Exporting Motion Clips & what are .c4dsrc Files?
I have been looking for information regarding Motion Clips on forums and the C4D SDK documentation, but I have only found this article and this article.- Is it possible to save and export motion clips with the Python SDK without opening the Motion Clip dialogs with CallCommand?
c4d.CallCommand(465003044, 465003044) # Add Motion Clip... c4d.CallCommand(465003050, 465003050) # Save Motion Source As...
- Is .c4dsrc a Hyperfile/BaseContainer? Can other data be stored in it?
Thank you.
Hi @blastframe, unfortunately, there is no way to call the command without open the Motion Clips Dialogs.
However, it's pretty easy to reproduce since it's only retrieving the content of NLA Root (aka where Motion Source are stored see Placing Motion Sources at Timeline Markers with Python - r19.
So here its what the Save Motion Source do:
def ExportMotionSource(path, motionSourceObject): "motionSourceObject is None to save all MotionSource or pass the returned obj from GetMotionSourceByName" doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() docNew = c4d.documents.BaseDocument() # Copy settings docNew.SetData(c4d.DOCUMENTSETTINGS_DOCUMENT, doc.GetData(c4d.DOCUMENTSETTINGS_DOCUMENT)) docNew.SetData(c4d.DOCUMENTSETTINGS_GENERAL, doc.GetData(c4d.DOCUMENTSETTINGS_GENERAL)) docNla = doc.GetNLARoot() docNewNla = docNew.GetNLARoot() if motionSourceObject is None: docNla.CopyTo(docNewNla, c4d.COPYFLAGS_NONE, None) else: copyNewObj = motionSourceObject.GetClone(c4d.COPYFLAGS_NONE, None) docNewNla.InsertLast(copyNewObj) c4d.documents.SaveDocument(docNew, savePath, c4d.SAVEDOCUMENTFLAGS_NONE, c4d.FORMAT_C4DEXPORT) def LoadExportMotionSource(path): doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() c4d.documents.MergeDocument(doc, path, c4d.SCENEFILTER_MERGESCENE, None) def GetMotionSourceByName(name): root = doc.GetNLARoot() obj = root.GetDown() while obj: if obj.GetName() == name: return obj obj = obj.GetNext()
Regarding the c4dsrc extension, as you can see internally this is just a BaseDocument saved, the extension is just used to mark this as a motion source file template.
Maxime. -
Hi Maxime, thank you for the quick reply and insight into this. I look forward to trying this.