Spline is not updated after i move point using Pyt
On 28/01/2013 at 18:29, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I am using Python to move a spline's point. But the spline itself is not updated in the C4D viewport, the point moves alone, together with its tangent(s). Only after I grab the handles and manually move the point a little, the whole spline is updated. What code can I write to have the spline immediately follow the node's movements?
def Execute(self, tag, doc, op, bt, priority, flags) :
spline = tag.GetObject()
oldPos = spline.GetPoint(0)
newPos = c4d.Vector(oldPos.x + 10, oldPos.y + 10, oldPos.z)
spline.SetPoint(0, newPos);-Ingvar
On 29/01/2013 at 00:23, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Ok, found out about it myself. It is in the SDK doc, under PointObject.
One needs to call obj.Message ( c4d.MSG_UPDATE )