Thank you so much for this Zipit. I hope that I did undertstand some of the points made to an extent. For the purposes of learning, I tried to modify part2 and part3 such that the selected points were only scaling on the local Z for example.
The code works however I had to do silly things - hack transforms of rotation and translation to zero manually to get them to play nice. (*hides). I suspect I am supposed to call direct the 'utils' for positioning directly instead of RotY first then inheriting it and setting transform.off and transform.v3 later.
Utimately, I am trying to get a bunch of polygons (or points in your case) to be coplanar. My idea was to scale them to zero in their local Z axis (the selection's normal not the objects local Z). My current code is working except it is scaling the points to the local objects Z=0 insteal of the axis of the selection's normal .
In my original post. I normally do this via GUI using a custom workplane set to selection whereby I can simple set size in Y to zero. The net effect is the same. ( I know I cannot do this so simply as the coordinate manager cannot be accessed directly)
def part_3():
transform = c4d.utils.MatrixRotY(math.pi * 0)
transform.off = c4d.Vector(0, 0, 0)
transform.v3 *= 0
points = op.GetAllPoints()
selection = op.GetPointS()
state = selection.GetAll(len(points))
print "selection state:", state
selected = [i for i, value in enumerate(state) if value]
print "selected point ids:", selected
for index in selected:
points[index] *= transform
def main():
if not isinstance(op, c4d.PolygonObject):
msg = "Requires a PolygonObject. Received: {type}"
raise TypeError(msg.format(type=type(op)))
if __name__ == "__main__":