Alternative to InitGLImage
On 25/01/2016 at 07:16, xxxxxxxx wrote:
User Information:
Cinema 4D Version: R17
Platform: Windows ;
Language(s) : C++ ;---------
Hello.I have a MaterialData plugin and inside the InitGLImage method i fill the BaseBitmap parameter to show the material to the viewport. I use my own method that picks the colors and textures and produces the bitmap. There is a problem though.
Sometimes, when the bitmap takes more than 30-40 ms to be produced from the MaterialData parameters, the InitGLImage for that material is executed repeatedly. There is not any EventAdd(EVENT_FORCEREDRAW) in the part of code that produces the bitmap, so something else causes this.
In a scene with 20-30 materials with textures, colors, etc. InitGLImage is executed continuously for as long as Cinema 4D is open.How can i prevent this behavior? Is there any alternative to InitGLImage ?
Thank you for your time.
On 26/01/2016 at 03:33, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I already feel a bit bad about asking you always the same...
Can you please provide us with some code, showing what you are doing in InitGLImage? -
On 27/01/2016 at 02:39, xxxxxxxx wrote:
First of all thank you for your patience.
Here is the InitGLImage code of the material data plugin.
void wait(LReal wait_time){ LReal start = GeGetMilliSeconds(); LReal end = start; while (end - start < wait_time) { end = GeGetMilliSeconds(); } } Bool SomeMaterial::InitGLImage( BaseMaterial* mat, BaseDocument* doc, BaseThread* pThread, BaseBitmap* bmp, LONG doccolorspace, Bool linearworkflow ){ GePrint("InitGLImage"); LONG width = bmp->GetBw(); LONG height = bmp->GetBh(); bmp->Init(width, height); //(1) BaseContainer doc_data = GetActiveDocument()->GetData(DOCUMENTSETTINGS_GENERAL); BaseDocument* dummy_document = BaseDocument::Alloc(); dummy_document->SetData(DOCUMENTSETTINGS_GENERAL, doc_data);//(2) wait(20); //(3) //fill bitmap char* data = new char[3*width*height]; for (int i=0; i<width*height; ++i) { data[i] = 255; } for (unsigned i=0; i<height; i++) bmp->SetPixelCnt(0,i,width,(UCHAR * )(data+i*width),3,COLORMODE_RGB,PIXELCNT_0); delete data; return TRUE; }
The strange part is that if you remove any of the (1) , (2) or (3), InitGLImage stops repeating itself.
Another thing is that, if i open the file with "File > Merge..." instead of "File > Open...", the issue also stops appearing.What causes that problem ?
I hope that helps.
Thank you for your time.
On 28/01/2016 at 00:21, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm sorry, I had no time to test your code, yet.
But I noticed a few things in your code:
Although explicitly documented, you do not set the returned bitmap dirty.
And then I don't think, it is a good idea to block in this function. You get passed a BaseThread pointer, so you can do a TestBreak() within longer lasting operations. And you definitely should do so.Just some thoughts, perhaps you can try this on your end first.
On 28/01/2016 at 01:19, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I have tested the setDirty but the issue still appears.
Also, the only reason i have used wait(20); is to indicate that there is code there that calculate the image based on the material data. This code doesn't affect the issue though because if i comment it out and replace it with wait(20), the issue still occurs.There is probably something inside the specific scene i use that makes InitGLImage to be executed continuously. If i start a new C4D project and i merge the problematic scene, the issue is not reproduced.
Thank you.
On 28/01/2016 at 04:54, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Of course I don't know your project and to what extend this may or may not be influenced by scene data. But still, you seem to have a pretty long running function there (I already understood your waits are only exemplary). It is in any way recommended to do TestBreak() in there then. And maybe it's well worth a test to see, if it changes something for the old scene (the one before merge).