Can Python reference managers? [CLOSED]
On 27/07/2015 at 10:09, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello again friends,
I feel like I should have seen this in the gui or maybe documents module somewhere so I'm sorry if this is obvious, but can I reference the managers (attribute manager, object manager, etc) with python? I'm trying to toggle the lock/unlock of the attribute manager, but--while I have found a post regarding custom GeDialogs--I wanted to ask and confirm whether this is possible or not for the standard windows.
Thanks so much!
On 28/07/2015 at 03:09, xxxxxxxx wrote:
unfortunately there's no way to achieve what you want.
The lock/unlock of the Attribute Manager is handled internally and even the C++ API can't control this.
In C++ there's the Active Object Manager library. With this you can for example switch the mode of the Attribute Manager. But even there's no way to change the mode of a specific AM, but instead all unlocked AMs will change the mode.
Something similar can be achieved with ActiveObjectManager_SetObject() in Python. -
On 28/07/2015 at 14:04, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks a lot, Andreas! I was afraid of that, but I appreciate the info and confirmation, and I really appreciate the C++ confirmation, too.