Editor draw in a object plugin[SOLVED]
On 22/10/2014 at 13:15, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Does anyone have a sample object plugin they would be willing to share?
I'm using it to simply do what a null does (store children) but it has custom functions.My issue is what it looks like in the editor. If I "include Onull" in the .res file, i can control parameters for what it should draw, but it doesn't work. Is it possible to use those draw parameters and get it to work?
If not, then just drawing a flat square would be fine. (it would need to scale and rotate with the op).Thanks,
Joe -
On 22/10/2014 at 17:54, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Joe,
two month ago I used a gizmo box for doing somthing similar.
I´m not sure, if that helps.def Draw(self, node, drawpass, bd, bh) : if drawpass==c4d.DRAWPASS_HANDLES: data= node.GetDataInstance() size= data.GetVector(10001)/2 mat = node.GetMg() bd.SetMatrix_Matrix(None, mat) box = c4d.Matrix() box.v1 = box.v1 * size.x box.v2 = box.v2 * size.y box.v3 = box.v3 * size.z bd.DrawBox(box, 1.0, c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_ACTIVEPOINT), True)
Best wishes
Martin -
On 23/10/2014 at 07:24, xxxxxxxx wrote:
That helps. Now, to make it another color when highlighted.. I want it to work the way a Null does. Black lines then white when highlighted/selected. Heres what I got.
def Draw(self, op, drawpass, bd, bh) : if drawpass==c4d.DRAWPASS_HIGHLIGHTS: bd.SetPen(c4d.Vector(1,1,1)) return c4d.DRAWRESULT_SKIP data= op.GetDataInstance() size= c4d.Vector(25,0,25) mat = op.GetMg() bd.SetMatrix_Matrix(None, mat) box = c4d.Matrix() box.v1 = box.v1 * size.x box.v2 = box.v2 * size.y box.v3 = box.v3 * size.z bd.SetPen(c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_ACTIVEBOX)) bd.DrawBox(box, 1.0, c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_SHADEDWIRE), True) return c4d.DRAWRESULT_OK
On 23/10/2014 at 07:45, xxxxxxxx wrote:
you can use
[URL-REMOVED] andIsHighlight()
[URL-REMOVED] to find out if the current object is selected or highlighted.Best wishes,
[URL-REMOVED] @maxon: This section contained a non-resolving link which has been removed.
On 23/10/2014 at 11:08, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Right. I can get it to like "print "Highlighted"". So I know when it's highlighted, but how can I change the color of the basedraw? Do I have to redraw it? Or just somehow change the pen color..
On 23/10/2014 at 12:09, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Joe,
you can use a custom color definition like:
def Draw(self, node, drawpass, bd, bh) : pencolor = c4d.Vector(0,0,0) if bh.IsHighlight() : pencolor = c4d.Vector(1,1,1) print "highlight" if bh.IsActive() : pencolor = c4d.Vector(1,1,0) print "active" data= op.GetDataInstance() size= c4d.Vector(25,0,25) mat = op.GetMg() bd.SetMatrix_Matrix(None, mat) box = c4d.Matrix() box.v1 = box.v1 * size.x box.v2 = box.v2 * size.y box.v3 = box.v3 * size.z bd.DrawBox(box, 1.0, pencolor, True)
or have a look at the c++ sdk
[URL-REMOVED]___v_i_e_w_c_o_l_o_r.html#ga59ce3d29b2ad9c9e57410cefd023adbbBest wishes
[URL-REMOVED] @maxon: This section contained a non-resolving link which has been removed.
On 23/10/2014 at 18:28, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Here's my code. If I have one object selected, I don't see the Active color, It appears as black. Highlight works though.
But, If I have multiple objects selected, they appear yellow (which is correct). Any ideas?
def Draw(self, op, drawpass, bd, bh) : pencolor = c4d.Vector(0,0,0) if bh.IsHighlight() : pencolor = c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_OBJECTHIGHLIGHT) if bh.IsActive() : pencolor = c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_OBJECTSELECT) data= op.GetDataInstance() size= c4d.Vector(10,0,10) mat = op.GetMg() bd.SetMatrix_Matrix(None, mat) box = c4d.Matrix() box.v1 = box.v1 * size.x box.v2 = box.v2 * size.y box.v3 = box.v3 * size.z bd.DrawBox(box, 1.0, pencolor, True) return c4d.DRAWRESULT_OK
On 24/10/2014 at 02:47, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Joe,
this works,
Just a better setup for the different cases with if and elif...
And you use the colors the user predefined in his preferencesif drawpass==c4d.DRAWPASS_OBJECT: data= node.GetDataInstance() size= c4d.Vector(10,0,10) mat = node.GetMg() bd.SetMatrix_Matrix(None, mat) box = c4d.Matrix() box.v1 = box.v1 * size.x box.v2 = box.v2 * size.y box.v3 = box.v3 * size.z if bh.IsHighlight() : pencolor=c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_SELECTION_PREVIEW) elif bh.IsActive() : pencolor=c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_ACTIVEPOINT) else: pencolor=c4d.GetViewColor(c4d.VIEWCOLOR_INACTIVEPOINT) bd.DrawBox(box, 1.0, pencolor, True)
Best wishes
Martin -
On 24/10/2014 at 05:58, xxxxxxxx wrote:
That did it! Thanks Martin