Not reading ESC key
On 01/05/2016 at 16:43, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I even tried sending a Message (a custom message, with the ID of my own plugin) to the Message method.
But, even there the code fails with the GetInputState(c4d.BFM_INPUT_KEYBOARD,c4d.BFM_INPUT_CHANNEL,bc) , that returns False -
On 02/05/2016 at 00:05, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Rui, this works for me in a Python Scripting Tag:
import c4d import time #Welcome to the world of Python def test() : state = c4d.BaseContainer() if c4d.gui.GetInputState(c4d.BFM_INPUT_KEYBOARD, c4d.KEY_ESC, state) : if state[c4d.BFM_INPUT_VALUE]: return True return False def main() : tstart = time.time() while (time.time() - tstart) < 1.0: if test() : print "STOPPED" break time.sleep(0.1)
However, you should prefer to use BaseThread.TestBreak() anyway.
import c4d import time #Welcome to the world of Python def main() : tstart = time.time() while (time.time() - tstart) < 1.0: if bt.TestBreak() : print "STOPPED" break time.sleep(0.1)
Niklas -
On 02/05/2016 at 00:20, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I can make it work on a Python Scripting Tag too.
It just doesn't work inside my plugin tag.As for using BaseThread, I would have to move my whole code into a new thread, right?
Will that work on a tag plugin? -
On 02/05/2016 at 02:25, xxxxxxxx wrote:
as far as I can tell there is no way for this and when you think about it it should not work. At any time you can create a background thread with a BaseDocument that contains your plugin. So when the user presses the Esc button you cannot know if this is related to the execution of this specific task.
The only proper way is to check the given BaseThread in TagData.Execute(). Check if the given thread stops with TestBreak().
Best wishes,
Sebastian -
On 02/05/2016 at 02:34, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thank you.
I will try to change my code into a user thread, then. -
On 02/05/2016 at 03:10, xxxxxxxx wrote:
However, shouldn't it be possible to read the keyboard, anyway?
On 02/05/2016 at 05:57, xxxxxxxx wrote:
It is working in a different thread now.
However, I still can't seem to abort it
I override the TestDBreak method to this:def TestDBreak(self) :
state = c4d.BaseContainer()
if c4d.gui.GetInputState(c4d.BFM_INPUT_KEYBOARD, c4d.KEY_ESC, state) :
print "testing ESC"
if state[c4d.BFM_INPUT_VALUE]: return True
return Falseinside the Main in my thread I check for self.TestBreak() and it ALWAYS returns False.
The Console never shows "testing ESC" (the print is there just for testing).
How can I test for the user pressing Esc, so that I can return from my code prematurely? -
On 02/05/2016 at 06:09, xxxxxxxx wrote:
You understood it wrong. You don't have to make your own thread, just use TestBreak() on the
BaseThread that is passed to TagData.Execute().GUI functions in the C4D API are not supposed to work from any other than the main thread.
On 02/05/2016 at 08:47, xxxxxxxx wrote:
We don't know what Rui is doing in his "heavy Task".
But does anyone else think that doing anything calculation intensive in a tag Plugin's Execute() method is a very, very, VERY bad idea?The tag's code executes upon every frame. And a tag is typically only used to read attribute values, or as a storage container. Which is a fast operation.
The thought of crunching numbers upon every single frame in the Execute() method seems very wrong to me. The Message() method seems to me like a safer place to do that.
But even so. The tag code needs to execute so fast from frame to frame that it just seems too dangerous to do anything too intensive in there.Can a tag really safely handle crunching code on the fly like that?
On 02/05/2016 at 08:56, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Well, it only calculates if the points change
So, once the calculation is done and there is no changes in the number or location of the vertexes, it just returns c4d.EXECUTIONRESULT_OKAnyway, having it in a separate thread made it more efficient and I seem to be able to detect the ESC key now. I just have to use the bt thread to do it (thank you, Scott, Sebastian and Niklas).
Now I just have to fine tune the code to make it calculate only when it is needed, after the user halts it with ESC. -
On 02/05/2016 at 09:00, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Sure it can safely take as much time as it needs. Only it will be annoying to the user if it takes too
much time. Just look at dynamics, they'll take many seconds per frame on a very large scene, too.
(And that they are computed from a SceneHook instead of a Tag plugin doesn't make a difference here).-Niklas
On 02/05/2016 at 09:03, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Originally posted by xxxxxxxx
Anyway, having it in a separate thread made it more efficient
Are you talking about spawning a new C4DThread? I strongly believe that this won't be more efficient.
If anything, it should be the same performance (+ the overhead for spawning and waiting on the
thread) unless you're doing multithreading, which you can't in Python unless you do actual multiprocessing. -
On 02/05/2016 at 09:09, xxxxxxxx wrote:
By "more efficient" I mean that as I adjust the parameters, the calculation stops and it starts again with the new values.
When it was in the main thread, I had to wait until the calculation was over (anything between .3 seconds to 20+ seconds) to adjust the parameters and see the new result. -
On 02/05/2016 at 10:08, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Are you calling C4DThread.Wait() from Execute() (where I assume you are also starting the thread)?
Because you should. And if you check bt.TestBreak() frequently enough (thought you shouldn't do it
too frequently as it'll have performance impacts) you should get the same result ("responsiveness") -
On 02/05/2016 at 10:45, xxxxxxxx wrote:
That is exactly what I'm doing
I'm still performing tests (to try to break it or spot any bugs) but it is working fine, so far. -
On 02/05/2016 at 11:36, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I would love to see an actual example of this. Because I still don't see how you can catch a keypress in the Execute() method while the timeline is not moving?
And I don't see how using bt.TestBreak() solves that?-ScottA
On 02/05/2016 at 14:11, xxxxxxxx wrote:
It goes something like this:
class MyThread(c4d.threading.C4DThread) : bt = None def Main(self) : ... if : return ... class my_plugin(plugins.TagData) : thread = MyThread() def Execute(self,tag,doc,op,bt,priority,flags) : ... = bt ... self.thread.Start() self.thread.Wait()
On 02/05/2016 at 15:10, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm trying to do this without making a new thread.
Nicklas said we don't have to make a new thread. Just use bt.TestBreak(). But I don't see how to do that where it would allow us to capture a keypress.-ScottA
On 02/05/2016 at 15:25, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Well, I don't know either
It is working for me, inside my user thread. But having a user thread is better in my particular case.
As it is now, it seems to only check for Esc (luckily for me, it is what I want). But I would also like to know how to override the main TestBreak() method. -
On 03/05/2016 at 01:27, xxxxxxxx wrote:
The BaseThread comes from the "Cinema 4D Core". It's implementation of TestBreak() does something like
checking if the ESC key is pressed and returns True or False accordingly. Very likely, the event is saved somewhere
in a queue or synchronized data structure from the main thread (since the thread itself can't check if the
key is pressed, as we already figured).You're bound to the Cinema 4D way of cancelling such actions (ie. the ESC key) as you can not tell the
BaseThread to check a different key in TestBreak() (that is hard coded somewhere in the C4D source
where TagData.Execute() is called, since the BaseThread is passed to that function and can not be changed).It's the same mechanic to when you use the RenderDocument() function and pass it your own C4DThread,
only that the context is reversed. Here, you call TestBreak() to check if the processing should stop, but
the implementation of TestBreak() is not accessible to you. In RenderDocument(), it will call TestBreak()
to check if the rendering should be aborted, and you can specify at what event exactly the rendering
should stop by implemented C4DThread.TestDBreak().