VolumeObject ReadObject and WriteObject no supported?
I am manually saving objects within my own Generator. It seems that if I write out, then read a VolumeObject that it does not save any volume data at all. Calling GetVolume() returns nullptr; My volumes do have data in them so I would expect it to save and load.
pObj = VolumeObject::Alloc();
pObj->ReadObject(hf, true);
maxon::VolumeInterface* data = pObj->GetVolume();data is null;
Can someone confirm if this is actually true and the correct behaviour?
Hi Kent, thanks for reaching out us.
With regard to your issue, at the moment writing/reading a VolumeObject using the C4DAtom::WriteObject / C4DAtom::ReadObject using an Hyperfile is not supported if the HyperFile object operates on disk.
At the moment a workaround is represented by using a temporary memory file, write into that, write that to disk. To read/write using MemoryFileStruct please visit here.
The following code shows how to read/write VolumeObject from/to memory-located HF.
iferr_scope; // alloc the VolumeObject to write AutoAlloc<VolumeObject> volObjWrite; if (!volObjWrite) return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION); // put some data in the VolumeObject const maxon::Int gridIndex = 0; const maxon::Url volumeUrl ("<your path to a vdb>"_s); const maxon::Volume volume = maxon::VolumeInterface::CreateFromFile(volumeUrl, 1.0, gridIndex) iferr_return; // insert volume volObjWrite->SetVolume(volume); // alloc HF AutoAlloc<HyperFile> hf; if (!hf) return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION); // alloc MemoryFileStruct AutoAlloc<MemoryFileStruct> mfs; if (!mfs) return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION); // alloc Filename and set to memory Filename fn; fn.SetMemoryWriteMode(mfs); // open HyperFile to write if (!hf->Open(0, fn, FILEOPEN::WRITE, FILEDIALOG::NONE)) return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION); // write volume to memory HF Bool writeRes = volObjWrite->WriteObject(hf); if (writeRes) DiagnosticOutput("volume written on HF"); // close written HF hf->Close(); //... write memory-located HF to disk //... do your stuff //...read from disk the memory-located HF // open HF to read if (!hf->Open(0, fn, FILEOPEN::READ, FILEDIALOG::NONE)) return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION); // alloc the VolumeObject to read AutoAlloc<VolumeObject> volObjRead; if (!volObjRead) return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION); // read volume from memory HF Bool readRes = volObjRead->ReadObject(hf, true); const maxon::VolumeInterface* volRead = volObjRead->GetVolume(); if (readRes && volRead) DiagnosticOutput("volume read from HF"); hf->Close(); return maxon::OK;
Best, Riccardo
Thanks Riccardo.