Polygons disappear with Polygon Object Generator
On 13/02/2018 at 11:00, xxxxxxxx wrote:
(Object Generator Plugin in Python for Cinema 4D R19.024 on macOS Sierra)
Hello Everyone!
If I register an object plugin as a c4d.OBJECT_GENERATOR | c4d.OBJECT_POLYGONOBJECT and return a polygon object from the GetVirtualObjects() method, the polygon object will disappear from the view, when I switch from model mode to point mode.
If the plugin will be registered as a c4d.OBJECT_GENERATOR | c4d.OBJECT_POINTOBJECT, the polygon object will NOT disappear from the view, when I switch from model mode to point mode.
Like with the point object generator, I would like to be able to see the polygon object of a polygon object generator when I switch to point mode. Is this possible?
See the code below for a simplified example.
Best regards
TimPS: I'm new to Cinema 4D plugin development and new to Cinema 4D in general.
import math import sys import os import c4d from c4d import bitmaps, gui, plugins, utils PLUGIN_ID = 9119119 class TestPlugin(plugins.ObjectData) : def Init(self, node) : return True def GetVirtualObjects(self, op, hierarchyhelp) : dirty = op.CheckCache(hierarchyhelp) or op.IsDirty(c4d.DIRTY_DATA) if dirty is False: return op.GetCache(hierarchyhelp) return self.CreateSimplePolyObj() def CreateSimplePolyObj(self) : op = c4d.PolygonObject(4, 1) op.SetPoint(0, c4d.Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) op.SetPoint(1, c4d.Vector(100.0, 0.0, 0.0)) op.SetPoint(2, c4d.Vector(100.0, 0.0, 100.0)) op.SetPoint(3, c4d.Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 100.0)) polygon = c4d.CPolygon(0, 1, 2, 3) op.SetPolygon(0, polygon) op.SetPhong(True, 1, utils.Rad(80.0)) op.Message(c4d.MSG_UPDATE) return op if __name__ == "__main__": path, file = os.path.split(__file__) bmp = bitmaps.BaseBitmap() bmp.InitWith(os.path.join(path, "res", "some.tif")) plugins.RegisterObjectPlugin( id = PLUGIN_ID, str = "Py-TestPlugin", g = TestPlugin, description = "Opytestplugin", icon = bmp, info = c4d.OBJECT_GENERATOR | c4d.OBJECT_POLYGONOBJECT )
On 14/02/2018 at 03:05, xxxxxxxx wrote:
welcome to the Plugin Café forums
There seems to be common misconception of our SDK docs (a sign we need to improve them). Just recently we had another thread by merkvilson with the same issue: "Hide child of Object plugin" (a bit down the line).
To make it short, don't use OBJECT_POLYGONOBJECT when registering your generator. It's just a generator (even if generating a polygon object). OBJECT_POLYGONOBJECT is used in special cases only. The objectdata_latticeplanemodifier example (sorry, just realized I'm linking to a C++ example in Python forum) uses OBJECT_POINTOBJECT to achieve the behavior of the controlling plane. OBJECT_POLYGONOBJECT would be used similarly. -
On 14/02/2018 at 05:29, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Andreas,
the code above is only a simplified example of the problem.
I'm working on a more complex point generator plugin. The generated object has some (control) points which should be editable in point mode. The final object, which will be displayed in model mode, is a complex polygon object, which is based on the (control) points of the point object. Everything worked as expected until I tried to delete points of the point object in point mode. I created another post about that problem. A solution was to switch the plugin registration from a point object to a polygon object. Now I'm able to delete the (control) points, but the polygon object, which I generate in GetVirtualObjects(), will not be displayed anymore when I switch from model mode to point mode!
Best regards