How to use Python to implement rendering with Octane in C4D and export as PNG
How to use Python to implement rendering with Octane in C4D and export as PNG
Hey @tx3008 ,
You need check the Octane
to get the data container.You can change the render settings and use
to render images.In case if you didn't want to use my extra libs, the
is not complicated.Cheer~
DunHou# 获取渲染器VideoPost def GetVideoPost(document: c4d.documents.BaseDocument = None, videopost: int = ID_REDSHIFT) -> Optional[c4d.documents.BaseVideoPost]: """ Get the videopost of given render engine of filled document. Args: document (c4d.documents.BaseDocument, optional): Fill None to check active documents. Defaults to None. videopost (int, optional): The id of the videopost. Defaults to ID_REDSHIFT. Returns: Optional[c4d.documents.BaseVideoPost]: The videopost we get. """ if not document: document = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() rdata: c4d.documents.RenderData = document.GetActiveRenderData() vpost: c4d.documents.BaseVideoPost = rdata.GetFirstVideoPost() theVp: c4d.documents.BaseVideoPost = None while vpost: if vpost.GetType() == int(videopost): theVp = vpost vpost = vpost.GetNext() return theVp
import c4d import Renderer def main(): OctaneRenderer = Renderer.GetVideoPost(c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument(), Renderer.ID_OCTANE) OctaneRenderer[c4d.SET_PASSES_FILEFORMAT] = 10 # Octane PNG, 6 = PNG OctaneRenderer[c4d.SET_PASSES_SAVE_MAINPASS] = True OctaneRenderer[c4d.SET_PASSES_ENABLED] = True OctaneRenderer[c4d.SET_PASSES_SAVEPATH] = "Render/$prj/$prj" c4d.EventAdd() if __name__=='__main__': main()
Thank you very much for answering my questions. I saw your library yesterday and tried to write like thisfrom typing import Optional import c4d ID_OCTANE: int = 1029525 # Octane ID_REDSHIFT: int = 1036219 # Redshift ID_ARNOLD: int = 1029988 # Arnold ID_VRAY: int = 1053272 ID_CORONA: int = 1030480 ID_LOOKS: int = 1054755 ID_CENTILEO: int = 1036821 ID_OCTANE_VIDEO_POST = 1029525 # octane render file_path="C:/Users/admin/Documents/WXWork/1688858265477290/Cache/File/2024-09/OC_light/11.png" doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument # The active document op: Optional[c4d.BaseObject] # The active object, None if unselected def GetVideoPost(document: c4d.documents.BaseDocument = None, videopost: int = ID_REDSHIFT) -> Optional[c4d.documents.BaseVideoPost]: """ Get the videopost of given render engine of filled document. Args: document (c4d.documents.BaseDocument, optional): Fill None to check active documents. Defaults to None. videopost (int, optional): The id of the videopost. Defaults to ID_REDSHIFT. Returns: Optional[c4d.documents.BaseVideoPost]: The videopost we get. """ if not document: document = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() rdata: c4d.documents.RenderData = document.GetActiveRenderData() vpost: c4d.documents.BaseVideoPost = rdata.GetFirstVideoPost() theVp: c4d.documents.BaseVideoPost = None while vpost: print(vpost.GetType()) if vpost.GetType() == int(ID_OCTANE_VIDEO_POST): theVp = vpost vpost = vpost.GetNext() return theVp def main(): OctaneRenderer = GetVideoPost(c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument(),ID_OCTANE) OctaneRenderer[c4d.SET_PASSES_FILEFORMAT] = 6 # Octane PNG, 6 = PNG OctaneRenderer[c4d.SET_PASSES_SAVE_MAINPASS] = True OctaneRenderer[c4d.SET_PASSES_ENABLED] = True OctaneRenderer[c4d.SET_PASSES_SAVEPATH] = file_path c4d.EventAdd() if __name__=='__main__': main()
But there are no images generated in the directory. What could be the reason?
@tx3008 You just modify the rd but not rendering anythings.
@Dunhou I understand now. I have tried it successfully. Thank you very much!
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