XPresso Material Links Brake when Importing through Command Line
I am using a python script to render through the command line in R23. I have the render set up in a .pyp and then I start cinema4d using the .exe in the command line. Before my script renders, it imports and merges in another .c4d where I have saved my Redshift material. If the material is XPresso, all the links in the material graph break on import. I need to use XPresso materials because I want to be able to dynamically change the rounded edges radius using the python API. This does not seem possible with node materials (which do not break on import through the command line). This behavior also does not exist when running the python script using the python interpreter in the c4d GUI. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!
Hello Janine,
thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, your question is rather hard to answer in its current form, since it is lacking important information. Key points would be the plugin interface you are using in your pyp file, how that plugin is invoked by a scene and some example code. I am also struggling as bit with the term "the .exe in the commandline". Do you mean
with that? You can find out more about asking technical questions and what will give you better chances on receiving a fast and precise answer in our Forum Guildelines. You can also share code privately with us as described in the forum guidelines when you code does contain confidential data.To your question: Without code and more information, I cannot say much here. But the whole scenario could be an active document issue, i.e, that your code relies in some form on the active document, and this fails under certain conditions, as then the active document is not what you expect it to be. But that is very speculative and vague.
Ferdinand -
Hello @janine-mcmaster,
without any further replies or questions, we will consider this thread as solved by Thursday and flag it accordingly.
Thank you for your understanding,