User button test on Python Generator [SOLVED]
On 19/11/2014 at 03:35, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I can't quite get this to work. I've figured out how to do button press testing using Tags with code I've seen around the forums - but when I create a button directly on my Python Generator, what goes on inside message() seems different and the usual code doesn't work..
On 20/11/2014 at 11:03, xxxxxxxx wrote:
can you tell us what code you are using with the Tags? And what kind of "usual code" you are using?
best wishes,
Sebastian -
On 20/11/2014 at 11:49, xxxxxxxx wrote:
This is the code I used for tags with a user data button on it..> def message(id, data) :
> if id == 17:
> print "UserData-ID: ", data["descid"][1].id
> # test for button ID and execute code
...but with the same code on a Python Generator the IDs are large numbers, which don't seem anything to do with the button ID. -
On 21/11/2014 at 02:40, xxxxxxxx wrote:
when I use your code I have no problem getting the correct user data button ID as defined in the User Data manager. As always I suggest to use the correct identifiers and no magic numbers. The code can look like this:
def message(id,data) : if id == c4d.MSG_DESCRIPTION_CHECKUPDATE: # check if button if data["descid"][1].dtype == c4d.DTYPE_BUTTON: # get id buttonID = data["descid"][1].id
If the problem persists you could give us some more information about your code and your system.
best wishes,
Sebastian -
On 21/11/2014 at 03:38, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Yeah that worked fine for me Sebastian, thank you..