restructure a projekt
On 21/02/2013 at 06:31, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi all,
I try to reduce data in a C4D File by combining Polygon-objects with the same material following in the structure dirctly after another.
I have some code that Works well but now I have a Problem.
Is there anybody who could help me? (for cash)In my code:
Running thrue the structure works!
Finding materials works.
But when I find two objekts with equal material the plugin stops.
It seams to lose the actual objekt ?!?Here is my code:
def walk(obj) : if not obj: return elif obj.GetDown() : return obj.GetDown() while obj.GetUp() and not obj.GetNext() : obj = obj.GetUp() print 'klick' return obj.GetNext() def walk_thrue_projekt(doc) : print 'walk_thrue_projekt START' obj = doc.GetFirstObject() zaehler = 0 c4d.CallCommand(13324) # Alles deselektieren material1 = 'Leer' print material1 gui.MessageDialog('Stop1') while obj: zaehler = zaehler + 1 print zaehler print c4d.BaseObject.GetName(obj) # Objektname lesen und ausgeben obj.SetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE) textureTag = obj.GetTag(c4d.Ttexture) # Lesen TextureTag des aktuellen Objektes if not textureTag: # wenn Material nicht vorhanden dann print 'Kein Material-Tag gefunden' # nix tun obj.DelBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE) # Wenn kein Material vorhanden dann deaktivieren else: # wenn Material vorhanden dann material2 = textureTag.GetMaterial() # Materialnamen auslesen print material2 # Materialnamen ausgeben print material1 # Materialnamen ausgeben obj.SetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE) # Objekt aktivieren gui.MessageDialog('Stop2') if material1 == material2: # Wenn material1 = maderial 2 dann: gui.MessageDialog('zwei gleiche gefunden') c4d.CallCommand(16768) # Objekte verbinden + Löschen #return else: # Wenn material1 != maderial 2 dann: # c4d.CallCommand(13324) # Alles deselektieren gui.MessageDialog('zwei ungleiche hintereinander gefunden') obj.DelBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE) # aktuelles Objekt aktivieren material1 = material2 obj = walk(obj)
To test the Plugin here is a testfile: Testscene klein.c4dThanks a lot