GvNode Class Reference

#include <c4d_graphview.h>

Inheritance diagram for GvNode:

Detailed Description

The GvNode is a double BaseList2D node. Internally it has an operator that corresponds to GvOperatorData. Use GetOperatorContainer() to access most parameters.
Cannot be instantiated. Call GvNodeMaster::CreateNode() to create nodes.

Private Member Functions

 GvNode ()
 ~GvNode ()


GvNodeGetNext ()
GvNodeGetPred ()
GvNodeGetUp ()
GvNodeGetDown ()


void Redraw ()
const String GetTitle ()
void SetTitle (const maxon::String &title)
Bool CreateOperator ()
GvNodeMasterGetNodeMaster ()
GvOperatorDataGetOperatorData ()
Int32 GetOperatorID ()
Int32 GetOwnerID ()
Bool IsGroupNode ()


GvPortAddPort (GvPortIO io, Int32 id, GvPortFlags flags=GV_PORT_FLAG_IS_VISIBLE, Bool message=false)
Bool AddPortIsOK (GvPortIO io, Int32 id)
Bool SetPortType (GvPort *port, Int32 id)
Bool ResetPortType (Int32 id)
void RemovePort (GvPort *port, Bool message=true)
Bool RemovePortIsOK (GvPort *port)
void RemoveUnusedPorts (Bool message=true)
GvPortAddConnection (GvNode *source_node, GvPort *source_port, GvNode *dest_node, GvPort *dest_port)
void RemoveConnections ()
void GetPortList (GvPortIO port, GvPortList &portlist)
Bool GetPortDescription (GvPortIO port, Int32 id, GvPortDescription *pd)
Int32 GetInPortCount ()
Int32 GetOutPortCount ()
GvPortGetInPort (Int32 index)
GvPortGetOutPort (Int32 index)
GvPortGetInPortFirstMainID (Int32 id)
GvPortGetOutPortFirstMainID (Int32 id)
GvPortGetInPortMainID (Int32 id, Int32 &start)
GvPortGetOutPortMainID (Int32 id, Int32 &start)
GvPortGetInPortSubID (Int32 id)
GvPortGetOutPortSubID (Int32 id)
GvPortGetPort (Int32 sub_id)
Int32 GetPortIndex (Int32 sub_id)


GvPortCalculateInPortIndex (Int32 port_index, GvRun *run, GvCalc *calc)
GvPortCalculateOutPortIndex (Int32 port_index, GvRun *run, GvCalc *calc)
GvPortCalculateInPort (GvPort *port, GvRun *run, GvCalc *calc)
GvPortCalculateOutPort (GvPort *port, GvRun *run, GvCalc *calc)
Bool SetRecalculate (GvRun *r, Bool force_set=false)
Bool CalculateRawData (GvValueID value_id, const void *const data1, const void *const data2, void *dest, GvValueFlags calculation, Float parm1)

Operator Container

BaseContainerGetOpContainerInstance ()
BaseContainer GetOperatorContainer ()
void SetOperatorContainer (const BaseContainer &bc)

Operator Information/Data

const String OperatorGetDetailedText ()
const String OperatorGetErrorString (Int32 error)
Bool OperatorSetData (GvDataType type, void *data, GvOpSetDataMode mode)
Bool OperatorIsSetDataAllowed (GvDataType type, void *data, GvOpSetDataMode mode)
void OperatorGetIcon (IconData &dat)

Node State

Bool GetSelectState ()
Bool GetFailureState ()
Bool GetDisabledState ()
Bool GetOpenState ()
void SetOpenState (Bool state)
Bool GetLockState ()
void SetLockState (Bool state)
Bool GetShowPortNamesState ()
void SetShowPortNamesState (Bool state)

Calculation Handler

GvValueAllocCalculationHandler (Int32 main_id, GvCalc *calc, GvRun *run, Int32 singleport)
void FreeCalculationHandler (GvValue *&value)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseList2D
void SetBit (Int32 mask)
Bool GetBit (Int32 mask) const
void DelBit (Int32 mask)
void ToggleBit (Int32 mask)
Int32 GetAllBits () const
void SetAllBits (Int32 bits)
void SetBitEx (Int32 mask, Int32 flags)
const CharGetViewportRenderId (VIEWPORT_RENDER_ID typeId) const
BaseList2DGetNext ()
BaseList2DGetPred ()
BaseContainer GetData ()
void SetData (const BaseContainer &bc, Bool add=true)
const BaseContainerGetDataInstance () const
BaseContainerGetDataInstance ()
const BaseContainerGetDataInstanceRef () const
BaseContainerGetDataInstanceRef ()
String GetName () const
void SetName (const maxon::String &name)
String GetBubbleHelp ()
Bool TransferGoal (BaseList2D *dst, Bool undolink)
Bool TransferMarker (BaseList2D *dst) const
Bool Scale (Float scale)
Bool Edit ()
void GetIcon (IconData *dat)
GeListHeadGetNLARoot ()
BaseList2DAnimationLayerRemap (BaseObject **layer=nullptr)
String GetTypeName ()
BaseList2DGetMain () const
void InsertTrackSorted (CTrack *track)
Bool AddEventNotification (BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid, NOTIFY_EVENT_FLAG flags, const BaseContainer *data)
Bool RemoveEventNotification (BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid)
Bool FindEventNotification (BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid)
Bool SetDescIDState (const DescID &id, DESCIDSTATE descidstate)
DESCIDSTATE GetDescIDState (const DescID &id, Bool tolerant) const
GeListHeadGetOverrideRoot ()
BaseOverrideGetFirstOverride ()
GeListHeadGetShaderRepositoryRoot ()
GeListHeadGetHiddenShaderRoot ()
maxon::NimbusForwardRef GetNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId) const
maxon::Result< maxon::NimbusForwardRefPrivateGetOrCreateNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId)
void RemoveNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId)
maxon::Result< maxon::HashMap< maxon::Id, maxon::NimbusForwardRef > > GetAllNimbusRefs () const
Bool IsNodeBased () const
void GetMarkerStampEx (UInt32 *l1, UInt32 *l2)
const GeMarkerGetMarker () const
void SetMarker (const GeMarker &m)
Bool AddUniqueID (Int32 appid, const Char *const mem, Int bytes)
Bool FindUniqueID (Int32 appid, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const
Int32 GetUniqueIDCount () const
Bool GetUniqueIDIndex (Int32 idx, Int32 &id, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const
Bool SetAnimatedParameter (CTrack *track, const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data1, const GeData &t_data2, Float mix, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
Bool GetAnimatedParameter (const DescID &id, GeData &t_data1, GeData &t_data2, Float &mix, DESCFLAGS_GET flags)
BaseShaderGetFirstShader () const
void InsertShader (BaseShader *shader, BaseShader *pred=nullptr)
void ClearKeyframeSelection ()
Bool FindKeyframeSelection (const DescID &id)
Bool SetKeyframeSelection (const DescID &id, Bool selection)
Bool KeyframeSelectionContent ()
LayerObjectGetLayerObject (BaseDocument *doc)
Bool SetLayerObject (LayerObject *layer)
const LayerDataGetLayerData (BaseDocument *doc, Bool rawdata=false)
Bool SetLayerData (BaseDocument *doc, const LayerData &data)
GeListHeadGetCTrackRoot ()
CTrackGetFirstCTrack ()
CTrackFindCTrack (const DescID &id)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeListNode
GeListNodeGetNext ()
GeListNodeGetPred ()
GeListNodeGetDown ()
GeListNodeGetUp ()
GeListNodeGetDownLast ()
void InsertBefore (GeListNode *bl)
void InsertAfter (GeListNode *bl)
void InsertUnder (GeListNode *bl)
void InsertUnderLast (GeListNode *bl)
void Remove ()
GeListHeadGetListHead ()
Int32 GetNodeID (Int32 index=0) const
template<typename CAST >
const CAST * GetNodeData (Int32 index=0) const
template<typename CAST >
CAST * GetNodeData (Int32 index=0)
void SetCustomData (GeListNode *node)
GeListNodeGetCustomData ()
BaseDocumentGetDocument ()
Int32 GetBranchInfo (BranchInfo *info, Int32 max, GETBRANCHINFO flags)
Bool IsDocumentRelated ()
Int32 GetInfo () const
Bool GetNBit (NBIT bit) const
UInt32 GetNBitMask (Int32 index) const
Bool ChangeNBit (NBIT bit, NBITCONTROL bitmode)
- Public Member Functions inherited from C4DAtom
Int32 GetType () const
Int32 GetRealType () const
Int32 GetDiskType () const
Bool IsInstanceOf (Int32 id) const
Int32 GetClassification () const
Bool Message (Int32 type, void *data=nullptr)
Bool MultiMessage (MULTIMSG_ROUTE flags, Int32 type, void *data)
C4DAtomGetClone (COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn)
Bool CopyTo (C4DAtom *dst, COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn)
Bool Read (HyperFile *hf, Int32 id, Int32 level)
Bool Write (HyperFile *hf)
Bool ReadObject (HyperFile *hf, Bool readheader)
Bool WriteObject (HyperFile *hf)
Bool GetDescription (Description *description, DESCFLAGS_DESC flags)
Bool GetParameter (const DescID &id, GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_GET flags)
Bool SetParameter (const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
DynamicDescriptionGetDynamicDescription ()
Bool GetEnabling (const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_ENABLE flags, const BaseContainer *itemdesc)
Bool TranslateDescID (const DescID &id, DescID &res_id, C4DAtom *&res_at)
UInt32 GetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags) const
void SetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags)
UInt32 GetHDirty (HDIRTYFLAGS mask) const
void SetHDirty (HDIRTYFLAGS mask)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseList2D
static BaseList2DAlloc (Int32 type)
static void Free (BaseList2D *&bl)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BaseList2D
static const Int32 SETBIT_FLAG_NODIRTY
static const Int32 SETBIT_FLAG_REMOVE

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GvNode()

GvNode ( )

◆ ~GvNode()

~GvNode ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetNext()

GvNode* GetNext ( )

Gets the next GV node in the list. Convenience version of GeListNode::GetNext().

The next GV node, or nullptr if there is none. Cinema 4D owns the pointed node.

◆ GetPred()

GvNode* GetPred ( )

Gets the previous GV node in the list. Convenience version of GeListNode::GetPred().

The previous GV node, or nullptr if there is none. Cinema 4D owns the pointed node.

◆ GetUp()

GvNode* GetUp ( )

Gets the parent node of the GV node. Convenience version of GeListNode::GetUp().

The parent node, or nullptr if there is none. Cinema 4D owns the pointed node.

◆ GetDown()

GvNode* GetDown ( )

Gets the first child node of the GV node. Convenience version of GeListNode::GetDown().

The first child node, or nullptr if there is none. Cinema 4D owns the pointed node.

◆ Redraw()

void Redraw ( )

Redraws the GV node.

◆ GetTitle()

const String GetTitle ( )

Gets the title of the GV node.

The title.

◆ SetTitle()

void SetTitle ( const maxon::String title)

Sets the title of the GV node.

[in]titleThe title to set.

◆ CreateOperator()

Bool CreateOperator ( )

Creates the internal operator.

Mainly this means that ports are added and that GvOperatorData::iCreateOperator() is called.
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ GetNodeMaster()

GvNodeMaster* GetNodeMaster ( )

Retrieves the node master that the GV node belongs to.

The node master of this node. Cinema 4D owns the pointed node master.

◆ GetOperatorData()

GvOperatorData* GetOperatorData ( )

Retrieves the operator data for the GV node.

The operator data, or nullptr. The node owns the pointed operator data.

◆ GetOperatorID()

Int32 GetOperatorID ( )

Retrieves the operator ID for the GV node.

The operator ID.

◆ GetOwnerID()

Int32 GetOwnerID ( )

Retrieves the owner ID of the GV node.

The owner ID. Here are the predefined IDs: ID_GV_OWNER

◆ IsGroupNode()

Bool IsGroupNode ( )

Checks if the GV node is a group node.

To access the content of a group node use the standard GeListNode navigation methods.
true if the GV node is a group node, otherwise false.

◆ AddPort()

GvPort* AddPort ( GvPortIO  io,
Int32  id,
GvPortFlags  flags = GV_PORT_FLAG_IS_VISIBLE,
Bool  message = false 

Adds a port to the GV node and returns a pointer to it.

[in]ioThe IO mode of the port to create: GvPortIO
[in]idThe ID of the port to create.
[in]flagsThe port flags: GvPortFlags
[in]messageIf true the operator receives a message when the port is added.
The created port, or nullptr if failed. The node owns the pointed port.

◆ AddPortIsOK()

Bool AddPortIsOK ( GvPortIO  io,
Int32  id 

Checks if it is OK to add a port to the GV node. Used to check if a call to AddPort() would succeed.

[in]ioThe IO mode of the port to create: GvPortIO
[in]idThe ID of the port to create.
true if it is OK to add the port, otherwise false.

◆ SetPortType()

Bool SetPortType ( GvPort port,
Int32  id 

Changes the type of a port of the GV node. Used to manage dynamic data ports.

[in]portA port of the GV node. The caller owns the pointed port.
[in]idThe port ID.
true if the port type was set, otherwise false.

◆ ResetPortType()

Bool ResetPortType ( Int32  id)

Changes the type of the port. Used to manage dynamic data ports.

[in]idThe port ID.
true if the port type was reset, otherwise false.

◆ RemovePort()

void RemovePort ( GvPort port,
Bool  message = true 

Removes a port from the GV node.

[in]portA port of the GV node to remove. The caller owns the pointed port.
[in]messageIf true the operator receives a message when the port is removed.

◆ RemovePortIsOK()

Bool RemovePortIsOK ( GvPort port)

Checks if it is OK to remove a port from this node. Used to check if a call to RemovePort() would succeed.

[in]portA port of the GV node to remove. The caller owns the pointed port.
true if it is OK to remove the port, otherwise false.

◆ RemoveUnusedPorts()

void RemoveUnusedPorts ( Bool  message = true)

Removes all unused ports from the GV node.

[in]messageIf true the operator receives a message when ports are removed.

◆ AddConnection()

GvPort* AddConnection ( GvNode source_node,
GvPort source_port,
GvNode dest_node,
GvPort dest_port 

Adds a connection between the source_port of source_node and dest_port of dest_node.

Has to be called for the destination node of a connection.
Does not check if the connection is valid. Always combine it with a call to GvNodeMaster::IsConnectionValid():
if (nm->IsConnectionValid(source_node, source_port, dest_node, dest_port,
source_node_out, source_port_out, dest_node_out, dest_port_out))
AddConnection(source_node_out, source_port_out, dest_node_out, dest_port_out);
GvPort * AddConnection(GvNode *source_node, GvPort *source_port, GvNode *dest_node, GvPort *dest_port)
Definition: c4d_graphview.h:597
[in]source_nodeThe source node. The caller owns the pointed node.
[in]source_portThe source port. The caller owns the pointed port.
[in]dest_nodeThe destination node. The caller owns the pointed node.
[in]dest_portThe destination port. The caller owns the pointed port.
The dest_port, or nullptr if the operation failed.

◆ RemoveConnections()

void RemoveConnections ( )

Removes all connections from all ports of the GV node.

◆ GetPortList()

void GetPortList ( GvPortIO  port,
GvPortList portlist 

Retrieves the list of port for the GV node.

[in]portOnly retrieve ports with the passed IO mode: GvPortIO
[out]portlistFilled with the ports from the node.

◆ GetPortDescription()

Bool GetPortDescription ( GvPortIO  port,
Int32  id,
GvPortDescription pd 

Retrieves the description for a port of the GV node.

[in]portThe port IO mode: GvPortIO
[in]idThe port ID.
[out]pdFilled with the port description. The caller owns the pointed GvPortDescription.
true if the port description was retrieved, otherwise false.

◆ GetInPortCount()

Int32 GetInPortCount ( )

Gets the number of input ports of the GV node.

The number of input ports.

◆ GetOutPortCount()

Int32 GetOutPortCount ( )

Gets the number of output ports of the GV node.

The number of output ports.

◆ GetInPort()

GvPort* GetInPort ( Int32  index)

Retrieves the input port at index.

[in]indexThe input port index: 0 <= index < GetInPortCount()
The retrieved input port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetOutPort()

GvPort* GetOutPort ( Int32  index)

Retrieves the output port at index.

[in]indexThe output port index: 0 <= index < GetOutPortCount()
The retrieved output port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetInPortFirstMainID()

GvPort* GetInPortFirstMainID ( Int32  id)

Retrieves an input port by main ID. The first port found is returned.

[in]idThe port main ID.
The retrieved input port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetOutPortFirstMainID()

GvPort* GetOutPortFirstMainID ( Int32  id)

Retrieves an output port by main ID. The first port found is returned.

[in]idThe port main ID.
The retrieved output port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetInPortMainID()

GvPort* GetInPortMainID ( Int32  id,
Int32 start 

Retrieves an input port by main ID. The first port found with index greater or equal than start is returned.

[in]idThe port main ID.
[in,out]startThe start index: 0 <= start <= GetInPortCount(). Assigned a suitable value for consecutive calls, i.e. the next index.
The retrieved input port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetOutPortMainID()

GvPort* GetOutPortMainID ( Int32  id,
Int32 start 

Retrieves an output port by main ID. The first port found with index greater or equal than start is returned.

[in]idThe port main ID.
[in,out]startThe start index: 0 <= start <= GetInPortCount(). Assigned a suitable value for consecutive calls, i.e. the next index.
The retrieved output port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetInPortSubID()

GvPort* GetInPortSubID ( Int32  id)

Retrieves an input port by sub ID.

[in]idThe port sub ID.
The retrieved input port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetOutPortSubID()

GvPort* GetOutPortSubID ( Int32  id)

Retrieves an output port by sub ID.

[in]idThe port sub ID.
The retrieved output port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetPort()

GvPort* GetPort ( Int32  sub_id)

Retrieves a port by sub ID.

[in]sub_idThe port sub ID.
The retrieved port, or nullptr if failed. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ GetPortIndex()

Int32 GetPortIndex ( Int32  sub_id)

Gets the index of a port by sub ID.

[in]sub_idThe port sub ID.
The port index.

◆ CalculateInPortIndex()

GvPort* CalculateInPortIndex ( Int32  port_index,
GvRun run,
GvCalc calc 

Calculates an input port by index. Equivalent to GetInPort(port_index)->GvPort::Calculate(this, run, calc).

CalculateInPortIndex() should normally not be used. Use GvValue::Calculate() instead.
[in]port_indexThe port index: 0 <= start <= GetInPortCount()
[in]runThe run helper. The caller owns the pointed run helper.
[in]calcThe calculation helper. The caller owns the pointed calculation helper.
The calculated port, or nullptr. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ CalculateOutPortIndex()

GvPort* CalculateOutPortIndex ( Int32  port_index,
GvRun run,
GvCalc calc 

Calculates an output port by index. Equivalent to GetOutPort(port_index)->GvPort::Calculate(this, run, calc).

CalculateOutPortIndex() should normally not be used. Use GvValue::Calculate() instead.
[in]port_indexThe port index: 0 <= start <= GetOutPortCount()
[in]runThe run helper. The caller owns the pointed run helper.
[in]calcThe calculation helper. The caller owns the pointed calculation helper.
The calculated port, or nullptr. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ CalculateInPort()

GvPort* CalculateInPort ( GvPort port,
GvRun run,
GvCalc calc 

Calculates an input port.

CalculateInPort() should normally not be used. Use GvValue::Calculate() instead.
[in]portThe input port to calculate. The caller owns the pointed port.
[in]runThe run helper. The caller owns the pointed run helper.
[in]calcThe calculation helper. The caller owns the pointed calculation helper.
The calculated port, or nullptr. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ CalculateOutPort()

GvPort* CalculateOutPort ( GvPort port,
GvRun run,
GvCalc calc 

Calculates an output port.

CalculateOutPort() should normally not be used. Use GvValue::Calculate() instead.
[in]portThe output port to calculate. The caller owns the pointed port.
[in]runThe run helper. The caller owns the pointed run helper.
[in]calcThe calculation helper. The caller owns the pointed calculation helper.
The calculated port, or nullptr. The GV node owns the pointed port.

◆ SetRecalculate()

Bool SetRecalculate ( GvRun r,
Bool  force_set = false 

Equivalents to GvPort::SetRecalculate() for each output port of the GV node.

[in]rThe run helper. The caller owns the pointed run helper.
[in]force_setForces all nodes to be set to be recalculated, even if they seem to be valid.
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ GetOpContainerInstance()

BaseContainer* GetOpContainerInstance ( )

Retrieves a pointer to the internal operator's container. This means that the container can be changed directly.

The operator's container. The GV node owns the pointed container.

◆ GetOperatorContainer()

BaseContainer GetOperatorContainer ( )

Retrieves a copy of the internal operator's container.

A copy of the operator's container.

◆ SetOperatorContainer()

void SetOperatorContainer ( const BaseContainer bc)

Sets the internal operator's container.

[in]bcThe container to set for the operator.

◆ OperatorGetDetailedText()

const String OperatorGetDetailedText ( )

Gets the detailed text of the operator.

The detailed text.

◆ OperatorGetErrorString()

const String OperatorGetErrorString ( Int32  error)

Gets error strings for the operator.

[in]errorThe error.
The error string.

◆ OperatorSetData()

Bool OperatorSetData ( GvDataType  type,
void *  data,
GvOpSetDataMode  mode 

Sets data in the operator.

See also
[in]typeThe data type: GvDataType
[in]dataThe data pointer. The format depends on type. The caller owns the pointed data.
[in]modeThe set data mode: GvOpSetDataMode
true if the data was set, otherwise false.

◆ OperatorIsSetDataAllowed()

Bool OperatorIsSetDataAllowed ( GvDataType  type,
void *  data,
GvOpSetDataMode  mode 

Checks if a call to OperatorSetData() is allowed.

[in]typeThe data type: GvDataType
[in]dataThe data pointer. The format depends on type. The caller owns the pointed data.
[in]modeThe set data mode: GvOpSetDataMode
true if the data can be set, otherwise false.

◆ OperatorGetIcon()

void OperatorGetIcon ( IconData dat)

Retrieves the operator icon.

[in]datFilled with the operator icon data.

◆ GetSelectState()

Bool GetSelectState ( )

Gets the selection state of the GV node.

The selection state.

◆ GetFailureState()

Bool GetFailureState ( )

Gets the failure state of the GV node.

The failure state.

◆ GetDisabledState()

Bool GetDisabledState ( )

Gets the disabled state of the GV node.

The disabled state.

◆ GetOpenState()

Bool GetOpenState ( )

Gets the open state of the GV node.

The open state.

◆ SetOpenState()

void SetOpenState ( Bool  state)

Sets the open state of the GV node.

[in]stateThe open state.

◆ GetLockState()

Bool GetLockState ( )

Gets the lock state of the GV node.

The lock state.

◆ SetLockState()

void SetLockState ( Bool  state)

Sets the lock state of the GV node.

[in]stateThe lock state.

◆ GetShowPortNamesState()

Bool GetShowPortNamesState ( )

Gets the show port name state of the GV node.

The show port name state.

◆ SetShowPortNamesState()

void SetShowPortNamesState ( Bool  state)

Sets the show port name state of the GV node.

[in]stateThe show port name state.

◆ AllocCalculationHandler()

GvValue* AllocCalculationHandler ( Int32  main_id,
GvCalc calc,
GvRun run,
Int32  singleport 

Allocates a calculation handler for the ports of a main ID of the GV node.
Free the allocated handler with FreeCalculationHandler().

[in]main_idThe main ID.
[in]calcThe calculation helper. The caller owns the pointed calculation helper.
[in]runThe run helper. The caller owns the pointed run helper.
[in]singleportThe port index if the handler should be for a specific port. Otherwise pass GV_MULTIPLE_PORTS.
The allocated handler, or nullptr if failed.

◆ FreeCalculationHandler()

void FreeCalculationHandler ( GvValue *&  value)

Frees calculation handlers allocated with AllocCalculationHandler().

[in,out]valueThe calculation handler to free. Set to nullptr afterwards.

◆ CalculateRawData()

Bool CalculateRawData ( GvValueID  value_id,
const void *const  data1,
const void *const  data2,
void *  dest,
GvValueFlags  calculation,
Float  parm1 

Convenience function to do calculation with unknown data.
Retrieves the handler for value_id and then calls GV_VALUE_HANDLER::Calculate(userdata, value_id, data1, data2, dest, 0, calculation, parm1).

See also
GvPort::CalculateRawData() for a similar functionality for ports.
[in]value_idDetermines the type of the data parameters.
[in]data1The first data. The caller owns the pointed data.
Points to GV data. The layout of the pointed data is determined by value_id.
[in]data2The second data. The caller owns the pointed data.
Points to GV data. The layout of the pointed data is determined by value_id.
[out]destThe destination. The caller owns the pointed data.
Points to GV data. The layout of the pointed data is determined by value_id.
[in]calculationThe calculation to perform: GvValueFlags
[in]parm1An additional parameter.
true if the result of the calculation was GV_CALC_ERR_NONE, otherwise false.