Hey Andreas,
no need to feel sorry. It is valuable for us to be aware of this, as this could cause more serious problems further down the road, even though it is hard to reproduce for now. We have pushed this off to QA for now, due to them having the required tools (hardware) to assess this more thoroughly.
I do not see anything inherently wrong with that. But the only ones who could answer this with complete certainty are the developers who wrote the Cinema 4D core. And until we cannot say with a reasonable degree of certainty that this is a reproduceable bug that we want to address, I will not bother them with this, since there is other "stuff" in front of the queue for them anyway.
I have forked your second part of the question, as I would like to keep this thread clean, as I would anticipate that QA will confirm this bug, it then going to the developers, and we will then report back here. Which will get a bit convoluted when there is a second question being discussed here. The topic can be found here.
I understand that this is not the most satisfying procedure for you, as it will take a bit of time. The issue of yours must go through our bug tracking system now first, rather than taking the shortcut we sometimes offer here, of us talking with the developers and then creating an issue if we decide to do so.