But no plug-ins in R21.207 (demo version) possible?
The LAZPoint plugin from cinemaplugins.com would be a nice thing for me if it works for me. But it has to be installed on Cinema4D-R21, with r22 or r23 it doesn't work.
To test it, I want to run the LAZPoint demo plugin on a demo version of Cinema - r21. R21-Demo is already running and the LAZPoint-Demo-Plugin is already in the directory \ C4DPlugins and I have registered this directory in the program defaults of R21.But it doesn't work. Other plugins that are trying to be loaded also do not run, none of them run. Tried on 2 computers (Win10 64 pro and win 64 home).
What's wrong ?---------- Orginal-Text in german:
Doch keine Plug-Ins in R21.207(Demo-Version) möglich ?
Das LAZPoint-Plugin von cinemaplugins.com wäre eine feine Sache für mich, wenn es bei mir läuft. Es muss aber auf Cinema4D-R21 installiert werden, mit r22 oder r 23 geht es nicht.
Um es zu testen, will ich das LAZPoint-Demo-Plugin auf einer Demo-Version von Cinema - r21 laufen lassen. R21-Demo läuft bereits und das LAZPoint-Demo-Plugin liegt bereits im Verzeichnis C:\C4DPlugins und ich habe dieses Verzeichnis in den Programvoreinstellungen von R21 angemeldet.Es läuft aber nicht. Auch versuchsweise ebenfalls zu ladende andere Plugins laufen nicht, keines läuft. Auf 2 Computern versucht ( Win10 64 pro und win 64 home) .
Was läuft falsch? -
I can tell you with certainty that R21 Demo did support plugins in principle, because I did use it for writing plugins. But plugins that do require an old Cinema serial license, i.e. that hooked into Cinema's old serial system, probably won't run.
You should:
- Make sure that the plugins in question actually support R21 (I can see an R20 in your screenshot and C++ plugins, i.e. the kind of plugins Paul Everett is providing, usually have to be recompiled for each version of Cinema).
- Ask the devs of the plugins if they support the demo.
- If both points above are fulfilled, make a screenshot of the console (press Shift + F10 to open it) once Cinema has fully loaded. Plugins in Cinema will usually dump information of failures in the plugin loading process there. The console has multiple registers. For Python plugins you will habe to activate the Python register.
- Provide these screenshots to the plugin developers and ask for help.
- If they cannot help, open a customer support ticket and provide all gathered information.
You won't get any help here, since this is the developer forum.
zipit -
Thank you for the detailed answer.
and indeed, I can confirm that a plug-in (Reeper 3.2 SE) loaded as a trial for R21 is working properly.
I will now contact Paul Everett directly first.