Just can't get GetPixelInfoPoint to work :-(
On 17/06/2014 at 10:46, xxxxxxxx wrote:
User Information:
Cinema 4D Version:Â Â Â 14Â
Platform:Â Â Â Â Â Mac OSXÂ ;Â
Language(s) :Â Â Â Â C++Â ;---------
I'm using the following code:Real mx = msg.GetReal(BFM_INPUT_X); Real my = msg.GetReal(BFM_INPUT_Y); LONG radius=data.GetReal(MDATA_RADIUS); LONG xmin = mx - radius; LONG xmax = mx + radius; LONG ymin = my - radius; LONG ymax = my + radius; LONG ix,iy;Â Â Â Â Â LONG left, top, right, bottom, width, height; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â bd->GetFrame(&left;, ⊤, &right;, ⊥); width = right - left + 1; height = bottom - top + 1; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â AutoAlloc<ViewportSelect> vps; if (!vps || !vps->Init(width, height, bd, obj, doc->GetMode(), TRUE, VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS_0)) Â Â Â Â Â { Â Â Â Â Â GePrint("Can't start ViewPortSelect"); Â Â Â Â Â return FALSE; Â Â Â Â Â } Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â for(ix = xmin; ix < xmax; ++ix) { Â Â Â Â Â for(iy = ymin; iy < ymax; ++iy) Â Â Â Â Â { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ViewportPixel* vp = vps->GetPixelInfoPoint(mx, my); Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â if (vp!=NULL)Â Â Â Â Â GePrint(LongToString(vp->i)); Â Â Â Â Â } }
But vp is ALWAYS returning NULL. Why can't I get any information about the points?
On 17/06/2014 at 12:27, xxxxxxxx wrote:
At the risk of posting too much code.
Here's an entire Tool plugin I wrote a while ago using ViewportSelect() and GetPixelInfoPoint() to select the points of an object. With a range value option.//This is an example of using a radius to select points of an object //Once the points are found. The ViewportSelect class is used to select them in the scene #include "c4d.h" #include "radSelect.h" #include "c4d_symbols.h" #define ID_SCULPTING_TOOL 000000002 //Testing ID ONLY!!!! class RadiusSelect : public DescriptionToolData {  public:  RadiusSelect();  virtual ~RadiusSelect();  private:  virtual LONG GetToolPluginId() { return ID_SCULPTING_TOOL; }  virtual const String GetResourceSymbol() { return String("radSelect"); }  virtual Bool InitTool(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data, BaseThread *bt);  virtual void FreeTool(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data);  virtual void InitDefaultSettings(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data);  virtual Bool GetCursorInfo(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data, BaseDraw *bd, Real x, Real y, BaseContainer &bc);  virtual Bool MouseInput(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data, BaseDraw *bd, EditorWindow *win, const BaseContainer &msg);    ViewportSelect *vps;           //USed later on for selecting the points of the object  LONG eWinWidth, eWinHeight;    //The editor window's scale values  //Custom methods to select an object's points if they're within the radius range  Bool createVPS(BaseDocument *doc, BaseDraw *bd);  void selectRadius(Vector* points, BaseContainer &data, Real mouseX, Real mouseY, Real radius); }; RadiusSelect::RadiusSelect() {  vps = NULL; } RadiusSelect::~RadiusSelect() {  ViewportSelect::Free(vps); } Bool RadiusSelect::InitTool(BaseDocument *pDoc, BaseContainer &data, BaseThread *bt) {  if(!DescriptionToolData::InitTool(pDoc, data, bt)) return FALSE; //Loads the .res file gizmo stuff   //Since we could launch this tool many times  //We will free the ViewportSelect memory used every time it launches as a precaution  ViewportSelect::Free(vps);  return TRUE; } void RadiusSelect::FreeTool(BaseDocument *pDoc, BaseContainer &data) {  //Free the memory used when the plugin closes  ViewportSelect::Free(vps);  DescriptionToolData::FreeTool(pDoc,data); } void RadiusSelect::InitDefaultSettings(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data) {  data.SetReal(SELECTION_RADIUS, 40.0);  DescriptionToolData::InitDefaultSettings(doc, data); } Bool RadiusSelect::GetCursorInfo(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data, BaseDraw *bd, Real x, Real y, BaseContainer &bc) {  if (bc.GetId()!=BFM_CURSORINFO_REMOVE)  {     bc.SetString(RESULT_BUBBLEHELP, "My Sculpt Tool"); //Text shown in the bottom left corner of the C4D UI     bc.SetLong(RESULT_CURSOR, MOUSE_PAINTMOVE);  }  return TRUE; } Bool RadiusSelect::MouseInput(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data, BaseDraw *bd, EditorWindow *win, const BaseContainer &msg) {  //This is how to get the pixel values for the editor window (the main scene view window) if needed  //LONG left, top, right, bottom;              //The pixel dimensions of the editor view window  //bd->GetFrame(&left, &top, &right, &bottom); //Gets the dimensions in pixels of the editor view window an stores them in the above variables   //This calls to and executes the custom function that allocates an instance of the ViewportSelect class so we can select object points  if (!createVPS(doc, bd)) return FALSE;  Real mouseX = msg.GetReal(BFM_INPUT_X);   //Get the mouse's X position in the editor view  Real mouseY = msg.GetReal(BFM_INPUT_Y);   //Get the mouse's Y position in the editor view    Real draggingX;                           //We will use these variables to store the mouse's position values while RMB dragging in the editor view  Real draggingY;  PolygonObject *obj = (PolygonObject* ) doc->GetActiveObject(); //The object we're sculpting on  Vector *points = obj->GetPointW();                            //Gets all of the point positions in the object  Real radius = data.GetReal(SELECTION_RADIUS);       //Gets the radius value from the GUI options (how many points we will select)   //This code block checks if the mouse is being dragged with them RMB held down  //If it is being dragged...Then it runs the code to move the points in the object  win->MouseDragStart(KEY_MLEFT, mouseX, mouseY, MOUSEDRAGFLAGS_DONTHIDEMOUSE); //Initialise a mouse dragging loop  doc->StartUndo();  doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE_CHANGE, obj);  BaseContainer draggingBC;  //Stores the dragging data into this container  //While we're RMB dragging. Send the position values to the draggingX & draggingY variables  while (win->MouseDrag(&draggingX, &draggingY, &draggingBC) == MOUSEDRAGRESULT_CONTINUE)  {      mouseX += draggingX;   //Constantly update and change the X position values      mouseY += draggingY;   //Constantly update and change the Y position values     //Run the custom function that changes the points of the object      selectRadius(points, data, mouseX, mouseY, radius);     //If we don't redraw the editor we won't see the changes until we let go of the RMB      DrawViews(DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW|DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD|DRAWFLAGS_NO_ANIMATION);  }  win->MouseDragEnd();  obj->Message(MSG_UPDATE);  doc->EndUndo();  DrawViews(DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW|DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD|DRAWFLAGS_NO_ANIMATION);  SpecialEventAdd(EVMSG_UPDATEHIGHLIGHT);  return TRUE; } //A custom method that allocates a ViewportSelect instance so you can select a point on the active object Bool RadiusSelect::createVPS(BaseDocument* doc, BaseDraw* bd) {  //If we don't have the vps (ViewportSelect) instance created..then create it  if (!vps)  {      //Only get the active object's points     PolygonObject *obj = (PolygonObject* ) doc->GetActiveObject();      if(obj)      {          vps = ViewportSelect::Alloc();        LONG left, top, right, bottom;        bd->GetFrame(&left, &top, &right, &bottom);        eWinWidth = right - left + 1;        eWinHeight = bottom - top + 1;          if (!vps->Init(eWinWidth, eWinHeight, bd, obj, Mpoints, TRUE, VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS_0)) return FALSE;      }  }  return TRUE; } //A custom method that moves the points based on the mouse position, radius, and vector values void RadiusSelect::selectRadius(Vector *points, BaseContainer &data, Real mouseX, Real mouseY, Real radius) {  //The object we are targeting to grab it's points with the mouse  PolygonObject *obj = (PolygonObject* ) GetActiveDocument()->GetActiveObject();  Real radSqr = radius * radius;  if (radSqr < 1.0) return;  //This code block sets up the radius around the mouse's current position  //x1 is amount of screen pixels to check towards the left of the mouse  //x2 is amount of screen pixels to check towards the right of the mouse  //y1 is amount of screen pixels to check towards the top of the mouse    //y2 is amount of screen pixels to check towards the bottom of the mouse  LONG x1 = LMax(0, (LONG)(mouseX - radius));             //Gets the mouseX position - the radius value (but returns 0 if value is less than zero)  LONG x2 = LMin(eWinWidth - 1, (LONG)(mouseX + radius)); //Gets the mouseX position + the radius value (but returns the screen width if value is more than the screen width)  LONG y1 = LMax(0, (LONG)(mouseY - radius));             //Gets the mouseY position - the radius value (but returns 0 if value is less than zero)  LONG y2 = LMin(eWinHeight - 1, (LONG)(mouseY + radius)); //Gets the mouseY position + the radius value (but returns the screen height if value is more than the screen height)   //Loop through the pixels in the screen in a matrix like fashion  //By getting the pixels using Rows & Columns using 2 for loops  for (LONG i = x1; i <= x2; i++)  {      for (LONG j = y1; j <= y2; j++)      {          Real rSqrDist = (i - mouseX)*(i - mouseX) + (j - mouseY)*(j - mouseY);          if (rSqrDist > radSqr) continue;          //Get the point of an object in the scene at this screen pixel location          ViewportPixel *pPixel = vps->GetPixelInfoPoint(i, j);          while (pPixel)          {              //If the point found belongs to our desired target object              if (pPixel->op == obj)              {              //This code will select the points on the object if they're within the radius range              BaseSelect *bs = obj->GetPointS();              bs->Select(pPixel->i);              }              pPixel = pPixel->next;          }      }  }  obj->Message(MSG_UPDATE); } Bool RegisterRadiusSelect() {  return RegisterToolPlugin(ID_SCULPTING_TOOL, GeLoadString(IDS_RADSELECT_TOOL), 0, AutoBitmap("myicon.png"), GeLoadString(IDS_RADSELECT_TOOL), gNew RadiusSelect); }
I hope that's not too much code to sift through.
On 17/06/2014 at 12:53, xxxxxxxx wrote:
It is not too much, Scott
Thank you very much.
I'm eager to sift through it. But, damn!!! I have to go and have dinner now.
And today is my wife's birthday.
I guess I will only be able to deal with this later or tomorrow. -
On 17/06/2014 at 15:09, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Scott, I was able to use your code almost exactly as it is, without changes.
But, ViewportPixel *pPixel = vps->GetPixelInfoPoint(i, j); always returns NULL -
On 17/06/2014 at 15:26, xxxxxxxx wrote:
That's strange.
I'm getting the object, and the object's point index#s from it just fine in R13.   //Loop through the pixels in the screen in a matrix like fashion  //By getting the pixels using Rows & Columns using 2 for loops  for (LONG i = x1; i <= x2; i++)  {      for (LONG j = y1; j <= y2; j++)      {          Real rSqrDist = (i - mouseX)*(i - mouseX) + (j - mouseY)*(j - mouseY);          if (rSqrDist > radSqr) continue;          //Get the point of an object in the scene at this screen pixel location          ViewportPixel *pPixel = vps->GetPixelInfoPoint(i, j);          while (pPixel)          {              //If the point found belongs to our desired target object              if (pPixel->op == obj)              {                  GePrint(pPixel->op->GetName());   //Prints the name of the object we're selecting points on                  GePrint(LongToString(pPixel->i)); //Prints the point's index#              //This code will select the points on the object if they're within the radius range              BaseSelect *bs = obj->GetPointS();              bs->Select(pPixel->i);              }              pPixel = pPixel->next;          }      }  }
I don't know why it's returning Null for you.
If you want the plugin to play around with. Tell me where to e-mail it and I'll send it to you.-ScottA
On 17/06/2014 at 15:41, xxxxxxxx wrote:
It is a real mystery
Well, I'm using R14 but it should work fine anyway.
If you can, please send it over to: [email protected]
I'm on a Mac, remember?
Thank you in advance. -
On 17/06/2014 at 16:10, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Oh yeah. I forgot you're on a Mac.
Having the actual plugin won't help you any more than the code I posted.Have you looked at the "sculpting.cpp" example in the SDK examples?
That one uses the GetPixelInfoPoint() function in it too.-ScottA
On 17/06/2014 at 16:17, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Yes, I looked into it.
And using the methods that are used there, I still get Null in the vps->GetPixelInfoPoint(x, y) -
On 17/06/2014 at 18:02, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I just can't figure out why is this happening
(...) for (LONG i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { Â Â Â Â for (LONG j = y1; j <= y2; j++) Â Â Â Â { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Real rSqrDist = (i - mouseX)*(i - mouseX) + (j - mouseY)*(j - mouseY); Â Â Â Â Â Â Â if (rSqrDist > radSqr) continue; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ViewportPixel *pPixel = vps->GetPixelInfoPoint(i, j); // the code works fine until here. At this point, pPixel is NULL Â Â Â Â Â Â Â while (pPixel) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â if (pPixel->op == obj) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â GePrint(LongToString(pPixel->i)); Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â } Â Â Â Â Â Â Â pPixel = pPixel->next; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â } Â Â Â Â } } (...)
On 18/06/2014 at 04:52, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I tried it with python and it works fine. I just can't make it work with C++
This is driving me crazy!!! -
On 18/06/2014 at 05:49, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Have you looked at ViewportPixel::GetNearestPoint()?
That function may be easier to use because it has a radius parameter:
ViewportPixel *vp = vps->GetNearestPoint(op,x,y,rad);
Cactus Dan -
On 18/06/2014 at 06:49, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Even with GetNearestPoint I still get vp==NULL
On 18/06/2014 at 07:46, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Try this sample code:
#include "c4d.h" #include "c4d_symbols.h" #include "lib_collider.h" class TestTool : public ToolData { private: Real mx, my; Bool mDrag; public: virtual TOOLDRAW Draw(BaseDocument* doc, BaseContainer& data, BaseDraw* bd, BaseDrawHelp* bh, BaseThread* bt, TOOLDRAWFLAGS flags); virtual Bool MouseInput(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data, BaseDraw *bd, EditorWindow *win, const BaseContainer &msg); }; TOOLDRAW TestTool::Draw(BaseDocument* doc, BaseContainer& data, BaseDraw* bd, BaseDrawHelp* bh, BaseThread* bt, TOOLDRAWFLAGS flags) { BaseObject *op = doc->GetActiveObject(); if(!op) return TOOLDRAW_0; if(!(op->IsInstanceOf(Opoint) && ToPoint(op)->GetPointR())) return TOOLDRAW_0; Real rad = 10.0; if(mDrag) { bd->SetPen(Vector(0,0,0)); bd->DrawCircle2D(LONG(mx),LONG(my),rad); } return TOOLDRAW_HANDLES|TOOLDRAW_AXIS|TOOLDRAW_HIGHLIGHTS; } Bool TestTool::MouseInput(BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer &data, BaseDraw *bd,EditorWindow *win, const BaseContainer &msg) { BaseObject *op = doc->GetActiveObject(); if(!op) return false; if(!(op->IsInstanceOf(Opoint) && ToPoint(op)->GetPointR())) return false; mx = msg.GetReal(BFM_INPUT_X); my = msg.GetReal(BFM_INPUT_Y); LONG button; switch (msg.GetLong(BFM_INPUT_CHANNEL)) { case BFM_INPUT_MOUSELEFT : button=KEY_MLEFT; break; case BFM_INPUT_MOUSERIGHT: button=KEY_MRIGHT; break; default: return TRUE; } Real rad = 10.0; Bool vOnly = true; AutoAlloc<ViewportSelect> vps; if(!vps) return false; LONG left, top, right, bottom, width, height; bd->GetFrame(&left, &top, &right, &bottom); width = right - left + 1; height = bottom - top + 1; vps->Init(width,height,bd,op,Mpoints,vOnly,VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS_USE_HN|VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS_USE_DEFORMERS); vps->SetBrushRadius(rad); Real dx, dy; mDrag = false; BaseContainer bc, device; win->MouseDragStart(button,mx,my,MOUSEDRAGFLAGS_DONTHIDEMOUSE|MOUSEDRAGFLAGS_NOMOVE); while (win->MouseDrag(&dx,&dy,&device)==MOUSEDRAGRESULT_CONTINUE) { mx+=dx; my+=dy; mDrag = true; LONG x = mx, y = my; ViewportPixel *vp = vps->GetNearestPoint(op,x,y,rad); if(vp) { GePrint(LongToString(vp->i)); } DrawViews(DRAWFLAGS_INDRAG|DRAWFLAGS_NO_REDUCTION|DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW|DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD|DRAWFLAGS_NO_ANIMATION); } mDrag = false; EventAdd(EVENT_FORCEREDRAW); return TRUE; } #define ID_TOOLDATA_TEST 1000007 Bool RegisterTestTool(void) { return RegisterToolPlugin(ID_TOOLDATA_TEST,"Test Tool",0,AutoBitmap("Test.tif"),"Test Tool",gNew TestTool); }
Cactus Dan -
On 18/06/2014 at 08:37, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I replaced all my code with your code and added the following:
ViewportPixel *vp = vps1->GetNearestPoint(op,x,y,rad);
     GePrint("vp is NULL");
(...)And all I got, as I dragged the cursor was "vp is NULL" in the Console
On 18/06/2014 at 09:11, xxxxxxxx wrote:
OK, I added the line:
else GePrint("vp is NULL");
... and it only prints that when the mouse is not over a point of the object and within the radius.
Cactus Dan -
On 18/06/2014 at 09:24, xxxxxxxx wrote:
If the code works in Python. Then It's not a code problem.
The simplest way to check it is to put this in the sculpting.cpp file's while loop: GePrint(pPixel->op->GetName());
If this returns NULL and not the name of the object. Then there's got to be something wrong with your SDK installation.-ScottA
On 18/06/2014 at 09:33, xxxxxxxx wrote:
So, why the hell is it not working for me?!?
Would you guys be willing to check out my code?
It is not much longer than the one posted above by Scott -
On 18/06/2014 at 09:38, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hehe, at this point that may be your only option. If you want to keep your code confidential, feel free to pm or email it to one of us.
Cactus Dan -
On 18/06/2014 at 09:38, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Scott, I did what you said and the sculpt tool works fine and prints out the name of the object.
On 18/06/2014 at 09:44, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Well, I will send it through pm just because I don't want to show my lame code to everyone
Thank you very much in advance.