Acccessing Inexclude Data
On 12/03/2013 at 03:39, xxxxxxxx wrote:
and just for the record, when overwriting methods inherited from c4d api classes the naming
of the parameters does not make any difference, only the order matters, because c4d does not
call the methods with their keywords. you could overwrite message also this way.def Message(self, a, b, c) :
a(node) would be the the instance derived from gelistdnode of your plugin, a baseobject for
example. b(type) would be an integer and c(data) would be a basecontainer/pyobject.python is pretty unique when it comes to method parameters. you could define message also
this way.def Message(self, *args) :
def Message(self, *kwargs) :both versions accept any amount of parameters, the first one is non keyworded, the second
one is keyworded.myclass.message((a)) # for *args
myclass.message((a,b)) # for *args
myclass.message((a,b,c)) # for *args
myclass.message({'node': a, 'type': b, 'data':c}) # for *kwargs
... -
On 12/03/2013 at 03:47, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Originally posted by xxxxxxxx
def printInEx(self, node) : myPluginNode = c4d.GeListNode.GetDocument(node) print myPluginNode[c4d.LAYER_ONE_INEX]
That gives me the error:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'LAYER_ONE_INEX'myPluginNode is a basedocument, the basedocument the instance of the gelistnode
attached to your pluginclass is attached to. therefore trying to read your inex list does
not make much sense, because the inex list is a member of your your plugin instance,
not of the document.def printInEx(self, node) : if isinstance(node, c4d.GeListNode) : doc = node.GetDocument() print node[c4d.LAYER_ONE_INEX]
On 12/03/2013 at 05:03, xxxxxxxx wrote:
It works so far, except that it still doesn't find LAYER_ONE_INEX.
my code ATM:
def printInEx(self, node) : if isinstance(node, c4d.GeListNode) : doc = node.GetDocument() print node[c4d.LAYER_ONE_INEX]
Traceback (most recent call last) :
File "'MLR.pyp'", line 62, in Message
File "'MLR.pyp'", line 22, in printInEx
NameError: global name 'LAYER_ONE_INEX' is not definedIf i change
print node[c4d.LAYER_ONE_INEX]
print doc[c4d.LAYER_ONE_INEX]
i get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last) :
File "'MLR.pyp'", line 62, in Message
File "'MLR.pyp'", line 22, in printInEx
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'LAYER_ONE_INEX'Do i have to specifically include stuff from Omlr.res / .h? I find it hard to believe that it can be this hard to get that inexclude data - I feel like i'm doing something fundamentaly wrong.
I just noticed that
print doc[c4d.LAYER_ONE_INEX]
Doesn't make much sense, because i don't need the document for that, sorry bout that ;/
On 12/03/2013 at 05:14, xxxxxxxx wrote:
have you initialized your attribute ? most customedatatypes have to be initialized, otherwise
they won't work. -
On 12/03/2013 at 05:26, xxxxxxxx wrote:
It's just that I, being a beginner and all, thought that it's supposed to be
node[c4d.the name from the .h file]
but it's actualy
node[c4d.the ID associated with the name from the .h file]
so i first had to define LAYER_ONE_INEX = 10002 in the .pyp file XD
Sorry to bother you with such basic problems and THANK you a lot
On 12/03/2013 at 05:30, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Originally posted by xxxxxxxx
It's just that I, being a beginner and all, thought that it's supposed to be
node[c4d.the name from the .h file]
but it's actualy
node[c4d.the ID associated with the name from the .h file]
so i first had to define LAYER_ONE_INEX = 10002 in the .pyp file XD
Sorry to bother you with such basic problems and THANK you a lot
you have to init your attribute as i wrote. read c4d.plugins.NodeData.Init()
and c4d.plugins.NodeData.InitAttr() you do not have to define the ID in your
py file again. -
On 12/03/2013 at 05:45, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Allright, i will do that! btw. As an obviously pretty expirienced plugin creator, what's in your oppinion the best way of becoming better and understanding the general concept behind cinema? because i would have never thought of looking in those places:
c4d.plugins.NodeData.Init() and c4d.plugins.NodeData.InitAttr()
And i most of the time find the plugins more confusing than helping ;(
On 12/03/2013 at 07:55, xxxxxxxx wrote:
i don't think there is any easy way to learn the c4d api, but it is easier than it might look
on the first glance. simply read the documenation. i started with scripts and added stuff
as i needed it. you should know and understand the basic principles of oo-programming,
when you to start writing plugins for c4d (polymorphism and so on).those are the most important classes/modules in the python api. >> means read also any
class which inherits from this class.c4d.Matrix
c4d.C4dAtom (>>)
c4d.plugins.BaseData (>>)
c4d.utilswhen you know these you have pretty much the basic tools to write plugins.
On 12/03/2013 at 16:46, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Here's some utility functions and examples how I deal with an In/Ex list in an ObjectData plugin and button presses and UI updates. These are methods in that ObjectData derived class (i.e., my plug-in). Some is pseudo so don't literally try and use this. More to see how another person approaches it.
def __init__(self, node, op) :
node.InitAttr(op, c4d.InExcludeData, [c4d.YOUR_INEX_HERE])#-----------------------------------------------------------------
def HandleButton(self, id, op) :
"""Make an if statement to do something depending on DescID"""
#SAMPLE: if id['id'][0].id == 2008: self.__dropdowngrey = False
#if id['id'][0].id == c4d.NAMELISTBUTTON: self.__NAMEPRINTFUNCTION(op)
#-----------------------------------------------------------------CALLED WHENEVER AN ATTRIBUTE CHANGES
def UpdateChange(self, op) :
"""Any time a user changes an attribute this gets called"""
print 'someone changed a user doodad'#-----------------------------------------------------------------
def Message(self, op, type, data) :
#Check for button press to call HandleButton function
if type == c4d.MSG_DESCRIPTION_COMMAND: self.HandleButton(data, op)
#Check for any attribute changes to call UpdateChange function
if type == c4d.MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKUPDATE: self.UpdateChange(op)
return True#-------------------
def \__NAMEPRINTFUNCTION(self, op) : list = op[c4d.YOUR_INEX_HERE] for i in xrange(list.GetObjectCount()) : #get the object, then get the name and print it
On 13/03/2013 at 00:27, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Originally posted by xxxxxxxx
def Message(self, *args) :
def Message(self, *kwargs) :both versions accept any amount of parameters, the first one is non keyworded, the second
one is keyworded.myclass.message((a)) # for *args
myclass.message((a,b)) # for *args
myclass.message((a,b,c)) # for *args
myclass.message({'node': a, 'type': b, 'data':c}) # for *kwargs
...For the completeness: This is not correct. kwargs is short for "keyword arguments" and using them
in an "arguments" context is a bit confusing.def func(*args, **kwargs) : pass
To pass arguments for *args and **kwargs, you can pass them like any other arguments. You
wouldn't need the *args and **kwargs arguments in the examples you've mentioned.def func_1(args, kwargs) : print args print kwargs def func_2(*args, **kwargs) : print args print kwargs func_1((3, 4, 5), {'node': op, 'data': data}) func_2(3, 4, 5, node=op, data=data) args = (3, 4, 5) kwargs = {'node': op, 'data': data} func_1(args, kwargs) func_2(*args, **kwargs)
All four function-calls will print the exactly same output here.
On 13/03/2013 at 01:21, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thank you all!
My plugin is coming along very well all in all and it's quite a lot thanks to you guys
i will study your approach, Chris Smith, on how to deal with InExclude and improve my own accordingly.
Much appreciated