Hello @Gene,

So far it's doing exactly what I need. Only issue I have is if I need to undo the script. I have to press the Undo button several times because C4D creates an undo state for every Tag/Object selection step in the script, instead of putting all of them under one undo state. I think this is a long-existing limitation of C4D's Undo system?

Well, it depends a bit on what you would consider a "long-existing limitation", but you can consolidate multiple operations into a singular item in the undo-stack. The most relevant methods are BaseDocument.StartUndo, BaseDocument.EndUndo, and BaseDocument.AddUndo (there more undo related methods on BaseDocument).


"""Demonstrates wrapping selecting all top-level objects in a document into one undo item. """ import c4d doc: c4d.documents.BaseDocument def main(): """ """ obj: c4d.BaseObject = doc.GetFirstObject() # Start an undo item in the undo stack. doc.StartUndo() while obj: # Add an operation to the undo item, most operations must be invoked BEFORE the actual # operation is carried out. The only exception is inserting new nodes, AddUndo must here # be called AFTER the operation. doc.AddUndo(c4d.UNDOTYPE_ACTIVATE, obj) doc.SetActiveObject( obj, c4d.SELECTION_NEW if obj == doc.GetFirstObject() else c4d.SELECTION_ADD) obj = obj.GetNext() # Close the item. doc.EndUndo() c4d.EventAdd() if __name__ == "__main__": main()