Add Help Info to a UI Custom Button ?
On 15/11/2016 at 16:09, xxxxxxxx wrote:
hi guys,
I was wondering how i can add the help info to the ui custom button that is added in a GeDialog, and it pop up like when you put your mouse over the button or plugin button and the info show up on what it do.helpInfo = "This Add a Sweep to your 3D Scene" # Want this to show up when mose over it bc = c4d.BaseContainer() path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "res/UI_Icons", "UI_B1.png") #The path to the image bc.SetFilename(GEN_BUTTON, path) #Add this location info to the conatiner bc.SetLong(c4d.BITMAPBUTTON_BORDER, c4d.BORDER_NONE) #Sets the border to look like a button self.myBitButton=self.AddCustomGui(GEN_BUTTON, c4d.CUSTOMGUI_BITMAPBUTTON, helpInfo, c4d.BFH_CENTER | c4d.BFV_CENTER, 78, 0, bc) self.myBitButton.SetImage(path, True) #Add the image to the button
If I cannot do that , is there a way to add a Plugin or a Plugin ID to a button or part of the the GUI layout GeDialog then.
If any thread, tips or somewhere in the Python SDK Documentation I miss, **any ideas, that will be appreciative guys.
On 15/11/2016 at 18:49, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm not sure if it's in the Python docs or not, but from the C++ documentation it's:
bc.SetString(c4d.BITMAPBUTTON_TOOLTIP, "This button makes your dreams come true<br>And not the one where you're late for class and miss an important test")
On 15/11/2016 at 20:16, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks Withers,
That works !bc = c4d.BaseContainer() ######Create a new container to store the button image helpInfo = "Thanks Whithers\nAnd You have a great and safe day." bc.SetString(c4d.BITMAPBUTTON_TOOLTIP, helpInfo) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "res/UI_Icons", "UI_B1.png") #The path to the image bc.SetBool(c4d.BITMAPBUTTON_BUTTON, True) bc.SetFilename(GEN_BUTTON, path) #Add this location info to the conatiner bc.SetLong(c4d.BITMAPBUTTON_BORDER, c4d.BORDER_NONE) #Sets the border to look like a button self.myBitButton=self.AddCustomGui(GEN_BUTTON, c4d.CUSTOMGUI_BITMAPBUTTON, "", c4d.BFH_CENTER | c4d.BFV_CENTER, 78, 0, bc) self.myBitButton.SetImage(path, False) #Add the image to the button
THANKS again,
AP Ashton