PolyFX Effector - how
On 26/04/2013 at 02:58, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I've go this running as a vertex effector (seems to work ok with cloner)
Someone asked me how to make it work with PolyFX as an effector
it doesnt work - the effector creates what looks like a tiled image of the vertex mapCan't seem to find any info on Polyfx
Can anyone help - pointers, adviceoh - and if you spot the obvious in the code below - pls feel free to amend
import c4d from c4d.modules import mograph as mo from c4d import utils def main() : md = mo.GeGetMoData(op) if md==None: return False cnt = md.GetCount() marr = md.GetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX) start = marr fall = md.GetFalloffs() tag = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,1] if tag == None: return False posn = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,2] scl = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,4] rot = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,3] tagh = tag.GetAllHighlevelData() #get the vertex map as a list of reals matched to each vertex index = md.GetCurrentIndex() for i in reversed(xrange(0, cnt)) : # scale marr[i].v1 = marr[i].v1 * scl.x * tagh[i] marr[i].v2 = marr[i].v2 * scl.y * tagh[i] marr[i].v3 = marr[i].v3 * scl.z * tagh[i] # position marr[i].off += marr[i].MulV(posn) *tagh[i] # rotation marr[i] = marr[i] *utils.HPBToMatrix(rot) md.SetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX, marr, True) return True
On 02/05/2013 at 02:22, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Appreciate PolyFX is a different beast to a cloner - but no idea how to access the polys that are controlled by this effector
Tried searching teh SDK for PolyFX - nothing? -
On 04/05/2013 at 02:39, xxxxxxxx wrote:
last shout - help
On 04/05/2013 at 03:26, xxxxxxxx wrote:
totally overlook this thread somehow. it is very difficult to answer, as you did not really describe
your problem. you should attach some pictures. generally speaking there are no differences in
the MoDataData arrays returned by a PolyFx object compared to other cloners. It simply does
index the object polygons from 0 to n (in full mode).the only thing which seems a bit awkward in your code is that you use the same index to
reference both your vertexmap and your matrix list. vertexmaps are vertex indexed, while
the PolyFX object is polygon indexed, not sure if this connection is intended. -
On 07/05/2013 at 04:21, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks LD
That has helped get a better picture (I think)
This particular effector needs its Cloner to use OBJECT - VERTEX to place clones and do its business
If I use the cloner in OBJECT - POLYGON CENTRE mode to place clones using the vertex map I get an odd repeat/tile of the vertex map, that is exactly the same as if using PolyFx and the Vertex effector and creates the problem
I need to find a way to test for either the USE POLYGON CENTRE mode or VERTEX mode* is running in the cloner - - or if the Effector is being used by PolyFX*.
Then (AFAIKS) average out the 4 vertex values if appropriate for the cloner mode, to one value.
I think I see what you mean about the two indexes - they will be different depending on the Cloner settings or usage*
Still need to get my head around how to do this.Any suggestions welcome.
On 07/05/2013 at 05:20, xxxxxxxx wrote:
i have again problems to understand what you are after. as you are a native speaker I
suppose the problem is on my side. so i might be answering out of context.lets assume you have polygon object made of two polygons :
poly0 (p0,p1,p2,p3)
poly1 (p2,p3,p4,p5)using the same index as you did will result in :
poly0value = point0
poly1value = point1which is obviously wrong. you have to translate your matrix index (which is just the
polygon index) into the the correct sum of point indices for the polygon object on
which the vertex map is based on. so in pseudo code it would be something like that:for i in xrange(matrixlist) : cpoly = vmappolygonobject.GetPolygon(i) weight = vmapdata[cpoly.a] + vmapdata[cpoly.b] + vmapdata[cpoly.c] if cpoly.c != cpoly.d: weight = (weight + vmapdata[cpoly.d]) / 4 else: weight = weight / 3 matrixlist = matrixlist * doSomethingWithYourWeight
_ _
your scaling code seems to be wrong to me too, now that i red your code againv0 (vx, 0, 0)
v1 ( 0,vy, 0)
v1 ( 0, 0,vz)vx,vy,vz define the scale of your object, the other components define the rotation.
multiplying the vectors of a matrix with a float will mess up the matrix unless the
rotation is zero.edit : fixed typos
On 07/05/2013 at 05:53, xxxxxxxx wrote:
You have understood the problem (sorry for any confusion, I wish the PluginCafe allowed attachments)
and fixing my coding (still not sure how to correct the scaling) - off to look up
I only come back to Python once in a while, and it always feel like I'm starting from scratch
thank you very much - your help is appreciated