
We have an example on github to export to obj and how to define the parameters, you can find it here

You need to retrieve the plugins with its plugin ID GLTFEXPORTER_PLUGIN_ID 1041129 There is no symbol attached for it.
Then, you must send the message MSG_RETRIEVEPRIVATEDATA to define the option you want.

For each parameter you will find its ID in the following file : \resource\modules\gltf\description\fgltfexporter.res
You will find that the parameter you want to change is c4d.GLTFEXPORTER_FILEFORMAT and it should be set to c4d.GLTFEXPORTER_FILEFORMAT_GLB

So just like in this line, you will write


You should be able to clean the code from the obj example and adapt it to your needs. That will help for your thousands of exports.
