GetAndCheckHierarchyClone & subdivision surfaces ?
On 24/07/2015 at 13:48, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I have this code snippet in my def main(), that I use to get the child (parametric) object and convert it to a polygonal object to make further modifications. This way I can make nondestructive generator/editor that works fluently with parametric objects as well.
However, when I place a subdivision surface as a child object, this bit does not work. The result is never a polygonal object but always a BaseObject.
What can I do in this case?
child = op.GetDown()
polyobj = op.GetAndCheckHierarchyClone(hh,child,c4d.HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS_ASPOLY, False) -
On 25/07/2015 at 04:45, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Tried many things, I can't get the poly representation of a subdiv. surface
On 27/07/2015 at 06:05, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Are you using this code in a Python Generator? Please always include the context of your code and your question.
As described in your other tread ("Custom Subdivide Generator"), GetAndCheckHierarchyClone() does not return an object but a dictionary. Using the "clone" index I have no problems to access the polygon version of a child subdivision surface.
Best wishes,
Sebastian -
On 27/07/2015 at 13:55, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Yes this is a python generator,
can you post a code that "works" ? When I try to get the poly representation of the child subdivision surface all I get is:
<c4d.BaseObject object called 'Subdivision Surface/Null' with ID 5140 at 0x000000E56BA8D150>which is a base object
On 28/07/2015 at 02:47, xxxxxxxx wrote:
this code works perfectly fine for me:
result = op.GetAndCheckHierarchyClone(hh,child,c4d.HIERARCHYCLONEFLAGS_ASPOLY,False) if result is None: return None polyobj = result["clone"]
best wishes,
Sebastian -
On 28/07/2015 at 03:36, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Here is an example file you can see the left python generator contains a subdivision object, and it's not converted to polygons.
However I've converted the right example's content to polygonal object and it works perfectly with a polygonal operation. -
On 28/07/2015 at 09:26, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I can confirm some problem in your scene with the very Subdivision Surface object you use. But I cannot reproduce the behavior with a new Subdivision Surface object and a cube. Does this problem only occur with that scene or also with a new scene and new elements?
Best wishes,
Sebastian -
On 28/07/2015 at 11:14, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Yes, this happens with every scene and every new element.
Can you post the same scene made on your end, so I can test it? -
On 29/07/2015 at 10:21, xxxxxxxx wrote:
the Python Generator in this file works perfectly fine for me:
best wishes,
[URL-REMOVED] @maxon: This section contained a non-resolving link which has been removed.
On 29/07/2015 at 14:49, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I've bean experimenting with this since we've discussed, looks like sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Sometimes when you play around a lot with the same generator, it suddenly stops working (I have no idea why)
On 30/07/2015 at 09:16, xxxxxxxx wrote:
if you can find a way to reproduce the issue we could file a bug report.
Best wishes,