Close any C4D Window
That's because there is none. The Windows functionality in the API is very limited. You can open some through CallCommand but identification and handling of specific windows is not supported.
Only thing you could do is loading a new layout.
@Cairyn said in Close any C4D Window:
That's because there is none. The Windows functionality in the API is very limited. You can open some through CallCommand but identification and handling of specific windows is not supported.
Only thing you could do is loading a new layout.
I was afraid of that answer
But thank you anyway -
@Cairyn thanks for the answer
the subject seems to be popular those days
As in this thread , we can confimr it's not possible.Cheers
Manuel -
this thread will be considered solved and will be closed tomorrow if you have nothing to add.
Manuel -
can't test it right now, but this should do the trick.
you'll need to install these packages to your c4d installation to make it work
import win32gui import win32ui import win32co from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller handle = win32gui.FindWindow(0, "Texture Manager") try: if handle: keyboard = Controller() win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(handle) keyboard.release(Key.ctrl) except: pass
thanks a lot for posting your solution here.