Want to create a DR render helper
On 08/11/2016 at 10:46, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thank you Andreas! I'm very much new at this, but I know the basics.
I seem to be struggling with errors involving document versus basetime, etc.
And I'm confused why there is NetRenderService.StopRendering, but not StartRendering.
I probably expect it to be too simple.
I could really use some help getting the basics of this working properly. I don't want it to run outside of C4D. I just want to be able to basically control picture viewer rendering with an open document, with the goal being:
Using Team Render to picture viewer to do bucket rendering on an image sequence (animation) by tricking it into rendering successive single image renders.
Thanks for your helpful nudges. I'll continue to work at it!
On 08/11/2016 at 10:51, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Maybe I should ask a more directed question:
Can I achieve what I'm trying to achieve through python?
On 08/11/2016 at 10:59, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I have it all working so far, except the actual call to render the active document using teamrender to picture viewer
On 08/11/2016 at 11:21, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm using RENDERFLAGS_EXTERNAL, and it is working...but how do I specify to do "Team Render to Picture Viewer"
On 08/11/2016 at 12:07, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm still using R13 so I don't have TR to test this myself.
What happens if you use: RENDERFLAGS_NET-ScottA
On 08/11/2016 at 12:43, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks for you help!
Hmmm....well that didn't throw an error. However, in the Team Render Machines window, the status of the clients does not change.
Also, I decided to move my iterative code into a function that could be called and checked as we go, and I'm getting a scope error. I'm guessing I need to declare my variables in a more global way?
Here's all my code thus far:
import c4d
import osfrom c4d import bitmaps, documents, gui
def main() :
# Get Basic Vairablesdoc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument();
fps = doc.GetFps();
rd = doc.GetActiveRenderData().GetData();
xres = int(rd[c4d.RDATA_XRES]);
yres = int(rd[c4d.RDATA_YRES]);
bmp = bitmaps.BaseBitmap();
bmp.Init(x=xres, y=yres, depth=24);
startFrame = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMEFROM].GetFrame(fps);
endFrame = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMETO].GetFrame(fps);
thisFrame = startFrame;
#set current frame for render
def setRenderFrame() :
rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMEFROM] = c4d.BaseTime(thisFrame,fps);
rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMETO] = c4d.BaseTime(thisFrame, fps);
def doRender() :
res = documents.RenderDocument(doc,rd, bmp, c4d.RENDERFLAGS_NET);
if res==c4d.RENDERRESULT_OK:
thisFrame +=1;
if thisFrame > endFrame:
if __name__=='__main__':
main(); -
On 08/11/2016 at 12:45, xxxxxxxx wrote:
The error:
Traceback (most recent call last) :
File "'scriptmanager'", line 44, in <module>
File "'scriptmanager'", line 39, in main
File "'scriptmanager'", line 32, in doRender
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'thisFrame' referenced before assignment -
On 08/11/2016 at 13:33, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I can't help you with the Team Render stuff. But I can show you how to write your code so it runs.
Note the changes.
When posting code. Please use this type of forum code: "["code"]" your code here "["/code"]"
Without the quotes.import c4d import os from c4d import bitmaps, documents, gui def setRenderFrame(rd, thisFrame, endFrame) : fps = doc.GetFps() rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMEFROM] = c4d.BaseTime(thisFrame,fps) rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMETO] = c4d.BaseTime(endFrame, fps) def doRender(doc, rd, bmp, thisFrame, endFrame) : res = documents.RenderDocument(doc, rd, bmp, c4d.RENDERFLAGS_EXTERNAL) if res==c4d.RENDERRESULT_OK: bitmaps.ShowBitmap(bmp) thisFrame +=1 if thisFrame > endFrame: return setRenderFrame(rd, thisFrame, endFrame) def main() : doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() fps = doc.GetFps() rd = doc.GetActiveRenderData().GetData() xres = int(rd[c4d.RDATA_XRES]) yres = int(rd[c4d.RDATA_YRES]) bmp = bitmaps.BaseBitmap() bmp.Init(x=xres, y=yres, depth=24) startFrame = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMEFROM].GetFrame(fps) endFrame = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMETO].GetFrame(fps) thisFrame = startFrame for i in xrange(startFrame, endFrame - startFrame) : doRender(doc, rd, bmp, thisFrame, endFrame) c4d.EventAdd() if __name__=='__main__': main()
Someone else who has TR will need to help you with that part.
On 08/11/2016 at 14:03, xxxxxxxx wrote:
You are so helpful. Thank you for taking the time.
I've run your version of the script and I'm getting the following NameError:
Traceback (most recent call last) :
File "'scriptmanager'", line 36, in <module>
File "'scriptmanager'", line 31, in main
File "'scriptmanager'", line 11, in doRender
NameError: global name 'setRenderFrame' is not definedLooks like it's trying to parse the definition of setRenderFrame() before it is defined.
I've never been great at wrapping my brain around scope issues like this. ha.
Thanks for all your help thus far.
On 08/11/2016 at 14:23, xxxxxxxx wrote:
OK I've tweaked things a little and the iteration is working within the variables...however, it is rendering the same frame over and over, and for some reason now it is not naming them appropriately. It keeps saving the same file over and over without iterating the filename, and doesn't appear to actually be stepping through the timeline either.
import c4d import os from c4d import bitmaps, documents, gui def main() : doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() fps = doc.GetFps() rd = doc.GetActiveRenderData().GetData() xres = int(rd[c4d.RDATA_XRES]) yres = int(rd[c4d.RDATA_YRES]) bmp = bitmaps.BaseBitmap() bmp.Init(x=xres, y=yres, depth=16) startFrame = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMEFROM].GetFrame(fps) endFrame = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMETO].GetFrame(fps) thisFrame = startFrame print "thisFrame: %s" % thisFrame print "endFrame: %s" % endFrame #set current frame for render def doRender(doc, rd, bmp, thisFrame, endFrame) : rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMEFROM] = c4d.BaseTime(thisFrame,fps) rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMETO] = c4d.BaseTime(thisFrame, fps) res = documents.RenderDocument(doc, rd, bmp, c4d.RENDERFLAGS_NET) if res==c4d.RENDERRESULT_OK: bitmaps.ShowBitmap(bmp) thisFrame +=1 if thisFrame > endFrame: return print "thisFrame: %s" % thisFrame doRender(doc, rd, bmp, thisFrame, endFrame) doRender(doc, rd, bmp, thisFrame, endFrame) c4d.EventAdd() if __name__=='__main__': main()
On 08/11/2016 at 14:56, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Doh! I missed that one. Sorry about that. I changed it.
Those custom methods that you are creating using "def" don't go inside of the def main() : code block.
They should be placed before, or after, the main code block. Then you call them as needed.
Also. A script runs once then stops.
So if you want to execute code more than once. You'll need to use a loop where the frame value increments every time the loop iterates.-ScottA
After changing the code. I'm getting the feeling that you're still not going to get the results you are looking for. So take a look at this code example. It might help answer your questions better than trying to edit your code.
Feel free to edit it to fit your needs.#This script rotates an object by a set amount. Then renders it to the path set in the render settings #NOTE: The frame Range render setting in "Output" should be set to "Current Frame" #The script will change the file name each time a new image is rendered to save the multiple images import c4d, math from c4d import bitmaps, documents, utils ROTANGLE = 30.0 ROTVEC = c4d.Vector(utils.Rad(ROTANGLE), 0, 0) def main() : if op: maxstep = int(math.floor(360.0 / ROTANGLE)) rd = doc.GetActiveRenderData().GetData() #Gets the render settings xres = int(rd[c4d.RDATA_XRES]) #Gets the X size value from the render settings yres = int(rd[c4d.RDATA_YRES]) #Gets the Y size value from the render settings fn = rd[c4d.RDATA_PATH] #Gets the file path from the render settings bmp = bitmaps.BaseBitmap() #Create an instance of the bitmap class bmp.Init(x=xres, y=yres, depth=24) #Initialize it using the render settings for i in xrange(maxstep) : c4d.StatusSetSpin() c4d.StatusSetText('Rendering image {0} of {1}.'.format(i, maxstep)) rd[c4d.RDATA_PATH] = '{0}_{1}'.format(fn, i) #Adds a _SomeNumber to the end of the file path filename = str(rd[c4d.RDATA_PATH]) result = documents.RenderDocument(doc, rd, bmp, c4d.RENDERFLAGS_EXTERNAL) bmp.Save(filename + ".png", c4d.FILTER_PNG, c4d.BaseContainer(), c4d.SAVEBIT_ALPHA) if result != c4d.RENDERRESULT_OK: break #Error handling else: bitmaps.ShowBitmap(bmp) op.SetMg(op.GetMg() * utils.HPBToMatrix(ROTVEC)) #Rotate the active object by it's matrix c4d.StatusClear() c4d.EventAdd() if __name__=='__main__': main()
On 08/11/2016 at 18:08, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Good stuff. Thanks.
I'll chip away at it some more.
On 08/11/2016 at 18:28, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Just be aware that your custom methods are a bit strange. I fixed them so that they would work by pulling them out of the main code block. But the setRenderFrame() method really doesn't make much sense to be used that way.
I recommend not using any external methods like This. Or maybe just use one for all of the rendering code.
Using custom methods and dealing with their parameters just adds more complexity to the code.
That's just a suggestion though. Do whatever you want.That's all the help I can be with this. I can't help with the Team Render stuff.