storing data in memory
On 23/06/2015 at 22:08, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm new to Cinema 4D Python SDK "but familiar with the C++ SDK".
I have a Python Generator , I'm reading data from files, I need to read data only once "storing it in memory", then use this data in the document "in animation".I know that this question is kinda noob, but bare with me.
what confuses me:
* the generator will get executed at any frame, so how to make sure that the data is cached in memory so I can safely read it? i.e if it will run every frame, data will get erased after execution right?so the behavior is something like this:
at first run, read files and cache data into memory, at other runs I will handle these data, I ask this question because in C++ this needs a class with Init and possibly some command buttons "too easy to do in C++".offtopic:
in C++ plugin, there is a dll ".cdl64 for example" , and res folder, what is the equivalent in Python plugin? -
On 25/06/2015 at 10:18, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Global variables seems to carry over from frame to frame. Then you just need some kind of test or flag to decide when to execute the read.
import c4d #Welcome to the world of Python inputData = -1 def main() : global inputData fps = doc.GetFps() time = doc.GetTime() frame = time.GetFrame(fps) if frame == 0: print "read" inputData = 2 print inputData
An other option is to use an interaction tag and set its language to python. Check out the different events in the example code you get when you set the language. You could use the "message" function to check for document load and execute your read.
Python plugins are named .pyp
Bonsak -
On 25/06/2015 at 10:37, xxxxxxxx wrote:
You shouldn't use global variables in a Python Plugin. A second
instance of your Python Tag Plugin would use the same global
variable, interfering with the first tag. Global variables in a Python
Scripting Tag, on the other side, are for visible to that tag only.In a Python Plugin, use attributes instead.
def __init__(self) : super(MyTag, c4d.plugins.TagData).__init__() self.counter = 0 def Execute(self, tag, doc, op, bt, priority, flags) : print self.counter self.counter += 1 return c4d.EXECUTIONRESULT_OK
On 25/06/2015 at 10:57, xxxxxxxx wrote:
thanks NirkalsR and bosnak.
@NiklasR , your approach is what I will do "pretty much similar to C++ class members" , but what I'm missing here is: how does Cinema4D see a Python plugin? "for C++, it requires .cdl64 and res, what does it require for Python?" -
On 25/06/2015 at 11:19, xxxxxxxx wrote:
@Niklas. Didn't know that. Always thought that global in one tag was contained to that tags scope.
@Mohammed Check out the file and directory structure of some of the examples:
On 25/06/2015 at 11:32, xxxxxxxx wrote:
@bonask: That is true for a Python Scripting Tag (the one built-in into Cinema where you can edit
the code live from Cinema 4D) but not for Python Tag Plugins
@MohamedSakr: A .pyp file which contains the Python source code, or .pypv for a protected Python plugin -
On 29/06/2015 at 03:04, xxxxxxxx wrote:
you find information on the plugin structure and PYP files in the documentation:
- Plugin Structure
best wishes,
- Plugin Structure
On 29/06/2015 at 16:55, xxxxxxxx wrote:
thanks a lot Niklas and Sebastian