node size
Windows 10
Cinema 4d 2023.2.1
PythonGood evening.
How can I change or optimize the size of the node? It is possible to do it manually, but to do it programmatically I have not found a way neither in the documentation, nor in the history of the forum. Let me clarify that I mean the classc4d.modules.graphview.GvNode
. -
Hi @ll2pakll ,
The size of the GvNode is stored in a corresponding BaseContainer and is not publicly exposed. There was some related issue here: BaseContainer missing for GvNode created with c4dpy.
Seems that the answer here is the same as in the related thread: no workaround.
Ilia -
Most of the time this error persists because NodeSpace is not initialized. If you open and close Xpresso editor for xpresso tag then you can access node size in base container.
Thank you for the answers.