Hi @sungam, first of all, welcome in the plugincafe community and thanks a lot for your feedback. I know these words will not help you but we are currently working to improve our Python Documentation and examples as well.

With that's said, I know documentation should be sufficient, but MAXON offers free support for developers at plugincafe. So please contact us when you are in trouble, don't know where to look at or even get SDK issue.

res folder is a specific folder where resources needed for your plugin are stored. (e.g. you develop an ObjectData plugin(a new object, like a cube), this cube get a description (a set of parameters, which make a description of the actual object representation), so you need to define theses descriptions within the res folder. Same thing for string and so on...).

Clion is actually a C++ IDE, JetBrains offer Pycharm which is also supported by c4dpy. See C4DPY manual we cover how to setup Pycharm with c4dpy.

"EnvironmentError: cannot find pyp file - plugin registration failed". I'm not sure to understand this, this error comes from c4dpy? Is it possible to get your current plugin, at least the code of your pyp file?

If you have any questions, please open a new thread, in plugincafe we prefer to have one topic per thread so we can focus only into this specific issue and don't screw conversation, it's also easier for other peoples to find information.

Do not hesitate to explain to us your project, so we can guide you (help us, to help you 😉 ).
If it's something you don't want to disclose you can always reach us at [email protected].
