saving/loading data in iCustomGui [SOLVED]
On 28/01/2015 at 08:11, xxxxxxxx wrote:
User Information:
Cinema 4D Version: 13+
Platform: Windows ;
Language(s) : C++ ;---------
I have a lot of data which are inside a GeUserArea sub class, the data is dynamic "lots of pointers, vectors of pointers, ..."example:
class myNodeUserArea : public GeUserArea { private: std::vector<mNode*> nodes; std::vector<mWire*> wires; .... }
I'm not sure where to "put" these data so they can be saved/loaded easily, for example in the iCustomGui class, also I'm not sure how the TriState<> is loading and saving data
right now I can add my custom data type from userdata, display it with my custom gui, modify the user area stuff, once I change any thing in the ui the user area becomes empty!! "as if I just created it without any modification"
On 28/01/2015 at 14:15, xxxxxxxx wrote:
_<_n_<_o_>__update: inside CustomGuiDat_<_o_<_o_>_a_<_n_<_o_>__/_<_o_<__<_o_<_o_>_>
<_<_n_<_o_>__o>virtual CDial_<_o_<__<_o_<_o_>_Alloc(c_<_n_<_o_>__ B_<_o_<__<_o_<_o_>_ontaine_<_n_<_o_>__p; settings); [/C_<_o_<_o_>_ is called every time the layout gets changed "a nightmare!!" , so how can I store my data between draws, I see 2 examples which somehow stores a si_<_n_<_o_>__ data "tristate example for Niklas & custom slider example for Scotta" not sure how and where is this TriState is holding the data "after all every Alloc create_<_o_<_o_<_o_<__<_o_<_o_>_ew class which should contain a fresh TriState, pretty confusing_<_o_<_o_>_p;:nauseated_face: "
On 29/01/2015 at 08:28, xxxxxxxx wrote:
a GeUserArea and a custom GUI are exactly this – GUI elements that should display data but are not in charge of saving data.
You can store custom data in a custom datatype. To be sure that the data is correctly written, read and copied overwrite WriteData(), ReadData() and CopyData(). You could write your data to the Hyperfile using a BaseContainer and
[URL-REMOVED] (depending on your data).The data is handed over to your custom GUI in
[URL-REMOVED]. To get custom data simple read the value of the Tristate viaGetValue()
[URL-REMOVED] and then get the custom data type withGetCustomDataType()
[URL-REMOVED]. When you change the data in your custom GUI you have to update the parent that the data was changed. This has to be done with a message:BaseContainer m(BFM_ACTION); m.SetInt32(BFM_ACTION_ID, GetId()); m.SetData(BFM_ACTION_VALUE, GeData(MYCUSTOMDATATYPE, data)); SendParentMessage(m);
best wishes,
[URL-REMOVED] @maxon: This section contained a non-resolving link which has been removed.
On 29/01/2015 at 08:48, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Sebastian,
thanks for the help, I kinda understand now how to work it out , you are great.
On 29/01/2015 at 17:34, xxxxxxxx wrote:
well I tested, kinda works but there is a missing part in the chain "tristate sets data, gets data, but data is reset or not saved"
virtual Bool SetData(const TriState<GeData>& tristate) { GePrint("TriState SetData()"); GePrint("setdata m_ua count " + String::IntToString(m_ua.count)); const GeData& value = tristate.GetValue(); if(!value.GetCustomDataType(23123123)) return FALSE; iExampleDataType* mdata = static_cast<iExampleDataType*> (value.GetCustomDataType(23123123)); m_ua.count = mdata->count; GePrint("setdata mdata count " + String::IntToString(mdata->count)); return TRUE; }
virtual TriState<GeData> GetData() { GePrint("TriState GetData()"); Int32 count = m_ua.count; GePrint("getdata count " + String::IntToString(m_ua.count)); iExampleDataType a; a.count = count; return TriState<GeData>(GeData(23123123, static_cast<CustomDataType> (a))); }
and here is the print of a simple variable "initialized to 1"
TriState GetData() getdata count 2 msg count 2 #making sure that the msg is correct TriState SetData() setdata m_ua count 2 setdata mdata count 1 #bam!!! why it reads 1 not 2
On 30/01/2015 at 00:26, xxxxxxxx wrote:
such a behavior could be caused by the absence or incorrect implementation of a function in your datatype class. For example it is also important to correctly implement the
[URL-REMOVED] function.Best wishes,
[URL-REMOVED] @maxon: This section contained a non-resolving link which has been removed.
On 30/01/2015 at 03:23, xxxxxxxx wrote:
wow Sebastian!! , you nailed it from the first shot , thanks again for the help.