I'm trying to understand how to use the DistanceQueryInterface.
Does anyone have an example of this?
For your next threads, please help us keeping things organised and clean.
This example show how to use the Interface.
The declaration is in
In this file you find thisMAXON_DECLARATION
that define what you have to use to create your ref.MAXON_DECLARATION(Class<DistanceQueryRef>, DistanceCalculator, "net.maxon.geom.interface.distancequery.distancecalculator");
so you can use :
maxon::DistanceQueryRef distanceQueryRef = maxon::DistanceCalculator().Create() iferr_return;
iferr_scope; // ------- Create a mesh const maxon::Int32 polyCnt{ 500 }; PolygonObject *mesh = PolygonObject::Alloc(polyCnt * 4, polyCnt ); if (mesh == nullptr) return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION); maxon::LinearCongruentialRandom<maxon::Float32> random; CPolygon *polyAdrW = mesh->GetPolygonW(); Vector* padrW = mesh->GetPointW(); const Float polySize{ 10 }; for (maxon::Int i = 0; i < polyCnt; i++) { CPolygon poly; maxon::Vector pointA(i * polySize, 0, 0); maxon::Vector pointB(i * polySize, 0, polySize); maxon::Vector pointC(i * polySize + polySize, 0, polySize); maxon::Vector pointD(i * polySize + polySize, 0, 0); const maxon::Int pointIndice = i * 4; padrW[pointIndice] = pointA; padrW[pointIndice + 1] = pointB; padrW[pointIndice + 2] = pointC; padrW[pointIndice + 3] = pointD; poly.a = pointIndice; poly.b = pointIndice + 1; poly.c = pointIndice + 2; poly.d = pointIndice + 3; polyAdrW[i] = poly; } doc->InsertObject(mesh, nullptr, nullptr); // Creates the reference. maxon::DistanceQueryRef distanceQueryRef = maxon::DistanceCalculator().Create() iferr_return; // Inits the mesh distanceQueryRef.Init(mesh, true) iferr_return; maxon::PrimitiveInformation result; const maxon::Int samplePointCnt = polyCnt; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// sample using standard loop maxon::TimeValue start = maxon::TimeValue(maxon::TimeValue::NOW); for (maxon::Int i = 0; i < samplePointCnt; ++i) { const maxon::Vector pos{ i * polySize + polySize * 0.5, 0, 0 }; distanceQueryRef.GetClosestMeshPrimitive(pos, result); if (result.type == maxon::PRIMITIVETYPE::POLYGON) ApplicationOutput("pos @, polyIndex @ ", pos, result.GetRealPolyIndex()); else ApplicationOutput("not a polygon"); } ApplicationOutput("time to sample the points @ with MP", start.Stop()); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// sample using parallelFor start = maxon::TimeValue(maxon::TimeValue::NOW); maxon::BaseArray< maxon::PrimitiveInformation> resultArray; resultArray.Resize(samplePointCnt) iferr_return; maxon::ParallelFor::Dynamic(0, samplePointCnt, [&resultArray, &polySize, &distanceQueryRef](maxon::Int i) { maxon::PrimitiveInformation result; const maxon::Vector pos{ i * polySize + polySize * 0.5, 0, 0 }; distanceQueryRef.GetClosestMeshPrimitive(pos, result); if (result.type == maxon::PRIMITIVETYPE::POLYGON) ApplicationOutput("pos @, polyIndex @ ", pos, result.GetRealPolyIndex()); else ApplicationOutput("not a polygon"); resultArray[i] = result; } ); ApplicationOutput("time to sample the points @ with MP", start.Stop()); for (auto& value : resultArray) { if (value.type == maxon::PRIMITIVETYPE::POLYGON) ApplicationOutput("polyIndex @ ", value.GetRealPolyIndex()); else ApplicationOutput("not a polygon"); }
Manuel -
thank you so much!!