Treeview adding a new item as an child
I have seen the excellent post of Maxime about creating a Treeview.
See is an Add button, but now I want to add it as a child.
I added a Insert Under button with following code in Command().
if id == 1002: # Insert Under tex = TextureObject("Inserted under first item.") first = self._listView.GetFirst(self._treegui, self._listView) #InsertObject(self, root, userdata, obj, dragtype, dragobject, insertmode, bCopy): self._listView.InsertObject(self._treegui, self._listView, first, c4d.DRAGTYPE_FILENAME_OTHER, tex, c4d.INSERT_UNDER, True) # Refresh the TreeView self._treegui.Refresh()
And in class ListView(c4d.gui.TreeViewFunctions) I added
def GetFirst(self, root, userdata): rValue = None if not self.listOfTexture else self.listOfTexture[0] return rValue def InsertObject(self, root, userdata, obj, dragtype, dragobject, insertmode, bCopy): return True
But nothing is inserted.
I think it is because of InsertObject(), because nothing is inserted in the _listView.
So, how to insert it as a child?-Pim
Hi Pim thanks for reaching out us.
With regard to your request, rather than implementing
you should take care of implementing aTreeViewFunctions::GetDown()
and also to redesign the data type being responsible to store the TreeView items and their children.In the case presented by @m_adam a simple list was used and this was sufficient for the scope of representing a one-level tree. Also accessing the next/prev items was done by searching for the index of a given item in the list which turned to be quick and slick.
Last but not least it's also relevant to implement a
in order to properly manage the folding/unfolding functionality otherwise your tree might appear always foldedHope these few notes can lead you through the right direction.
Best, Riccardo
I'd like to add that using
is convenient since they already come with all functions you need. -
@mp5gosu this completely makes sense and it's indeed a valuable recommendation but I wasn't sure about Pim's requirement here on deriving from Cinema 4D base classes.
Cheers, R