@m_adam said in Register event callbacks for "new file", "open file", "save file" (hooks?):
Regarding new document, sadly there is no way to hook into that and the best way would be to have a MessageData, list all doc by calling c4d.documents.GetFirstDocument and then iterating them by calling BaseList2D.GetNext(). Since a document is a BaseList2D you can hash them and therefor know if there is a new document.
So that would just be running on a timer then, with the hope that I 'trigger' on it swiftly enough? Doesn't fit my needs so dedicated SceneHooks I can register application wide would be a mad helper for this!
Aside of that - was there still a way to 'add' the python generator object into the scene without it maybe serializing into the saved file? Like have a flag that says "Do not serialize"? (Also, Scene Hooks would still be better)