utils.ViewportSelect() Problem
Hi! guys! Here's the problem with utils.ViewportSelect()
This is my code:
ViewportSelect = c4d.utils.ViewportSelect() frame = bd.GetFrame() left = frame["cl"] right = frame["cr"] top = frame["ct"] bottom = frame["cb"] width = right - left + 1 height = bottom - top +1 pick_obj = ViewportSelect.PickObject(bd, doc, mx, my, 0, c4d.VIEWPORT_PICK_FLAGS_0) print pick_obj ViewportSelect.Init(width, height, bd, pick_obj, c4d.Mpolyedgepoint, True, c4d.VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS_IGNORE_HIDDEN_SEL) for obj in pick_obj: print obj nearest_poly = ViewportSelect.GetNearestPolygon(obj, mx, my, 0, False)
Cinema 4D giving feedback: RuntimeError: Object is not initialized yet.
How can i fix it? -
you cannot use the
before you have initialised it. So you can only invokePickObject()
after you have invokedInit()
zipit -
ViewportSelect.Init(width, height, bd, pick_obj, c4d.Mpolyedgepoint, True, c4d.VIEWPORTSELECTFLAGS_IGNORE_HIDDEN_SEL) pick_obj = ViewportSelect.PickObject(bd, doc, mx, my, 0, c4d.VIEWPORT_PICK_FLAGS_0)
Like this? But C4D giving feedback: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pick_obj' referenced before assignment.
unless you have defined
somewhere else you cannot pass it to yourInit()
before you actually define it in the next line.Cheers
zipit -
Thank you man ! I see how to fix it now!~~Cheers