Hi @ferdinand, thanks for the rapid response and the link to the previous CommandData
plugin answer, I'll be bookmarking that for future reference!
I am a bit unsure what you mean by "hot corners". Are you talking about for example the icon of the Coordinate Manager as shown below...
Those are the things, yes! I wasn't sure exactly what to call them, but saw they were listed as 'hot corners' in the r25 release notes
...you cannot toggle the Xpresso or Thinking Particles dialog in this manner.
I believe this might explain my problem though! Thinking about it I probably only tested these editor types before posting my question. I assume because the original Redshift Shader Graph editor uses an xpresso-like editor, that could be the reason for me being unable to toggle it in a similar way to the other managers? Strange that the Redshift IPR allows me to toggle, however, although it isn't xpresso-like so perhaps that's the reason?
...due to simply not having been retrofitted.
So, to confirm, you're saying there isn't a work around for such editors if they haven't been retrofitted, either via python or otherwise?
As a bonus question, do you know of a way to toggle tabbed groups of managers with an icon (and not via the folding behaviour accessed by ctrl+clicking the hamburger menu). For example, pressing the red icon could close/hide the whole of the purple area despite it consisting of 2 tabbed groups?
Thanks again!