In short,I found out that Place tool's elements is unable to drag and drop into the Python console edit field. So is there anyway to get/set the place tool like the move tool?
Posts made by karen
Is there anyway to get/set the Place tool?
RE: UserArea drag and drop example?
I tried using a timer to solve this problem, but I still want to know if there is a more direct way
import c4d import threading from c4d.gui import GeUserArea, GeDialog GADGET_ID_GEUSERAREA = 10000 class DropArea(GeUserArea): def __init__(self): # Used to store all objects involved in the drag-and-drop operation self.currentDragObjects = [] # Flag to indicate whether a drag operation is in progress self.isDragging = False # Define a timer to delay the handling of the drag completion self.dragTimer = None def Message(self, msg, result): # Handle drag-and-drop messages if msg.GetId() == c4d.BFM_DRAGRECEIVE: # Check if the drag was lost or canceled if msg.GetInt32(c4d.BFM_DRAG_LOST) or msg.GetInt32(c4d.BFM_DRAG_ESC): self.isDragging = False return self.SetDragDestination(c4d.MOUSE_FORBIDDEN) # If the drag just started, clear the previous object list if not self.isDragging: self.currentDragObjects = [] # Initialize the storage list self.isDragging = True # Mark the beginning of the drag # Verify if it is a valid drop area if not self.CheckDropArea(msg, True, True): return self.SetDragDestination(c4d.MOUSE_FORBIDDEN) # Get the dragged file object dragInfo = self.GetDragObject(msg) if dragInfo is not None: dragObject = dragInfo['object'] # Check if the object already exists in the list to avoid duplicates if dragObject not in self.currentDragObjects: self.currentDragObjects.append(dragObject) # Reset the timer to delay the handling of drag completion if self.dragTimer is not None: self.dragTimer.cancel() # Set a short timer (e.g., 0.2 seconds) to determine if the drag operation is complete self.dragTimer = threading.Timer(0.2, self._finalize_drag) self.dragTimer.start() # Set the mouse cursor to a valid state return self.SetDragDestination(c4d.MOUSE_MOVE) # Call the base class Message() method to handle other messages return c4d.gui.GeUserArea.Message(self, msg, result) def _finalize_drag(self): # Delayed execution to ensure all dragged objects have been received self.isDragging = False if self.currentDragObjects: # Print all dropped files print(f"Dropped files: {self.currentDragObjects}") # Additional logic can be executed here, e.g., handling file paths or other content # Clear the object list for the next drag-and-drop operation self.currentDragObjects = [] # Redraw the user area (if UI update is needed) self.Redraw() class ExampleDialog(GeDialog): geUserArea = DropArea() def CreateLayout(self): self.SetTitle("Drag Area") if self.GroupBegin(0, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT | c4d.BFV_SCALEFIT, cols=1, rows=0, title="", groupflags=0, initw=100, inith=100): self.GroupBorderSpace(8, 8, 8, 8) self.GroupSpace(2, 2) # Add the user area gadget self.AddUserArea(GADGET_ID_GEUSERAREA, c4d.BFH_SCALEFIT | c4d.BFV_SCALEFIT, 200, 200) # Attach the user area to the gadget self.AttachUserArea(self.geUserArea, GADGET_ID_GEUSERAREA) self.GroupEnd() return True if __name__ == "__main__": global dlg dlg = ExampleDialog() dlg.Open(dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_ASYNC, defaultw=200, defaulth=200)
RE: UserArea drag and drop example?
Hi @Dunhou ,Hi @m_adam , thank you for providing the code. I have also been researching drag and drop methods in GeUserArea recently. I noticed that in the DragObject () method, when retrieving an external file, a single file path is returned. May I ask if it is possible to return a list containing multiple file paths when dragging multiple external files at the same time, similar to the DRAGTYPE-ATOMARRAY
RE: Is there any way to trriger the GraphNode "Add Layer" button with Python?
I found the AddPorts() Method,Sorry I missed it before.
from typing import Optional import c4d import maxon doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument # The active document op: Optional[c4d.BaseObject] # The active object, None if unselected def main() -> None: material = doc.GetActiveMaterial() nodeMaterial = material.GetNodeMaterialReference() graph: maxon.GraphModelInterface = nodeMaterial.GetGraph(c4d.GetActiveNodeSpaceId()) with graph.BeginTransaction() as transaction: layered_node = graph.AddChild(maxon.Id(),"com.chaos.vray_node.texlayeredmax") layers = layered_node.GetInputs().FindChild("com.chaos.vray_node.texlayeredmax.texture_layers") #The Layers portbundle layers.AddPorts(2, 1) #Add layers transaction.Commit() #Layer in Layers portbundle layers_list = [] layers.GetChildren(layers_list,maxon.NODE_KIND.INPORT) #Textureports and BlendMode_ports in Layers portbundle layers_texport_list = [tport for port in layers_list if (tport := port.FindChild("com.chaos.vray.portbundle.texture_layer.texture"))] layers_mode_list = [mport for port in layers_list if (mport := port.FindChild("com.chaos.vray.portbundle.texture_layer.blend_mode"))] print(layered_node) print(layers) print(layers_list) print(layers_texport_list) print(layers_mode_list) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
RE: Is there any way to trriger the GraphNode "Add Layer" button with Python?
Hi! @i_mazlov ,
Thanks for your reply,I will take a look at the Forum and Support Guidelines.
About the question
Is there any other way to 'add layer' to the node other than ‘’press‘’ the button? -
Is there any way to trriger the GraphNode "Add Layer" button with Python?
As shown in the following screenshot.
It's Vray NodeMaterial in the picture,but I found the same structure in scene_root Node and the C4D NodeMaterial.
I had tried GraphNode.SetValue and GraphNode.SetDefaultValue.but I don't know how to set the "value" because it's a Array<Tuple<Id, DataDictionary>> Type.
I did write some codes and I know that they are wrong.But I dont know how to correct it.from typing import Optional import c4d import maxon doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument # The active document op: Optional[c4d.BaseObject] # The active object, None if unselected def main() -> None: material = doc.GetActiveMaterial() nodeMaterial = material.GetNodeMaterialReference() graph: maxon.GraphModelInterface = nodeMaterial.GetGraph(c4d.GetActiveNodeSpaceId()) layered_list = [] maxon.GraphModelHelper.FindNodesById(graph,"com.chaos.vray_node.texlayeredmax.texture_layers",maxon.NODE_KIND.INPORT, maxon.PORT_DIR.INPUT, False, layered_list) layered_node = layered_list[0] with graph.BeginTransaction() as transaction: data_dict:maxon.DataDictionary = {} key = "net.maxon.node.attribute.insertindex" value = 1 data_dict[key] = value tuple_l = ["_0",data_dict] array = {tuple_l} layered_node.SetDefaultValue(array) transaction.Commit() print(tuple_l) if __name__ == '__main__': main()