Hello there!
First time posting here. I think I am posting properly but if I am not I apologize and will gladly update it. I have checked the docs and forums quite a bit regarding this and not yet found a solution.
I am working on a plugin that does a lot of nice utility functions and part of it is a set of animation tools. I am working on the reverse keys function and I am able to reverse the keys quite easily however when I reverse the keys the fcurves move with them instead of shifting. When I move the keys they update but I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here.
I assume I am probably approaching this the wrong way. I'm a bit newer to the C4D python SDK.
Here is the code I have to complete this setup.
def reverseKeys(self):
# Reverse timing of selected keys
keys = AnimationCommands().getSelectedKeys()[0]
curves = AnimationCommands().getSelectedKeys()[2]
keyFrameList = {}
keyTimeList = {}
# build keyframe timing list
count = len(keys)
i = 0
while i < count:
key = keys[i]
keyTime = key.GetTime()
keyTimeList[i] = keyTime
keyFrame = keyTime.GetFrame(c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument().GetFps())
keyFrameList[i] = keyFrame
i += 1
# get min and max timing values
minKey = min(keyTimeList, key=keyTimeList.get)
maxKey = max(keyTimeList, key=keyTimeList.get)
minVal = keyTimeList[minKey]
maxVal = keyTimeList[maxKey]
range = maxVal - minVal
#get distance per key from the first key
#set that distance as the distance from the final key
i2 = 0
while i2 < count:
ikey = keys[i2]
keyCurve = curves[i2]
keyOffset = keyTimeList[i2] - minVal
newKeyTime = maxVal - keyOffset
ikey.SetTime(keyCurve, newKeyTime)
i2 += 1
And the code calling this function is this:
if id == GUI_ID["REVERSE_KEYS"]:
Some lines in here may be useless and redundant. I'm honestly not certain. For example the DrawViews command was something I put in to see what it did to my updates. I noticed nothing.
Thank you in advance for the help! The forums have been tremendously helpful in learning how to work with the SDK.
Best regards,