Amazing, thank you @ferdinand!

I figured GetActiveDocument() was the issue, so I was attempting to use takeData.GetCurrentTake() instead in the GetResolutionTakes callback but it still was exactly the same issue where the active take does not change. I didn't know about the callback data argument that already contains the correct document state in data[0], so thank you for letting me know to use that instead and pointing me to further details in the RegisterToken Documentation.


doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() with doc = data[0] renderData = doc.GetRenderData(takeData) with renderData = data[1]

to get the following code below worked perfectly:

def GetCameraName(data): doc = data[0] bd = doc.GetRenderBaseDraw() sceneCam = bd.GetSceneCamera(doc) camName = sceneCam.GetName() return camName.upper() def GetResolutionActive(data): renderData = data[1] renderResX = round(renderData[c4d.RDATA_XRES]) if renderResX >= 1920: return "highRes" else: return "lowRes"

Thank you again very much for the help! Really appreciate it.