Different behavior on Mac for Commanddata options
I have a commanddata plugin that has options enabled using the PLUGINFLAG_COMMAND_OPTION_DIALOG flag.
On the pc everything is ok, I see the option icon in the command and I can select it.
However, on the mac (Catalina 10.15.6) I do not see the option icon and when I click the command (the commanddata plugin), it goes directly to ExecuteOptionID() and not to Execute()Here the stripped code
import c4d import os import sys from c4d import gui, plugins, bitmaps, documents from c4d import utils PLUGIN_ID_MESHBOOLEAN_COMMAND_SUBTRACT = 1039980 class MyOptionsDialogSUBSTRACT(gui.GeDialog): OK = False def InitValues(self): return True def CreateLayout(self): self.SetTitle("MeshBoolean Command SUBSTRACT Test 01") self.AddDlgGroup(c4d.DLG_OK | c4d.DLG_CANCEL) return True def Command(self, id, msg): if (id == 1): self.OK = True self.Close() if (id == 2): self.OK = False self.Close() return True class MESHBOOLEANSUBSTRACT(plugins.CommandData): dialog = None def Execute(self, doc): print ("Execute") print ("Done test") return True #end plugin def ExecuteOptionID(self, doc, plugid, subid): print ("ExecuteOptionID") if self.dialog is None: self.dialog = MyOptionsDialogSUBSTRACT() self.dialog.Open(dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_MODAL, pluginid=PLUGIN_ID_MESHBOOLEAN_COMMAND_SUBTRACT, defaultw=500, defaulth=120) print ("OK: ", self.dialog.OK) if (self.dialog.OK): self.Execute(doc) self.dialog.OK = False return True if __name__ == "__main__": pluginString = "MeshBoolean Command Subtract" bmp = bitmaps.BaseBitmap() dir, file = os.path.split(__file__) fn = os.path.join(dir, "res", "command subtract.png") bmp.InitWith(fn) okyn = plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id=PLUGIN_ID_MESHBOOLEAN_COMMAND_SUBTRACT, str="#$1 " + pluginString, info=c4d.PLUGINFLAG_COMMAND_OPTION_DIALOG, help="MeshBoolean Command", dat=MESHBOOLEANSUBSTRACT(), icon=bmp) if (not okyn): print("Error initializing " + pluginString)
What I also notice, is that - on the mac - when I do a customize command and add the plugin as an icon to my interface, the option icon is there and it works like expected.
I guess you encounter the same issue as mentioned here.
Short answer:
When the window has it's own menu then the option's cog wheel should work as expected.
Not so if it is the Finder's main menu.Which also explains why dropping an icon in the interface does work as expected. As the issue seems to be the main menu in Finder.
thanks for linking the other thread and yes, that's the difference with the mac menu on the osx bar.
On those menu we can't add the cogwheel so we choose to display the option by default (with was the old behaviors)cheers,
Manuel -
@m_magalhaes said in Different behavior on Mac for Commanddata options:
thanks for linking the other thread and yes, that's the difference with the mac menu on the osx bar.
On those menu we can't add the cogwheel so we choose to display the option by default (with was the old behaviors)cheers,
ManuelOk, clear.
Please mention it in the documentation.-Pim
That's already mentioned in our application documentation.https://help.maxon.net/us/index.html#PREFSINTERFACE-PREF_INTERFACE_MAIN_GROUP
Where do you think we should mention it ?