, NBITCONTROL bitmode)
- Public Member Functions inherited from C4DAtom
Int32 GetType () const
Int32 GetRealType () const
Int32 GetDiskType () const
Bool IsInstanceOf (Int32 id) const
Int32 GetClassification () const
Bool Message (Int32 type, void *data=nullptr)
Bool MultiMessage (MULTIMSG_ROUTE flags, Int32 type, void *data)
C4DAtomGetClone (COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn)
Bool CopyTo (C4DAtom *dst, COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn)
Bool Read (HyperFile *hf, Int32 id, Int32 level)
Bool Write (HyperFile *hf)
Bool ReadObject (HyperFile *hf, Bool readheader)
Bool WriteObject (HyperFile *hf)
Bool GetDescription (Description *description, DESCFLAGS_DESC flags)
Bool GetParameter (const DescID &id, GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_GET flags)
Bool SetParameter (const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
DynamicDescriptionGetDynamicDescription ()
Bool GetEnabling (const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_ENABLE flags, const BaseContainer *itemdesc)
Bool TranslateDescID (const DescID &id, DescID &res_id, C4DAtom *&res_at)
UInt32 GetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags) const
void SetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags)
UInt32 GetHDirty (HDIRTYFLAGS mask) const
void SetHDirty (HDIRTYFLAGS mask)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
static BaseObjectAlloc (Int32 type)
static void Free (BaseObject *&bl)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseList2D
static BaseList2DAlloc (Int32 type)
static void Free (BaseList2D *&bl)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BaseList2D
static const Int32 SETBIT_FLAG_NODIRTY
static const Int32 SETBIT_FLAG_REMOVE

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PolygonObject()

PolygonObject ( )

◆ ~PolygonObject()

~PolygonObject ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Alloc()

static PolygonObject* Alloc ( Int32  pcnt,
Int32  vcnt 

Allocates a Polygon object. Destroy the allocated Polygon object with Free(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

[in]pcntThe point count.
[in]vcntThe polygon count.
The allocated Polygon object, or nullptr if the allocation failed.

◆ Free()

static void Free ( PolygonObject *&  bl)

Destructs Polygon objects allocated with Alloc(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

[in,out]blThe Polygon object to destruct. If the pointer is nullptr nothing happens. The pointer is assigned nullptr afterwards.

◆ GetPolygonS() [1/2]

BaseSelect* GetPolygonS ( )

Gets the selected polygons (visible ones only).

The selection of visible polygons. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetPolygonS() [2/2]

const BaseSelect* GetPolygonS ( ) const

Gets the selected polygons (visible ones only).

The selection of visible polygons. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetPolygonH() [1/2]

BaseSelect* GetPolygonH ( )

Gets the hidden polygons (hidden ones within the editor only).

The hidden polygons. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetPolygonH() [2/2]

const BaseSelect* GetPolygonH ( ) const

Gets the hidden polygons (hidden ones within the editor only).

The hidden polygons. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetEdgeS() [1/2]

EdgeBaseSelect* GetEdgeS ( )

Gets the selected edges (visible ones only).
The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.

If the selection is changed make sure it is still valid, so that shared edges have a well-defined selection status.
It is safer to use SetSelectedEdges().
The selection of visible edges. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.
See also

◆ GetEdgeS() [2/2]

const EdgeBaseSelect* GetEdgeS ( ) const

Gets the selected edges (visible ones only).
The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.

If the selection is changed make sure it is still valid, so that shared edges have a well-defined selection status.
It is safer to use SetSelectedEdges().
The selection of visible edges. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.
See also

◆ GetEdgeH() [1/2]

EdgeBaseSelect* GetEdgeH ( )

Gets the hidden edges (hidden ones within the editor only).
The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.

If this selection is changed make sure it is still valid, so that shared edges have a well-defined selection status.
It is safer to use SetSelectedEdges().
The hidden edges. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetEdgeH() [2/2]

const EdgeBaseSelect* GetEdgeH ( ) const

Gets the hidden edges (hidden ones within the editor only).
The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.

If this selection is changed make sure it is still valid, so that shared edges have a well-defined selection status.
It is safer to use SetSelectedEdges().
The hidden edges. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetPhongBreak() [1/2]

EdgeBaseSelect* GetPhongBreak ( )

Gets the Phong break edges.
The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.

If the selection is changed make sure it is still valid, so that shared edges have a well-defined selection status.
It is safer to use SetSelectedEdges().
The Phong break edges. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetPhongBreak() [2/2]

const EdgeBaseSelect* GetPhongBreak ( ) const

Gets the Phong break edges.
The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.

If the selection is changed make sure it is still valid, so that shared edges have a well-defined selection status.
It is safer to use SetSelectedEdges().
The Phong break edges. The Polygon object owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetShadingBreak()

BaseSelect* GetShadingBreak ( Bool  includeBorderEdges,
Bool  includeUserBreak,
Bool  includeUserNormals,
Float  userNormalsAngle = DegToRad(5.0),
Float  autoNormalsAngle = DegToRad(180.0) 

Gets the shading break edges based on neighbor polygons shading edges and a specified


Border edges can optionally be marked as break edges. Current break edges can optionally be included (merged) in the resulting break edges.

Finally, user normal vectors can optionally be considered using a separate angle limit for this purpose.

The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.
[in]includeBorderEdgestrue to mark border edges as break edges, otherwise false.
[in]includeUserBreaktrue to include the user break edges (same as obtained with GetPhongBreak), otherwise false.
[in]includeUserNormalstrue to consider user normals using the userNormalAngle parameter, otherwise false.
[in]userNormalsAngleThe angle limit in radians beyond which polygon vertex normals sharing edge vertices create a break edge.
[in]autoNormalsAngleThe angle limit in radians beyond which polygon normals sharing an edge create a break edge.
The shading break edges. The PolygonObject owns the pointed BaseSelect.

◆ GetPolygonR()

const CPolygon* GetPolygonR ( ) const

Gets the start of the read-only array of polygons.

While this function may sound trivial and cheap, internally it is not. For performance reasons, it is not recommended to use this function inside a loop or inside a loop condition.
The first element in the read-only polygon array. The Polygon object owns the pointed array.

◆ GetPolygonW()

CPolygon* GetPolygonW ( )

Gets the start of the writable array of polygons.

While this function may sound trivial and cheap, internally it is not. For performance reasons, it is not recommended to use this function inside a loop or inside a loop condition.
The first element in the writable polygon array. The Polygon object owns the pointed array.

◆ GetPolygonCount()

Int32 GetPolygonCount ( ) const

Gets the number of polygons in the object.

While this function may sound trivial and cheap, internally it is not. For performance reasons, it is not recommended to use this function inside a loop or inside a loop condition.
The polygon count.

◆ ResizeObject() [1/3]

Bool ResizeObject ( Int32  pcnt,
Int32  vcnt 

Changes the number of points and polygons in the object.

[in]pcntThe new number of points.
[in]vcntThe new number of polygons.
true if the number of points and polygons was changed successfully, otherwise false.

◆ ResizeObject() [2/3]

Bool ResizeObject ( Int32  pcnt,
Int32  vcnt,
Int32  ncnt 

Changes the number of points, polygons and N-gons in the object.

[in]pcntThe new number of points.
[in]vcntThe new number of polygons.
[in]ncntThe new number of N-gons.
true if the number of points, polygons and N-gons was changed successfully, otherwise false.

◆ ResizeObject() [3/3]

Bool ResizeObject ( Int32  pcnt,
Int32  vcnt,
Int32  ncnt,
Int32  vc_flags 

Changes the number of points, polygons and N-gons in the object with variable changed flags.

[in]pcntThe new number of points.
[in]vcntThe new number of polygons.
[in]ncntThe new number of N-gons.
[in]vc_flagsThe variable changed flags: VC_FLAGS
true if the number of points, polygons and N-gons was changed successfully, otherwise false.

◆ GetSelectedEdges() [1/2]

BaseSelect* GetSelectedEdges ( Neighbor e,

Gets the selected, hidden or phong break edges.
The edges are indexed uniquely by a Neighbor object, so each edge has a single index.

Convenience wrapper around GetEdgeS(), GetEdgeH() and GetPhongBreak().
The returned BaseSelect* must be deleted with BaseSelect::Free() afterwards.
[in]eThe neighbor object with information about the edge topology.
Must be initialized with all polygons:
Neighbor::Init(poly->GetPointCount(), poly->GetPolygonR(), poly->GetPolygonCount(), nullptr);
virtual Bool Init(Int32 pcnt, const CPolygon *vadr, Int32 vcnt, BaseSelect *bs)
[in]ltypeThe type of edge selection to get: EDGESELECTIONTYPE
The selected edges. The caller owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetSelectedEdges() [2/2]

BaseSelect* GetSelectedEdges ( Neighbor e,
BaseSelect sel 

Converts a regular edge selection (4 * polygon + edge) to an edge selection that can be used with the PolyInfo::edge array.

The returned BaseSelect* must be deleted with BaseSelect::Free() afterwards.
[in]eThe neighbor object with information about the edge topology.
Must be initialized with all polygons:
Neighbor::Init(poly->GetPointCount(), poly->GetPolygonR(), poly->GetPolygonCount(), nullptr);
[in]selThe selection to convert. The caller owns the pointed base select.
The converted selection. The caller owns the pointed base select.

◆ SetSelectedEdges()

Bool SetSelectedEdges ( Neighbor e,
BaseSelect pSel,

Sets the selected, hidden or phong break edges.
The edges are indexed uniquely by a Neighbor object, so each edge has a single index.

Convenience wrapper around GetEdgeS(), GetEdgeH() and GetPhongBreak().
[in]eThe neighbor object with information about the edge topology.
Must be initialized with all polygons:
Neighbor::Init(poly->GetPointCount(), poly->GetPolygonR(), poly->GetPolygonCount(), nullptr);
[in]pSelThe edge selection. The caller owns the pointed base select.
[in]ltypeThe type of edge selection to set: EDGESELECTIONTYPE
true if the edge selection succeeded, otherwise false.

◆ CreatePhongNormals()

Vector32* CreatePhongNormals ( )

Gets an array with the stored Phong normals of the object.
The array contains 4* GetPolygonCount() vectors, one for each point of each face (including the unused fourth point for triangles).

Only valid if the object has a Phong tag.
The returned array has to be freed with DeleteMem() afterwards.
The Phong normals. The caller owns the pointed array.

◆ GetPolygonTranslationMap()

Bool GetPolygonTranslationMap ( Int32 ngoncnt,
Int32 *&  polymap 

Gets a translation map from polygon indices to N-gon indices.
If polymap[i] = p then polygon i is part of the N-gon p.

polymap needs to be freed with DeleteMem() afterwards.
[in,out]ngoncntAssigned the number of N-gons.
This is not the same value as returned by GetNgonCount(). ngoncnt includes all regular polygons as well.
[in,out]polymapAssigned a pointer to the N-gon index map. The caller owns the pointed array.
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ GetNGonTranslationMap()

Bool GetNGonTranslationMap ( Int32  ngoncnt,
Int32 polymap,
Int32 **&  ngons 

Gets a translation map from N-gon indices to polygon indices.
The number of polygons in N-gon i is stored in ngons[i][0]. Then the polygon indices are stored in ngons[i][j] where j goes from 1 to ngons[i][0].

ngons map needs to be freed with DeleteMem() afterwards.
[in,out]ngoncntThe number of N-gons. Use the value returned by GetPolygonTranslationMap(), not GetNgonCount().
[in,out]polymapThe polygon map. Use the map returned by GetPolygonTranslationMap(), or a similarly formatted array. The caller owns the pointed array.
[in,out]ngonsAssigned a pointer to the polygon index map. The caller owns the pointed array.
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ GetAndBuildNgon()

Pgon* GetAndBuildNgon ( )

Gets the start of the array of N-gons.

The N-gon array. The Polygon object owns the pointed array.

◆ GetNgonCount()

Int32 GetNgonCount ( )

Gets the number of N-gons in the object, i.e. the number of polygons with more points than 4.

The number of N-gons.

◆ GetSelectedNgons()

void GetSelectedNgons ( BaseSelect sel)

Gets the current N-gon selection.
It has the same order as the GetNGonTranslationMap().

[out]selAssigned the current N-gon selection.

◆ GetHiddenNgons()

void GetHiddenNgons ( BaseSelect sel)

Gets the current hidden N-gon selection.
It has the same order as GetNGonTranslationMap().

[out]selAssigned the current hidden N-gon selection.

◆ GetNgonBase()

NgonBase* GetNgonBase ( )

Gets the NgonBase instance for the object.

The N-gon base. The Polygon object owns the pointed NgonBase.

◆ ValidateEdgeSelection() [1/2]

Bool ValidateEdgeSelection ( BaseSelect sel)

Deselects all selected edges in sel that are N-gon edges.

[in]selThe selection to check for N-gon edges. The caller owns the pointed BaseSelect.
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ ValidateEdgeSelection() [2/2]

Bool ValidateEdgeSelection ( )

Deselects all selected edges that are N-gon edges.

true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ GetEdgeSelection()

Bool GetEdgeSelection ( BaseSelect sel,

Deselects all edges in sel that are N-gon edges as specified by type.

[in]selThe selection to check for N-gon edges. The caller owns the pointed BaseSelect.
[in]typeThe type of selection to check: EDGESELECTIONTYPE
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ GetNgonEdgesCompact()

void GetNgonEdgesCompact ( UChar *&  edges)

Retrieves an array that contains N-gon information for each polygon.
If edges[poly_index] & (1 << edge_index) != 0 the edge is a hidden N-gon edge, where edge_index is between 0 - 3 for quads and 0, 1 or 3 for triangles.

edges array needs to be freed with DeleteMem() afterwards.
[out]edgesAssigned a pointer to the compact N-gon edges array. The caller owns the pointed array.