Having an issue trying to read unicode characters from a CSV file.
I am not very experienced with python so apologies in advance.
We use a CSV as a list of names, places, organisations etc read them in c4d and render them as images with the files named as per the column we select from the CSV.
Some names of people or their tribe names are in different languages, for us locally it is Māori, which as a lot of ā,ō,ū characters.
Our python code below. I have tried adding in "data.decode('utf8')" but this didn't help, or rather it is likely I am doing it wrong.
import c4d
#Welcome to the world of Python
import csv
def main():
global Output
global TotRow
global TotCol
data = []
with open(CSV) as csv_file:
reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
for row in reader:
row = max(0, min(RowSel, len(data)-1))
col = max(0, min(ColSel, len(data[0])-1))
Output = data[row][col]
TotRow = len(data)
TotCol = len(data[0])
Any advise would be greatly appreciated