Dear Community,
This posting contains information on how to write postings and upload data to the forum on a technical level.
See our Forum Overview topic for an overview the forum structure and our code of conduct. The Support Procedures topic lines out how we deliver support, which topics are within the scope of support, and the hallmarks of a good technical question.
Creating Topics
A new topic can be created with the New Topic
button to be found at the top of each sub-forum (Fig. I).

Fig. I: The New topic button can be found in each forum into which you can post, the button not being present means that you are not allowed to create topics in this forum.
Changing Forums
After pressing the button, the posting editor will open. When creating a new topic, the editor will allow you to change the forum to post into with a button in the top left (Fig. II).

Fig. II: The category button can be found in the top left of the posting editor when creating a new topic.
Adding Tags
Many forums allow you or even require you to add tags to your posting. The tags button can be found in the left bottom of the posting editor (Fig. III).

Fig. III: The tags button allows you to descibe a posting with predefined tags.
You should always describe the language (C++/Python), the operating system (Windows/MacOS), and the version you are targeting.
Forum Markup
This is an overview of all forum markup and its rendered output.
Uploading Content
You can upload images and files to the forum as shown below.

The maximum upload size is 16 MB and the supported file formats are:
- Image:
png, jpg, bmp, gif, webm
- File:
zip, py, pyp, pdf, txt, cpp, h, vdb, mp4
Uploaded mp4
files will be automatically displayed in a video player. You also can embed Youtube, Vimeo, and Twitter content by simply posting a link in a topic.
*italic* |
italic |
**bold** |
bold |
~~strikethrough~~ |
strikethrough |
[Link]( |
Link |
`monospace` |
monospace |
Bullet point and index lists can be mixed, the actual numbering in index lists does not matter, it will be applied by the parser (Beans
has the index 6
in the markup but is then correctly rendered as 2
* Food
* Fruits
1. Apple
2. Avocado
3. Banana
* Vegetables
1. Aubergine
6. Beans
3. Carrot
* Toys
- Food
- Fruits
- Apple
- Avocado
- Banana
- Vegetables
- Aubergine
- Beans
- Carrot
- Toys
Code Blocks
Code blocks can be styled with a sytanx. [py]
will force Python syntax, [cpp]
C++ syntax, and [txt]
no syntax (among many other syntaxes). Setting no syntax hint will cause the styling to fall back to Python syntax.

class Item (object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: int = 0 str = ""
def run(self) -> str:
return f"My name is {} at {}."
# Create an item and run it.
thing: Item = Item()
thing. Run()

class Foo { // A class
int bar;
Quotes and Tables
> “Not every quote you read on the internet is true.” – Abraham Lincoln
“Not every quote you read on the internet is true.” – Abraham Lincoln
| A | B | C |
| - | - | - |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
Headings and Seperators
# h1 title
## h2 title
### h3 title
#### h4 title
##### h5 title
###### h6 title
h1 title
h2 title
h3 title
h4 title
h5 title
h6 title
Happy posting,
the Maxon SDK Group
This topic deliberately has been left open for on-topic questions. Due to the informative nature of this topic, it will be strictly moderated.